Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Grow the ultimate survival garden by investing in these healing herbs that function as natural medicine

By Jennifer Lea Reynolds, April 22 2016
(NaturalNews) With everything from the dwindling honeybee population to the continued use of chemicals throughout our food supply, it's obvious that a SHTF scenario is looming when it comes to our access to healthy foods. Thanks to GMOs, toxic water, pesticides, herbicides and other food and environment-destroying problems, the planet is in need of a Food Revolution so people can have access to the healthy foods they deserve. After all, food is indeed medicine; it's been shown to help with a range...

No evidence Prince died from a flu shot... rumors are pure speculation that distract from the real vaccine holocaust harming children everywhere

By Mike Adams, April 22 2016
(NaturalNews) Suspicion has been spreading across the 'net that Prince, who died today, was killed by a flu shot. Specifically, the website is currently asking the question and pointing out that Prince suffered from epilepsy, a condition that can make flu shots more fatal. We Are Change has also picked up the story and is carrying it now. As one of the most outspoken critics of vaccines, I'd like to politely chime in on this rumor and say that to my knowledge, there is no evidence...

Prince is dead, the Queen is 90, and men can now pee all over the women's restroom toilet seats at Target (satire)

By Mike Adams, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) It's true. Prince is dead. The era of Purple Rain has come to a sad end with the popular music star dying at the young age of just 57. He had recently cancelled two shows due to health problems, reports TMZ, raising questions of what actually caused his death. For those of us who grew up in the 1980s, Prince's music was a mainstay of pop culture. He was obviously an extremely talented, pioneering musician with a unique view of the world, but I lament the fact that he didn't live...

Science troll and cancer surgeon David Gorski (ORAC) named in conspiracy allegations filed with the FBI; Health Ranger to deliver 'bombshell' findings in sworn testimony

By Mike Adams, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) Yesterday, I filed a detailed series of medical conspiracy allegations against Dr. David Gorski and the Karmanos Cancer Center, where criminal cancer fraudster Dr. Farid Fata committed large-scale criminal fraud and was ultimately sentenced to 45 years in prison by the federal government. You can read the allegations against David Gorski at this link. Now I have also filed the same complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, including additional notes affirming the willingness...

Flint, Michigan water quality scientists charged with felony conspiracies... altered lead contamination data... committed scientific fraud that harmed the public

By Mike Adams, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) In what appears to be a first for America, scientists and water quality managers who worked for the government have been charged with felony crimes for conspiring to poison the people of Flint, Michigan with lead in the water supply. According to the Detroit Free Press: Multiple charges were filed by Michigan's attorney general against Mike Glasgow, 40, of Flint, the city's laboratory and water quality supervisor; Mike Prysby, 53, of Bath, a Michigan Department of Environmental...

U.S. Dept. of Justice publishes horrifying statements from victims of the criminal cancer industry ... Constant, unbearable pain while oncologist made millions

By Julie Wilson staff writer, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) For years, Dr. Farid Fata of Detroit, Michigan, gave patients harmful and painful cancer treatments they did not need, all so he could bill insurance companies for the services, and in turn, put more money in his pocket. No one knows for sure how many people he tortured and killed in this way, but Fata was ultimately sentenced to 45 years in federal prison for violating the trust of more than 550 patients, and stealing $17 million from the government via fraudulent billings, according...

Chemotherapy kills far more Americans than all acts of war, suicide and terrorism combined

By J. D. Heyes, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) There is a little-known fact about one of the top treatments for cancer, and it is this: It is so deadly that not even warfare has managed to top its body count. Since 2000, according to the tracking site Pharma Death Clock, more than 16.3 million people have died from chemotherapy – more than wars, terrorism and suicide, combined. "While drug companies profit billions, people are dying by the millions," the site notes. In addition to chemotherapy, there are scores of...

Natural chemical found in blue-green algae found to destroy cancer cells ... Potent anti-cancer medicine fights brain and breast tumors that chemo can't treat

By Isabelle Z., April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) Scientists from Oregon State University have discovered that a compound found in algae can fight two of the most aggressive types of cancer out there: triple negative breast cancer and brain tumors. The findings were presented at the Experimental Biology 2016 meeting last month in San Diego. The discovery was made by Oregon State's Dr. Kerry McPhail, who actually found the compound while scuba diving in the Coiba National Park in Panama eight years ago. She collected the blue-green...

Dr. David Gorski accused of deliberately promoting cancer-causing medical interventions because he financially benefits from cancer patients

By J. D. Heyes, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) In recent days, Natural News has kept tabs on the growing campaign of censorship and intimidation aimed at the explosive new documentary, VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, which details the decades of scientific fraud covering up the link between vaccines and the injuries that they routinely cause. We were also able to report exclusively that the Wikipedia entry for VAXXED was written by none other than pro-vaccine shill Dr. David Gorski, notorious for his relentless and callous...

The doctors were WRONG! Drinking full-fat milk is the healthiest milk choice... REAL food is actually good for you

By David Gutierrez, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) Overturning decades of dietary advice from the medical establishment, new studies are increasingly showing that whole-milk and full-fat dairy products are much better for your health than their low-fat and skim counterparts. Just this month, studies have come out linking higher consumption of full-fat dairy to lower rates of obesity and to lower rates of diabetes. These findings run contrary to those predicated by conventional dietary wisdom, which says that eating foods higher in...

Detoxify the body and eliminate chronic fatigue naturally

By Jonathan Landsman, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) If you suffer with chronic fatigue syndrome, then you need to seriously consider a plan to detoxify the body safely and naturally. Conventionally speaking, doctors usually offer no hope for those suffering with low energy. But, according to Dr. Carri Drzyzga, low energy can't be solved by masking symptoms with drugs or artificial stimulants. Victims of chronic fatigue need a plan. (keep reading for some help) The first step toward healing is recognizing the problem. On the next...

NASA spewed many tons of heavy metals into Florida wildlife areas

By Jonathan Benson, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) America's space program has long stood as a national icon of pride and technological progress. But NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida, where 135 space shuttles have been launched since 1981, has also been a major environmental polluter, dumping untold tons of heavy metals into nearby swamps and wetlands inhabited by alligators and other endangered species. A new report explains that each space shuttle launch at the center has resulted in the spewing of thousands of pounds...

Devastating truth shows IVF treatments linked to breast cancer

By J. D. Heyes, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) New evidence appears to substantiate previous studies that those undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) likely have a higher chance of developing some cancers. According to research published in the journal Breast Cancer Research, a study involving 43,313 women found that those who underwent controlled ovarian stimulation, which is a key component of IVF treatments, are more likely to develop dense breast tissue. Dense tissue is known to be one of the strongest risk factors associated...

FBI warns: America's power grid is highly vulnerable to attack ... Are you prepared to live without electricity?

By J. D. Heyes, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) In recent days, the FBI, along with the Department of Homeland Security, made a startling admission. The U.S. power grid is extremely vulnerable to cyber-attack. Why is that so earth-shattering? Because, as reported by Cyber War April 12, both of those agencies said just three months ago that cyber-threats to our power grid were no big deal. Apparently, they are. This month, the FBI and DHS launched a nationwide program in which officials of both agencies are holding conferences...

Protect your palate: Artificial flavoring can make your taste buds detest the taste of healthy food

By David Gutierrez, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) Eating a diet high in chemically flavored foods can degrade your body's ability to recognize what real, healthy food is supposed to taste like, says Mark Schatzker, author of the book The Dorito Effect. According to Schatzker, the modern diet of packaged foods has deceived the body into thinking that junk food is more nutritious than real food. "Synthetic flavors in foods have heightened their desirability at the very same time that whole foods are losing flavor," Schatzker said...

Can the wild tiger be saved? World's population finally sees first spike in 100 years

By Sarah Landers, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) Great news for the wild tiger – after almost 100 years of constant decline, global populations of this magnificent creature are thought to be on the rise, as reported by Newsweek. According to the most recent data by the World Wildlife Fund, there are approximately 3,890 tigers in the wild today – compared with an estimated 3,200 in 2010. Populations of wild tigers are estimated using national surveys which have recently been improved – this improvement in methods...

Could plastic give you type 1 diabetes? Doctor claims toxic BPA exposure gave him and his coworkers the disease

By David Gutierrez, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) Bisphenol-A (BPA) – the hormone-disrupting chemical most notorious for its presence in plastic water bottles and food cans – may also cause autoimmune diseases such as Type 1 diabetes, warns Nathan Ravi, a physician and former chemical engineer. Studies have found BPA in the bodies of 90 percent of people tested. The chemical is known to mimic the effects of estrogen, at least one male sex hormone, and thyroid hormones, thereby disrupting nearly every bodily system. It...

The World Health Organization is finally raising concerns about antidepressants prescribed to children

By J. D. Heyes, April 21 2016
(NaturalNews) There is such a dramatic increase in the prescribing of antidepressants for children in the West, that the World Health Organization (WHO) is taking a closer look – and is becoming concerned. As reported by the BBC, the increases are sizable: 60 percent in Denmark; 49 percent in Germany; 26 percent in the United States; and 17 percent in the Netherlands, between 2005 and 2012, a new study shows. After a warning was issued about the drugs in 2004, based on concerns that some...

Dr. David Gorski named in medical conspiracy allegations complaint filed with Karmanos Cancer Center and Michigan Attorney General

By Mike Adams, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) To: Karmanos Cancer Center 4100 John R Detroit, MI 48201 [email protected] CC: Michigan Board of Medicine, Bureau of Professional Licensing PO Box 30670 Lansing, MI 48909-8170 and the Michigan Enforcement Division 517-373-4972 CC: Michigan State Attorney General Bill Schuette Cadillac Place, 10th Floor 3030 W. Grand Blvd., Suite 10-200 Detroit, MI 48202 Federal Bureau of Investigation, Detroit office Special Agent in Charge David P. Gelios 477 Michigan Ave., 26th...

Health Ranger's analytical laboratory just awarded Certificate of Excellence in water study involving 323 laboratories

By Mike Adams, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) The Health Ranger's laboratory, now known as the Consumer Wellness Center Labs ( has just been awarded a "Certificate of Excellence" by ERA, a Waters Company proficiency testing firm that tests laboratory analytical accuracy. The test name is "WS-236" with a close date of 4/15/2016. It tests the ability of laboratories to detect trace levels of heavy metals in water, using EPA methodology 200.8 (the method used by the EPA to test for lead in municipal water supplies,...

Patient complaints about Dr. David Gorski are just the beginning... why Karmanos Cancer Institute patients must save their own lives from mentally deranged doctors

By Mike Adams, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) If you ask people to comment on cancer surgeon Dr. David Gorski ("ORAC"), a lot of words and phrases get repeated with striking frequency. "Sociopath" "Hate monger" "Pathological liar" and even "A danger to society." It's little surprise that Dr. Gorski's own patients also warn about his hateful demeanor and bizarre neglect of patient care. In a patient review titled "Egomaniac," one patient says Dr. David Gorski is a "Garbage doctor with his nose up in the air and a head too big...

Detroit's corrupt healthcare system exposed: Crittenton oncology nurse goes berserk when probed about cancer fraudster Dr. Farid Fata

By Julie Wilson staff writer, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) Michigan's Detroit-area healthcare system is entangled in a web of corruption, industry collusion, medical malpractice and under-the-table ownership exchanges that allow it to be absolved from accountability. Home to cancer fraudster Dr. Farid Fata, who was sentenced to 45 years in prison for an extensive list of unspeakable crimes, Michigan currently has three major hospitals under investigation for cases of medical malpractice resulting in death or other significant injuries. These...

France bans glyphosate products with harmful co-formulants after yanking Roundup from garden centers

By Isabelle Z., April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) France is instituting a ban on glyphosate products that are mixed with certain additives, because of the risk they pose to human health. This news comes just two months after the French ecology minister, Segolene Royal, called for such a ban to be put in place. The French Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety Agency informed manufacturers that herbicides that combine glyphosate and tallow amine will soon be banned. The body's deputy director general, Francoise Weber...

Parent's worst nightmare: Wave of babies born in Japan with extra arms and legs due to Fukushima radiation... Stillbirth numbers on the rise

By Daniel Barker, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) Five years after the Fukushima nuclear accident, local residents are reporting a marked increase in serious birth defects, but due to an ongoing coverup by Japanese authorities, and a severe lack of scientific studies being performed, very little information on the subject is reaching the public. A February, 2016 broadcast on LaborNet TV featured interviews with evacuees from the affected areas near the Daiichi nuclear plant, who provided firsthand accounts of babies being born with...

Same national media that freaked out over lead poisoning in Flint, remains totally silent on nationwide mercury poisoning through vaccines

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) Double standards are prevalent in American society, and are constantly being projected through the mainstream media. Recognizing these double standards is easy when you follow the money and understand the industries that influence and control the media. In Flint, Michigan, lead levels in the municipal water supply were dangerously high. Nothing was done about this serious public health crisis for over a year. Lead poisons the brain and is toxic to the entire body, leading to bone...

Flu vaccines causing massive spike in deaths of elderly across the UK, warn health officials

By J. D. Heyes, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) File this under the "say it isn't so" category – a vaccine that isn't good for your health. As reported by the UK's Daily Mail Online, a growing number of cases of dementia and an ineffective flu vaccine are being blamed for the biggest rise in annual deaths in England and Wales in five decades, an investigation revealed. In 2015, the website noted, there were 28,000 more deaths than the previous year, or an increase of 5.6 percent. The most recent inquiry into the rising...

Why chocolate helps you sleep better: Cacao nutrient found to regulate your biological clock for a full night's sleep

By Sarah Landers, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) It's unlikely that you need another excuse to eat more chocolate, but a recent report by the Daily Mail states that among the many other benefits of eating dark chocolate, it can also help you to get a good night's sleep. Dark chocolate is richer in nutrients than milk or white chocolate, and is particularly high in magnesium – which researchers at Edinburgh and Cambridge Universities believe is essential for keeping your body clock running on time. Magnesium is thought to...

FTC attacks Dr. Mercola over tanning beds, but won't go after pharma giants for monopolistic pricing, fraudulent science and blatantly dishonest advertising

By Daniel Barker, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) In the latest government-waged attack on alternative health practitioners, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has ordered Dr. Joseph Mercola to pay up to $5.3 million over a "false advertising" settlement involving the sale of tanning beds designed not to cause skin cancer. The world-famous alternative medicine advocate has agreed to reimburse customers and cease marketing the "tanning beds," which are not actually designed for tanning purposes, but rather for exposure to beneficial...

Retail demand for organics is exploding so rapidly that Costco is actually lending money to farmers to grow more organic food

By Isabelle Z., April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) In news that will be embraced by health-conscious consumers and organic farmers alike, Costco is finding the demand for organic food to be so staggering, that it is lending money to farmers so they can grow enough organic food to keep up. The Seattle Times reports that Costco came up with this brilliant solution in response to the growing demand by its customers for organic produce. In fact, organic food is one of the quickest growing types of food in terms of sales numbers, a strong...

Healthy, anti-inflammatory gut bacteria is actually key to averting the start of cancer

By Daniel Barker, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) A number of studies have indicated that the "good" bacteria living in our intestines play an important role in managing obesity and preventing disease, and new research has found that gut bacteria also helps in preventing cancer. The latest study, conducted by researchers at the University of California, showed that the anti-inflammatory properties associated with certain types of gut bacteria actually slow down or stop the development of certain types of cancer. These findings...

Oliflix imported olive oil from Spain now available through

By S. Johnson, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) Arguably the world's healthiest whole organic olive oil, Oliflix, is on its way from Spain to the US, and is now available online through The shipment of Oliflix is scheduled for pick up by the end of this month. Olive oil has been used medicinally for more than 5,000 years. It's been shown to help boost the immune system, increase bone density and mitigate the risk for cancer, strokes, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Unfortunately, not all...

Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant insists Roundup is safe, adamantly denies cancer link

By Julie Wilson staff writer, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) Despite mounting evidence that the world's most widely used weedkiller is linked to a host of chronic illnesses, including cancer, Monsanto has no intention of suspending its use. In a March interview with Here & Now's Robin Young and Jeremy Hobson, Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant maintains the safety of Roundup, despite the World Health Organization's declaration that the weedkiller is "probably carcinogenic." "Roundup is not a carcinogen. It's 40 years old, it's been studied; virtually...

You gotta see this: The war on holistic, alternative medicine is in full swing

By Natural News Editor, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) Have you heard the news lately? The field of Holistic Medicine is under attack by Big Pharma, yet again. A list containing 14 deaths from inter-related fields of medicine has surfaced. The beginning of the deaths started roughly around June 19th 2015 and the latest addition to the list was on February 14th 2016. Almost an entire year has passed and key individuals from their respective fields have been murdered, some in Holistic Medicine and some specializing in cancer research....

EXCLUSIVE: Quaker instant oatmeal and Silk non-GMO soy creamer found contaminated with alarming levels of glyphosate weed killer... and they're not even GMO!

By Mike Adams, April 20 2016
(NaturalNews) According to glyphosate laboratory testing conducted at Microbe Inotech Laboratories, Inc., in St. Louis, the Quaker Instant Oatmeal (Strawberries and Cream) sample tested at the lab contains an astonishing 1,327.1 ppb (parts per billion) of glyphosate weed killer. The test results, achieved via the ELISA methodology (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay), are astonishing for two reasons: 1) They are extremely high, far surpassing the levels of glyphosate that have so far been detected...

HuffPo censors VAXXED documentary article and blocks writer account after discredited science troll David Gorski hijacks Wikipedia to trash the film

By Mike Adams, April 19 2016
(NaturalNews) In a stunning example of outright journalism censorship and medical totalitarianism, Arianna Huffington's HuffPo content platform has gone "police state" on veteran contributor Lance Simmons. According to this article from Truth Barrier, Simmons has been an 8-year contributor to the Huffington Post, publishing over 200 articles through the content hub. HuffPo had no problem with all 200 of his previously posted articles, but when he posted an honest, heartfelt review of the VAXXED...

EXCLUSIVE: Hijacked by pro-vaccine troll Dr. David Gorski, Wikipedia publishes deceitful entry on VAXXED documentary

By Julie Wilson staff writer, March 17 2016
(NaturalNews) This story has been updated to include Dr. David Gorski's username on Wikipedia Wikipedia seems like a good place to get fast information that's at least somewhat reliable, right? Wrong. The truth is that Wikipedia is nothing more than a trove of disinformation and propaganda peddled by industry gatekeepers, intent on maintaining their ominous facades while upholding the lucrative empires that largely enslave us all, i.e. the pharmaceutical industry and its costly vaccine market...

Huffington Post goes all-in for pro-vaccine propaganda, BANISHES veteran writer from website for posting honest review of VAXXED documentary

By J. D. Heyes, April 19 2016
(NaturalNews) It should be abundantly clear to anyone who is being honest with themselves that the mainstream media, which is mostly Left-wing, will stop at nothing to ridicule or silence those with whom it disagrees. The legacy media has its own narratives and storylines, it's own political agenda, and anyone who colors outside of those narrow (minded) lines must be silenced at the very least, and outright destroyed if possible. That has been the case with global warming skeptics and climate...

VAXXED is now playing in Los Angeles

By J. D. Heyes, April 19 2016
(NaturalNews) The explosive new documentary exposing the true story of CDC scientist and whistleblower Dr. William Thompson is now playing at select theaters in Los Angeles, the country's second-largest media market (see here and here). In the film, VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe (see the trailer here), Dr. Thompson discusses his role in fabricating scientific data at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention so that he and others could hide established links between vaccines and autism...

FTC attack on Dr. Mercola nothing but an attempt to intimidate natural health proponents... Mainstream press parroting all Big Pharma's talking points

By J. D. Heyes, April 19 2016
(NaturalNews) The federal government has put another notch in its regulatory belt as it forced a renowned physician who dared to push alternatives to traditional medicine to end a portion of his healthcare business and pay millions in fines to customers. And, of course, the mainstream media is parroting all of the government's (and Big Pharma's) talking points right on cue. As reported by the Chicago Tribune, Dr. Joseph Mercola was forced to settle a claim of false advertising with the Federal...

HPV vaccine makers to be sued in Japan for damage and deaths caused by toxic immunizations

By Jennifer Lea Reynolds, April 19 2016
(NaturalNews) In response to vaccine injuries linked to the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix, 12 plaintiffs in Japan plan to file a class action lawsuit against the Japanese government, Merck and GlaxoSmithKine after June 2016. The plaintiffs are seeking answers about why they were not told about the HPV vaccine risks before they received the vaccination. As it currently stands, Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has advised local governments not to actively promote HPV vaccine use...

CLAIM: Restaurants in China lace their food with morphine to make customers chemically addicted... Big Food does the same thing in the USA with MSG

By J. D. Heyes, April 19 2016
(NaturalNews) The next time you hear someone praising the Chinese for their business practices, remember this story and let your China cheerleader know their enthusiasm is, to put it mildly, misplaced. As the United States battles a Big Pharma-induced opioid addition and overdose epidemic, the International Business Times is reporting that as least 35 restaurants in China have been caught adding opiates to their food, so that repeat business will rise dramatically. IBT notes that the restaurants...

Hygiene-free hospitals? New study suggests that medical staff DON'T actually wash their hands in almost 40 percent of all cases

By J. D. Heyes, April 19 2016
(NaturalNews) Most people think of hospitals and clinics as being among of the cleanest places to be, but the reality is much different, especially in the United States. As reported by the Daily Mail Online, a disturbing number of medical staff at outpatient centers are routinely neglecting to follow standard hygiene policies that were adopted as a means of tamping down infections, according to experts. A new study has found that doctors, nurses and other medical staff do not follow guidelines...

Cincinnati warns 16,000 residents their water is likely contaminated with lead... while the EPA remains totally silent

By Amy Goodrich, April 19 2016
(NaturalNews) After the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, Greater Cincinnati Water Works customers are now being warned that a great portion of the city-owned service lines are made of lead which can leak into the city's drinking water. Last week, the Cincinnati City Council's Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee voted to send letters to roughly 16,000 homeowners who could be in danger of lead poisoning. When lead enters the human bloodstream, it can cause health and developmental problems...

Why are purple foods so good for you? Learn the science of why these pigmented choices are good for heart, brain health

By David Gutierrez, April 19 2016
(NaturalNews) You've probably heard that purple foods — from blueberries to purple versions of foods such as potatoes — are particularly good for your health, and you may have wondered what's behind this effect. In fact, it literally is the purple color itself that's good for you — the pigments that give foods their purple color are a family of potent antioxidants known as anthocyanins. Studies have linked anthocyanins to lowered risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurological...

Gardening is more effective exercise than going to the gym: burns more calories... more rewarding and enjoyable

By J. D. Heyes, April 19 2016
(NaturalNews) In addition to enhancing your life skills and boosting your food security, there is another major benefit of gardening, researchers have found: fitness. Long-time gardeners have always know that putting plant and seed in the ground and then maintaining plants and crops as they grow is hard work. But chances are good that they weren't aware of the health benefits of that work. Medical researchers and doctors now say that a half an hour of digging, raking and pushing a lawn mower...

TSA 'saving the day' by confiscating pimento cheese dip, while failing 95 percent of bomb security tests

By J. D. Heyes, April 19 2016
(NaturalNews) The hapless Transportation Security Administration continues to underwhelm and underperform, but sadly – like virtually every other federal agency ever created – it is here to stay, judging by the non-effort in Congress to do away with it, despite its record of incompetence. And what a record it is, by the way. According to a recent ABC News exclusive report, an internal investigation by the TSA's own internal investigators, the agency's rank-and-file airport workers...

Science proves that hiking is one healthy, natural solution to ADHD and anxiety

By Jennifer Lea Reynolds, April 19 2016
(NaturalNews) The next time someone tells you to take a hike, don't be offended – do it! Your mental well-being and overall health will thank you. By know, we all know that exercise is a great way to keep weight in check, but it's also an ideal way to boost mental clarity, fend of depression and reduce anxiety. Why turn to Big Pharma drugs that promise to do the same, when you can take a walk in nature and improve your health, minus the high costs and terrible side effects? In fact, studies...

The CULT of 'Scientism' explained: How scientific claims behind cancer, vaccines, psychiatric drugs and GMOs are nothing more than corporate-funded science FRAUD

By Mike Adams, April 18 2016
(NaturalNews) Sadly, what often passes for "science" today in the world of health is little more than "Scientism" -- a dangerous cult founded on irrational dogma and faith-based beliefs in faulty, fraudulent ideas being paraded as science. A common trait that weaves its way through every topic of "Scientism" is corporate profits. Any time something is being pushed with aggressive demands of "SCIENCE!" that also happens to enrich wealthy corporations, it's probably based on fraud, not real science...

Pro-vaccine shill Dr. David Gorski, linked to cancer fraudster, in cahoots with pharma to develop lucrative autism drug

By Julie Wilson staff writer, April 18 2016
(NaturalNews) Dr. David Gorski is an established pro-vaccine internet troll with ties to the Barbara Anne Karmanos Cancer Institute, notorious for experimental cancer treatments and drugs that have been fast-tracked by the FDA. Karmanos is also where cancer fraudster Dr. Farid Fata had his clinic. Fata used aggressive chemotherapy treatments on cancer-free individuals, over-administered chemotherapy on people with no chance of survival, undertreated cancer patients, overbilled insurance, and defrauded...

Can A Toxic Metal Found in Vaccines Cause Heart Disease?

By Dr. Jack Wolfson, April 18 2016
(NaturalNews) Aluminum is a metal found in many childhood vaccines. The stated role of aluminum as an adjuvant in vaccines is to enhance the immune response to the main ingredient in the vaccine. This would be either a virus or bacterial component. Vaccines which currently contain aluminum are: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP, Tdap), Haemophilusinfluenzae type b (Hib), human papillomavirus (HPV) and pneumococcal. Aluminum Stops Cellular CleaningLysosomes are organelles...

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