Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Fukushima reactor 4 requires urgent intervention; coalition calls for emergency UN action to halt catastrophic release of radiation

By Mike Adams, May 6 2012
(NaturalNews) Kyoto, Japan -- On 30 April, seventy-two Japanese NGO organizations lead by Shut Tomari and Green Action send an urgent request to the UN and Japanese government urging immediate action to stabilize the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel. The letter was endorsed by experts from Japan and abroad. The letter warned that the seriously damaged Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool contains Cesium-137 (Cs-137) that is equivalent to 10 times the amount released at...

Vaccine bombshell: Baby monkeys given standard doses of popular vaccines develop autism symptoms

By Ethan A. Huff, May 6 2012
(NaturalNews) If vaccines play absolutely no role in the development of childhood autism, a claim made by many medical authorities today, then why are some of the most popular vaccines commonly administered to children demonstrably causing autism in animal primates? This is the question many people are now asking after a recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Pittsburgh (UP) in Pennsylvania revealed that many of the infant monkeys given standard doses of childhood vaccines as part...

Drop the moneybomb on Monsanto - join the global fundraiser for victory on GMO labeling

By Ronnie Cummins, May 4 2012
(NaturalNews) Between May 1 and May 26, a broad coalition of food, farm, health, public interest, and environmental groups across the country, joined by leading organic food companies, will attempt to raise one million dollars to support the California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act, a citizens' ballot initiative. The online fundraising campaign - "Drop the Money Bomb on Monsanto - is expected to reach more than 6 million people, through websites and e-newsletters. The campaign's...

The Measles Lie, and the ongoing ad campaign disguised as news

By D Holt, May 6 2012
(NaturalNews) An article in the Daily Mail UK, has reported that there has been the highest rate of measles infection since 1988. It goes on to say that 214 cases have been reported in the Mersey-side area alone. In a blatant advert for the MMR vaccination, Dr Roberto Vivancos from the Health Protection Agency, said "It is obvious from these statistics that people who are not fully vaccinated are not just at risk themselves, but they pose an infection risk to others." He is also quoted as saying...

Powdered coffee 'creamer' isn't food, it's processed chemicals

By Ethan A. Huff, May 6 2012
(NaturalNews) Every day, millions of Americans add powdered coffee "creamer" products to their morning cups of joe because they falsely believe that these substances are somehow healthier than real cream. But little do they know that most coffee creamer products contain no actual cream, or food for that matter, as they are really nothing more than a crafty blend of toxic chemicals. When powdered coffee creamers first came onto the scene back in the 1950s, they actually contained real dehydrated...

Natural remedies for migraine headaches

By Willow Tohi, May 6 2012
(NaturalNews) More than thirty million people in the U.S. suffer from migraine headaches. That means that there is a migraine sufferer in twenty five percent of households, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders. Traditionally, sufferers use prescription drugs - 2.5 times more than the amount non-sufferers use - to help them get through it. However, even with the prescriptions, most experience an inability to function normally while having a migraine. The American Academy of...

Use these natural remedies to fight and overcome superbugs

By Sarka-Jonae Miller, May 6 2012
(NaturalNews) Nearly half of the meat sold in the United States has been found to contain methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MSRA), a strain that causes a staph infection but is resistant to antibiotic drugs. Antibiotic resistance caused by overusing antibiotics in people and animals creates superbugs, germs that cannot be killed with regular antibiotics. To combat antibiotic resistance, doctors try stronger meds. However, essential oils, garlic and vinegar can work as a natural MRSA treatment...

Obesity is bankrupting America, disease costs soar

By J. D. Heyes, May 6 2012
(NaturalNews) Forget the budget battles in Washington, D.C., although those are important. Want to know what one of the biggest issues is - literally - behind the bankrupting of our country? Obesity. No, we're not kidding. In fact, new analyses of data surrounding obesity reveal that it is costing the nation twice as much in medical bills as previously thought - even more than smoking. How bad is the problem? Because of obesity, cars burn a billion gallons more of fuel a year than if we...

Vitamin E from diet shown to protect against many forms of cancer

By John Phillip, May 6 2012
(NaturalNews) Cancer is a leading cause of death in many western cultures, second only to heart disease. A wide array of research bodies exist to provide solid evidence that this killer disease is largely promoted by poor lifestyle habits, especially diet. Medical researchers have long known that there is a definite connection between cancer and the fat soluble vitamin E. Some studies have concluded a positive relationship between the two, while others vilify vitamin E as a cancer progenitor. Researchers...

Iceland forgives mortgage debt to save its economy

By J. D. Heyes, May 6 2012
(NaturalNews) It's probably not a concept that most U.S. banks and lawmakers want to think about, but the fact is, Iceland's economy has grown by leaps and bounds since the government there implemented widespread debt forgiveness for many of its citizens. The initiative came about " target="_blank">following protests by Icelanders in 2008-2009 who were angry at the country's leaders and bankers for its fiscal and economic collapse. At one point, protestors gathered around...

Days Gone By - part 2 (opinion)

By Hesh Goldstein, February 10 2012
(NaturalNews) To all you peeps out there that survived the 30's, 40's 50's 60's and 70's; this is our entry into Ripley's history. First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they were pregnant. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes. Then, after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered with bright colored lead-based paints. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles and...

Chief executive of GAVI wants to 'immunize every kid on earth'

By Ethan A. Huff, May 2 2012
(NaturalNews) The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-backed group Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) is on a mission to forcibly vaccinate every single child on the planet against every single known "preventable disease." And the group's CEO, Seth Berkley, believes he can actually make this happen with enough cash, political force, and distribution systems in place. Cloaked in a veil of humanitarianism, GAVI's vaccination agenda has been spreading across the globe like a virus...

Regular physical activity and active lifestyle lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease

By John Phillip, May 5 2012
(NaturalNews) Scientific studies have previously demonstrated that many lifestyle factors as well as diet can have a major impact on genetic expression that either promotes or inhibits the development of Alzheimer's dementia. Recent studies have demonstrated that insulin signaling and resistance in the brain result in the formation of amyloid protein tangles that are a hallmark of disease progression. A new study by neurological researchers from Rush University Medical Center that will be published...

The People vs. Monsanto: How the lying giant prevailed (opinion)

By Hesh Goldstein, April 27 2012
(NaturalNews) On Wednesday, April 25th, the hearing was held to label GMOs on Oahu. I had the rare privilege to be the first testifier. My points were simple and to the point. 1. The Monsanto people will blatantly lie about no testing ever being done or any reports showing adverse health effects of GMOs being sprayed with Monsanto's Roundup. 2. That we are a government of, for and by the people. Not the Corporation. 3. That all the members of the County Council had in their possession the...

Learn how to make your own kombucha tea at home

By Jonathan Benson, May 2 2012
(NaturalNews) Kombucha tea, a detoxifying, immune-boosting, probiotic "superfood" beverage that ancient Chinese cultures often referred to as the "immortal health elixir" has taken the Western world by storm today. And while health food stores and many supermarkets now carry bottled kombucha tea that can run as much as $4 a pop or more, it is actually quite easy to make your own kombucha tea at home for just pennies on the dollar. A simple combination of either black or green tea mixed with sugar...

Earthing: A simple (and free) way to reduce pain and inflammation

By Kelly Pepper, D.C., May 5 2012
(NaturalNews) Since the beginning of creation there has been a flow of energy between our bodies and Mother Earth that works to support the various systems in our body and scavenge up free radicals that promote inflammation. More specifically, there is a flow of electrons through direct skin contact with the earth's surface. Our planet has a negative electrical potential that is generated by solar winds, our ionosphere and lightning storms. When our skin is in direct contact with the earth we maintain...

Fast food diet increases risk of depression by more than fifty percent

By John Phillip, May 5 2012
(NaturalNews) Providing more evidence to the motif 'you are what you eat', scientists have found that eating a fast food diet increases the risk for depression by more than fifty percent. The food we eat today will provide the structural network for the cellular matrix that we need to support basic metabolism, cellular regeneration and repair. This is especially pronounced in brain neurons, as grey matter is largely composed of the omega-3 fats, DHA and EPA. When we don't provide these basic building...

Auricular (ear) Acupuncture proves effective in addiction and detoxification treatment

By PF Louis, May 5 2012
(NaturalNews) In 1972, a Hong Kong neurosurgeon, Dr. H. L. Wen, discovered that the acupuncture he used on a surgical patient for analgesic purposes also diminished the patient's opium withdrawal and cravings. Dr. Wen was using auricular or ear acupuncture, where needle points are routinely used for diminishing pain throughout the rest of the body. Dr. Wen experimented with auricular acupuncture on different addicts, and discovered a high rate of recovery for addictions of all types. By 1974,...

Agriculture cooperatives could end hunger while boosting socio-economic development in impoverished regions

By PF Louis, May 5 2012
(NaturalNews) Monsanto and Cargill keep rolling on, leading a handful of other mega-corporations toward planetary food and farming control that ensures our demise. Meanwhile, important studies are ignored by our corrupt governments who are heavily influenced and infiltrated by those very same companies. A world-wide study was initiated by the United Nations (UN) a few years ago to investigate solutions for world hunger as our population increases. This contradicts the efforts of certain elites...

Are your imperfect relationships a disease? Psychiatry thinks so

By Ethan A. Huff, May 5 2012
(NaturalNews) The ever-expanding list of so-called psychiatric conditions included in the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) may soon include "relational disorders," or mental illnesses supposedly attributed to two or more people involved in a relationship together. According to the official definition, relational disorders are "persistent and painful patterns of feelings, behavior, and perceptions involving two or more partners in an important personal...

How to get through natural childbirth free of pain medication

By Willow Tohi, April 19 2012
(NaturalNews) "Life is pain Highness; anyone who says differently is selling something." This line from the movie The Princess Bride is certainly applicable to childbirth. It's going to hurt. It's not meant to be easy. However, there are ways to prepare for and manage that pain, which is just one of the challenges of becoming a parent. Preparation One of the best ways to get through childbirth without pain medication is to take steps to shorten labor.
 * Diet is everything here. Eating...

One in five Americans believes the world is coming to an end; many point to 2012 prophecies

By Mike Adams, May 4 2012
(NaturalNews) Even I was surprised at the results of a recent Ipsos Global Public Affairs poll of over 16,000 people around the world. The poll, underwritten by Reuters, sought to determine the percentage of people who believe the world is coming to an end in their own lifetime. Astonishingly, the two countries with the highest percentage of people who believe in such a thing were Turkey and the USA. The nations with the lowest number of people believing the world is coming to an end (in their...

Dangerous glass fibers in cigarettes worsen lung damage for smokers

By S. D. Wells, May 4 2012
(NaturalNews) Shocking new research reveals that a specific type of lung cancer many smokers develop comes from tiny tears in their lung tissue caused by microscopic glass fibers, also known as glass wool, found in many conventional cigarette filters. These rips in the epithelial (soft) tissue fuel the development of tumors and cancerous cells due to the constant overload of toxins, namely pesticides, nicotine and ammonia, contained in commercial cigarette smoke. The filters of typical commercial...

US Congressman advocates meditation, mindfulness as solution to global conflict

By Ethan A. Huff, May 4 2012
(NaturalNews) It is no big secret that much of the world is in great economic, social, and political turmoil today. But one congressman's solution to the problem is far different than what you might expect, and advocates of his approach say it could benefit the healthcare system, schools, the military, the economy, and ultimately human health. In his new book A Mindful Nation, Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio's 17th District advocates a practice known as "mindful meditation," which he has long...

Health basics: Why homeopathy is rapidly gaining acceptance and credibility

By S. D. Wells, May 4 2012
(NaturalNews) When it comes to medicine and doctors, most people in America believe that if it's not expensive, it won't work. This theory may hold water when purchasing a new car or an i-phone, but the big profits in America come from invasive surgery and toxic prescriptions, which treat only symptoms, thus waiting for conditions to get extreme and often critical. Alternative medicine, like homeopathy, is becoming main stream, and people are figuring out that the quacks in America are actually the...

The anti-aging superfood avocado

By Dr. David Jockers, May 4 2012
(NaturalNews) Foods that have an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their nutrient value are considered superfoods. These foods are typically loaded with a combination of critical fatty acids, anti-oxidant phytonutrients and essential amino acids. Avocados are one of the best anti-aging superfoods to consume. Avocados are native to Central America and were a favorite food of the Aztec Indians. It is part of the flowering plant family Lauraceae which includes camphor,...

Michigan proposes eliminating dietetic and nutrition licensing, allowing freedom of health speech

By Jonathan Benson, May 4 2012
(NaturalNews) Last summer, Michigan's Occupational Licensing Advisory Rules Committee (ARC) decided to evaluate every licensed occupation recognized by the state of Michigan to determine whether or not the current regulatory requirements for each one are appropriate. What the committee ended up finding was that current regulations regarding dietetic and nutrition licensing, which provision that only licensed professionals can give nutrition advice, does not serve the public interest and should be...

Obesity - the epidemic Big Medical loves to hate

By Scott Morefield, May 4 2012
(NaturalNews) Obesity in America is more than just an epidemic, it's the normal state of affairs. Today, 34 percent of Americans are obese (BMI of 30+), triple the 1960 percentage. The ranks of the 'morbidly obese,' or those with a BMI of 40 or more, has swelled to 6 percent, six times the 1960 rate. Another 34 percent are 'merely' overweight. That means a whopping three out of four, or 75 percent of Americans are either overweight, obese, or morbidly obese. What a sad and completely preventable...

You don't have an inner child - Now what?

By Mike Bundrant, May 4 2012
(NaturalNews) Of course you know there is not an actual child inside of you. No little version of yourself is physically stuck in there somewhere, whining, complaining and feeling hurt or afraid. The inner child movement merely suggests that you act as if this were true. If you choose to accept that there is a hurt little kid in there pulling the strings, then all of your errant behavior may suddenly makes sense. You are acting like a child and need justification for it.

Is the inner...

Learn about the amazing health benefits of juicing raw cannabis (marijuana) leaves

By Ethan A. Huff, May 4 2012
(NaturalNews) Contrary to popular belief, the marijuana plant is a whole lot more than just a psychoactive drug that "stoners" use to get high. In raw form, marijuana leaves and buds are actually loaded with a non-psychoactive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer nutrient compound known as cannabidiol (CBD) that is proving to be a miracle "superfood" capable of preventing and reversing a host of chronic illnesses. Though you may not have heard much about it, the CBD found in the marijuana...

Graphic photos surface of Michigan DNR forced shooting of baby pigs, breastfeeding momma pig

By Mike Adams, May 3 2012
(NaturalNews) Graphic photos have surfaced of the baby pigs and momma pigs that a Michigan farmer was forced to shoot in cold blood to avoid being arrested as a felon. This is the latest development in the outrageous story of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, which conducted armed raids on multiple farms, using police state legal tactics to trespass onto private property and search for any living pigs that they consider to be "feral" breeds. In reality, these breeds have been raised as...

FBI nabs five mastermind geniuses after teaching them how to blow up a bridge in Cleveland

By Mike Adams, May 3 2012
(NaturalNews) I feel safer already. After recruiting five of the dumbest crack heads in the city of Cleveland, Ohio and convincing them to "blow up a bridge", the FBI halted the operation just in time -- a move that wasn't too difficult considering the FBI plotted the whole thing to begin with. And thanks to the FBI, we have all been saved from the masterminds of evil shown in the pictures below. As you can clearly see, these evil geniuses were a clear and present threat to America's national...

No jab, no education: New CA law requires middle schoolers to provide proof of Tdap vaccination in order to receive education

By Ethan A. Huff, May 3 2012
(NaturalNews) A new amendment to California's Health and Safety Code as it relates to vaccinations will take effect this fall for the 2012-2013 school year, and will require all incoming seventh graders, as well as eighth and twelfth graders for the first year, to get a Tdap booster vaccination for pertussis (whooping cough) before being admitted to school. The website of the Marin County School District, which includes the city of San Francisco, literally states "No shot, No School!" in an apparent...

Hacking expert David Chalk says 100 percent certainty of catastrophic failure of smart energy grid within three years

By Ethan A. Huff, May 3 2012
(NaturalNews) For at least the past five years, the federal government has been pushing utility companies across America to "upgrade" their infrastructures to support "smart grid" technology that allows two-way communication with, and centralized control of, the energy grid through an internet-based network. But cyber expert David Chalk says that a complete and catastrophic failure of the entire smart energy grid is definitely going to occur within the next three years, and that few are aware of...

Discover a common yard weed that's proven to kill cancer cells

By Paul Fassa, May 3 2012
(NaturalNews) Most natural health advocates know that dandelion is a good liver tonic. But now research is showing that it's also a cancer fighter. This research discovery occurred at Windsor University in Windsor, Canada. A Windsor University biochemist, Siyaram Pandey, reluctantly took up dandelion research from a Windsor oncologist's suggestion. Dr. Caroline Hamm noticed a few cancer patients who had been drinking dandelion tea seemed to be getting better. Siyaram Pandey was initially skeptical...

Chemist declares fluoride to be 'one of the greatest public health threats of modern times'

By Ethan A. Huff, May 3 2012
(NaturalNews) Ingesting artificial fluoride chemicals does not prevent tooth decay, but rather destroys your insides and leads to the development of cancer and other illnesses. These are the disturbing findings of an assessment recently compiled by award-winning chemist, author, and founder of, Shane Ellison. Frustrating more than 50 years of bad science that has claimed the exact opposite, Ellison's appraisal of fluoride's negative effects on the body shows once again why...

Artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers are dangerous

By Dr. David Jockers, May 3 2012
(NaturalNews) Due to our society's love of sugar, scientists have been able to synthetically produce artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers. These artificial sweeteners give us the same pleasure as sugar without the calories and dangerous effects on insulin signaling and triglyceride formation. This includes aspartame, acefultame potassium, monosodium glutamate, sucralose and many others. Unfortunately, these artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers break down into highly toxic chemical agents...

Heal anxiety naturally with this episode of Mental Health Exposed

By Mike Bundrant, May 2 2012
(NaturalNews) On this episode of Mental Health Exposed we discover how anxiety is 100% curable without the use of drugs - it just takes some education and effort. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older (18% of U.S. population). The severe and adverse side effects of benzodiazepines - the class of medication psychiatrists prescribe for anxiety disorders - have been known for decades, but little has been...

Use vinegar to kill weeds naturally and give Monsanto's Roundup the heave ho

By JB Bardot, May 3 2012
(NaturalNews) There's been lots written recently about the toxicity of Monsanto's poster child product Roundup, exposing how harmful it is for the earth and how poisonous it is on exposure for both animals and humans. However, what is not common knowledge to most organic gardeners and back yard enthusiasts is how they can manage weed control safely without the need for dangerous pesticides. Use vinegar to kill weeds naturally and safely, with no side effects to you, your pets, wildlife and mother...

The greatest (health) lie from medicine

By Jonathan Landsman, May 3 2012
(NaturalNews) Don't worry - vaccines are safe and prevent disease. (yea, right!) The notion that toxic poisons injected into the body of humans can save lives has conventional medicine completely brainwashed into false realities. In truth, many health experts like, Dr. Leonard Horowitz believe there is a hidden agenda behind all of these "mandatory" vaccines. Protect yourself from harm. Find out how to (legally) avoid being forced to receive unwanted vaccinations. The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents...

Breast-feeding could contribute to baby gut-health, new study finds

By Scott Morefield, May 3 2012
(NaturalNews) In yet another scientific reason for mothers to strongly consider breast-feeding their newborns, a new study in the journal Genome Biology finds that babies who are fed breast-milk had a wider range of gut bacteria than formula-fed babies. A link was also found between the diversity of bacteria in the babies' guts and the activation of certain immunity genes. While they recommended further research on the subject, the researchers wrote, "The early neonatal period is a critical phase...

Connecticut House approves medical marijuana bill

By Ethan A. Huff, May 3 2012
(NaturalNews) With a nearly two-to-one approval ratio, Connecticut House Bill 5389, which would legalize at the state level small amounts of medical marijuana for patients in need, has been passed by the Connecticut State House of Representatives. And if passed by the State Senate, Governor Dannel Malloy has indicated he will sign H.B. 5389 into law, which would make Connecticut the 17th U.S. state to legalize medical marijuana. Connecticut has been on the road to legalizing marijuana for several...

Five hidden health dangers around the house

By David Gutierrez, May 3 2012
(NaturalNews) You may already know about toxic cleaning chemicals and flame retardants, but did you know about the five following common household poisons? 1. Air pollutants"There is absolute proof that air pollution kills people -- and it's ubiquitous," says Sandra Steingraber, author of Raising Elijah: Protecting Our Children in an Age of Environmental Crisis. "Not only is air pollution linked to asthma and lung cancer, but it may also increase the risk for stroke, heart attack and diabetes...

Human genes engineered into experimental GMO rice being grown in Kansas

By Ethan A. Huff, May 2 2012
(NaturalNews) Unless the rice you buy is certified organic, or comes specifically from a farm that tests its rice crops for genetically modified (GM) traits, you could be eating rice tainted with actual human genes. The only known GMO with inbred human traits in cultivation today, a GM rice product made by biotechnology company Ventria Bioscience is currently being grown on 3,200 acres in Junction City, Kansas -- and possibly elsewhere -- and most people have no idea about it. Since about 2006...

Corruption of Andrew Wordes case deepens: City of Roswell bullies original mortgage holder into selling note to phony trust company

By Ethan A. Huff, May 2 2012
(NaturalNews) New details have emerged in the tragic case of Andrew Wordes, who died recently in his home after enduring more than four years of abuse and bullying from the City of Roswell in Georgia. Thanks to continued investigation of the case by Maggie West Bean of, it is now coming to light that Roswell officials may have put immense pressure on Mr. Wordes' original mortgage holder to sell the mortgage note on his home, only to have it end up in the possession of a phony trust company...

Hidden audio reveals autistic child being tormented, bullied by public school teachers

By Jonathan Benson, May 2 2012
(NaturalNews) The Cherry Hill Public School District in New Jersey is scrambling to sweep under the rug a truly shocking incident involving child abuse at one of its schools. Horace Mann Elementary School is gaining nationwide attention after two of its teachers, Kelly Altenburg and Jodi Sgouros, were caught on a hidden recording verbally abusing and bullying ten-year-old Akian Chaifetz, a special needs student with autism. When Stuart Chaifetz, Akian's father, starting hearing reports that his...

Use herbs to kill the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections

By Sarka-Jonae Miller, April 17 2012
(NaturalNews) A urinary tract infection is almost exclusively caused by bacteria that travel to the bladder through the urethra, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. The bacteria clings to the urethra's opening and multiplies. Sometimes, bacteria travels to the kidneys, but this is rare. The most common culprit is Escherichia coli (E. coli), according to New Mexico State University. Urinary tract infection symptoms UTIs may cause different symptoms in some people even if caused...

Detoxify heavy metals and soothe chronic inflammation with cilantro, a powerful 'superherb'

By Jonathan Benson, May 2 2012
(NaturalNews) The anti-inflammatory and detoxification power of cilantro, a medicinal herb whose seeds are known as coriander, is greatly underrated and largely unknown in Western culture today. But if you suffer from a chronic inflammatory disease, which can manifest itself as arthritis, an autoimmune disorder, heart disease, brain fog, fatigue, and irritable bowel syndrome, and a number of other debilitating illnesses, then cilantro just might be the natural solution for you. Rich in phytonutrients...

Flavonoids from blueberries and other fruits dramatically lower risk of diabetes

By John Phillip, May 2 2012
(NaturalNews) Nearly one in ten people in the US have been diagnosed with diabetes and one in three are pre-diabetic, a strong indicator they will progress to full-blown diabetes in the near future without dietary intervention. Experts indicate that by the year 2050, one half of all American adults will fall into one of these two classifications, significantly lowering their quality of life and lifespan. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health report the result of a study in The American...

5 huge health benefits of sweet potatoes

By Danna Norek, May 2 2012
(NaturalNews) Sweet potatoes, also commonly labeled as yams, are an excellent and inexpensive staple to have on hand. These deep orange-fleshed nutritional powerhouses add several important components to the diet. Their health and weight management benefits far exceed the nutritional value found in ordinary white and yellow fleshed potatoes. Superior fiber contentSweet potatoes contain almost twice as much fiber as other types of potatoes. Contributing close to 7 grams of fiber per serving, they...

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