Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Cancer expert Dr. Bernie Siegel speaks out on the NaturalNews Talk Hour

By Mike Adams, July 29 2010
(NaturalNews) The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents "American Heroes - Cancer Experts Speak Out" - a 5-week series of shows that expose the untold truth about cancer, the cancer industry, and highly-successful (natural) cancer treatment options. Our first show highlights "The Art of Living and Healing" with our special guest, Dr. Bernie Siegel, world-famous cancer surgeon and best selling author of Love, Medicine and Miracles; Peace, Love & Healing; and How to Live Between Office Visits. Jonathan...

Two natural health radio shows join NaturalNews, expanding audience reach

By Mike Adams, July 29 2010
(NaturalNews) Two radio shows have partnered with NaturalNews today, offering expanded reach opportunities for sponsors interested in reaching a natural health audience. The two radio shows are Real Health with Dr. Steve, and the Robert Scott Bell Show. Audio segments from both shows will appear regularly on NaturalNews.TV and will be featured on In addition, NaturalNews editor Mike Adams will continue to be a regular guest on both programs. You can learn more about Real Health...

Pharmaceutical drug contamination of waterways threatens life on our planet

By Mike Adams, July 29 2010
(NaturalNews) The President's Cancer Panel (PCP) recently released its yearly report to the President outlining the status of cancer in America. This year's report focuses primarily on environmental factors that contribute to cancer risk. According to the report, pharmaceutical drugs are a serious environmental pollutant, particularly in the way they continue to contaminate waterways across the country (and the world). Many reports have recently appeared about pharmaceutical contamination of water...

MSM body care products soothe joints, nourish skin

By Mike Adams, July 28 2010
(NaturalNews) Every time I walk through a regular store like Wal-Mart, Target or CVS, I'm struck by the extreme toxicity of the personal body care products carried by these retailers. It's especially true in the "pharmacy" sections of these stores where it's virtually impossible to find a product that doesn't contain at least one toxic synthetic chemical. And that's a shame because there are many very effective ingredients in body care products -- such as MSM or capsaicin -- that would be great...

Accused murderer receives liver organ transplant while others wait to die

By Mike Adams, July 27 2010
(NaturalNews) Johnny Concepcion is 42 years old. After divorcing his wife, she was found stabbed to death in their home, suffering at least 15 stab wounds. Concepcion reportedly confessed to his friends that he killed his wife, and he soon found himself the subject of a city-wide manhunt in New York City. On the run from authorities, Concepcion decided to kill himself by drinking a container of rat poison. But that's not where this story gets weird. The weird part is that after the rat poison...

NaturalNews.TV now promoting user videos across article network

By Mike Adams, July 27 2010
(NaturalNews) There's great news for everyone who records and posts videos in the realm of natural health, environment, healthy living, fitness and more: Starting today, we are now promoting user videos posted at NaturalNews.TV across the website. You may, in fact, see a video play box on this page (center column, scroll down slightly) that's already working. This video play box could be hosting your video! Here's how you can take advantage of this remarkable new feature: NaturalNews...

One third of cancer deaths in people and dogs are preventable through diet changes

By Sherry Baker, July 27 2010
(NewsTarget) Here's good news for both you and your best friend: one out of three cancer deaths in humans as well as dogs can be prevented by simple, natural diet changes. That's the conclusion of research just presented by Demian Dressler, DVM, at the 2010 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo in Chicago, Illinois. So how could so many fatal cancers be stopped? Dr. Dressler, known as the "dog cancer vet" because of his work in unraveling the intricacies of canine cancer...

Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states as Big Government claims ownership over our water

By Mike Adams, July 26 2010
(NaturalNews) Many of the freedoms we enjoy here in the U.S. are quickly eroding as the nation transforms from the land of the free into the land of the enslaved, but what I'm about to share with you takes the assault on our freedoms to a whole new level. You may not be aware of this, but many Western states, including Utah, Washington and Colorado, have long outlawed individuals from collecting rainwater on their own properties because, according to officials, that rain belongs to someone else. As...

British Petroleum releases new fish oil supplement (satire)

By Mike Adams, July 23 2010
(NaturalNews) A new parody puppet video from NaturalNews.TV shows British Petroleum pitching a new fish oil product with the added benefit of "12,000 percent more crude oil!" The video is available on the new video sharing website NaturalNews.TV at the following URL: The parody video was scripted and puppeteered by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, editor of, who decided to create the video "to emphasize the hilarity...

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