Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Ecuador emerges as world's most affordable retirement haven

By Mike Adams, August 26 2010
(NaturalNews) According to a story recently published in U.S. News and World Report, Ecuador is emerging as the world's most affordable "retirement haven." For as little as $850 a month (see below), you can live in Ecuador and cover rent, food, utilities, transportation, health insurance and entertainment needs. The three most popular cities in Ecuador for retirement are now Quito (the capitol), Cuenca (a high-elevation city in the Andes), and Vilcabamba (in the spring-like "Valley of Longevity...

Mesquite flour is a high-protein, low-glycemic superfood from desert trees

By Mike Adams, August 25 2010
(NaturalNews) When I lived in the Sonoran desert in Arizona, I used to take long daily walks for exercise and adventure. I would go far off the beaten path and hike through dry washes, weaving my way through all the astonishing desert plants, many of which are highly medicinal, by the way. I also happened upon many creatures in the desert, including falcons, which have an amazing audible scream that just sends shivers down your spine when you hear it live and in person. But the most interesting...

GlaxoSmithKline pushing dangerous Avandia drug on thousands in new global clinical trial (opinion)

By Mike Adams, August 24 2010
(NaturalNews) Back in February, I wrote an article about how a Senate Finance Committee report revealed that GlaxoSmithKline, the maker of the diabetes drug Avandia, knew that its drug was dangerous and caused heart attacks; yet GSK went out of its way to hide this important information from the public and kept on selling Avandia. Now, GSK has now decided to launch a global clinical trial of this dangerous drug that could potentially harm thousands of people. Both FDA and GSK scientists have found...

FDA exploits salmonella eggs recall to pursue food sterilization agenda

By Mike Adams, August 23 2010
(NaturalNews) It's always amusing to see how quickly consumers can be worked up into a false fear frenzy by health authorities. We saw it last year with the overhyped H1N1 swine flu scare which was fanned into a flaming fear fest by WHO advisors on the take from vaccine manufacturers. Now we're getting a new round of fear-mongering from many of the same sources who are warning us about salmonella contaminated eggs. According to mainstream news sources, a massive 380-million-egg recall has been...

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