Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Rheumatoid arthritis yields to the power of nutritional medicine

By Mike Bundrant, June 16 2012
(NaturalNews) Anyone who doubts the efficacy of nutritional medicine hasn't taken the time to learn about it. Skeptics certainly have never spoken to someone like Gloria, a retail clerk in Temecula, CA, who appears to have made a full recovery from medically diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis because of properly applied nutritional medicine. Gloria has a long and painful medical history, although her primary complaint to Dr. Wes Youngberg, a nutritionist in Temecula, was chronic pain associated with...

If you only choose one remedy for survival and pain relief, grab some Arnica

By JB Bardot, June 16 2012
(NaturalNews) If you've ever driven by a field of yellow daisy-like flowers and felt a sense of calm, you've experienced the embrace from Arnica, soothing your earthly and invisible aches and pains. Arnica montana, or Leopard's bane has been in use medicinally since the 1500s, and is both an herbal medicine and a homeopathic remedy made from these lovely flowers. Many natural practitioners believe it is one of the most useful remedies in the medicine chest for a multiplicity of conditions. If it...

Why we are three times heavier than we were in the '60s

By J. D. Heyes, June 16 2012
(NaturalNews) The affluence of the Western world may be the envy of empires and kingdoms past, but much of that affluence has come at a heavy price in terms of health. The obesity epidemic is only getting worse, despite efforts in the U.S. and Europe to battle bulging waistlines with better research, better information and better dietary habits. So, why is this epidemic only worsening? What is at the root of the problem? Quite simply, it's the food we eat. Or, more specifically, according to a...

Earthships, the future of self-sustainable living

By Jonathan Benson, June 16 2012
(NaturalNews) Imagine living in a house that produces its own energy, generates its own water supply, grows and sustains its own food supply, and continuously maintains interior climate conditions at proper and desirable temperatures. Such a house might seem like some kind of science fiction dwelling place of the future, but it might surprise you to know that this type of sustainable living system actually exists right now, and is probably a lot more accessible and less expensive than you might think...

Australia plans to create world's largest marine park network

By Catrell Cooney, June 16 2012
(NaturalNews) The world's coral reefs provide shelter for a multitude of sea life. Unfortunately, many have been destroyed or are in rapid decline. Similar to other bodies of water around the world, Australia's oceans are home to an abundance of ecosystems and sea creatures such as dolphins, sharks, whales, fish and marine species which can't be found anywhere else on the planet. The oceans surrounding Australia extend from the tropics to the sub-Antarctic. Groundbreaking StrategyRecently, a historic...

Dr Oz a sellout on vaccines, declares Robert Scott Bell

By Jonathan Benson, June 16 2012
(NaturalNews) There is a lot that television personality Dr. Mehmet Oz has said over the years that has actually been helpful and eye-opening for many people -- and some of it has even run against the grain of the mainstream medical system. But a recent article co-written by Dr. Oz that promotes vaccines has caused many within the natural health community, including homeopath and radio host Robert Scott Bell, to declare Dr. Oz a sellout for the vaccine industry. The article in question, which...

U.S. Government blocks sales of fuel-efficient cars

By J. D. Heyes, June 15 2012
(NaturalNews) The development of affordable "green" cars and trucks - electric vehicles or hybrids designed to dramatically curb the nation's reliance on fossil fuels - is supposed to be a primary goal for the Obama administration and a number of government and industry leaders. But what about diesel-burning vehicles that already get more than 70 miles a gallon? Yes, you read that right. There are already vehicles on the road - nice vehicles, not bread boxes with weed-eater motors on wheels -...

CDC says fluoride has no evidence of benefit for infants

By Doug Cragoe, June 15 2012
(NaturalNews) In a letter to California senator Barbara Boxer the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) director Thomas Frieden responded to questions about fluoride and infants. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 1997 set the adequate amount of fluoride for infants 0 to 6 months of age at .01 milligrams per day, which is the amount of fluoride found in breast milk. The CDC was asked if more fluoride than the adequate amount was beneficial. CDC director Frieden wrote "We are unaware of data that directly...

Blacks more likely to die from cancer because of vitamin D deficiency, study finally admits

By Ethan A. Huff, June 15 2012
(NaturalNews) It is already a known fact that individuals with darker skin pigmentation, including people of Middle Eastern and African descents, have a much more difficult time absorbing vitamin D-producing ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from the sun than do individuals with lighter skin pigmentation. And a new study now confirms that a disproportionately high amount of primarily African-Americans die from cancer every year as a result of vitamin D deficiency. Published in the journal Dermato-Endocrinology...

Launch a revolution in your backyard with a micro eco-farm

By Carolanne Wright, June 15 2012
(NaturalNews) From edible landscaping to biointensive gardening, Americans around the nation are discovering the financial beauty of creating practical solutions to our food woes. Beyond the dangers of GMO's and industrial farming, a basic fact remains: food costs are skyrocketing. Savvy individuals are recognizing the value in growing their own food to ensure nutritious, organic, and cost-effective produce. A revolution is quietly gaining momentum in backyards across America that resists dangerous...

Californians demand integrative care for cancer treatment

By Len Saputo, June 15 2012
(NaturalNews) It is a felony in the State of California for a medical doctor to treat cancer with anything except surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. It is punishable by fine, loss of license, and imprisonment! This means that the citizens of California are being denied services to treat cancer if they are not in the mainstream bag of tools. Thousands of cancer patients who live in California are forced to leave the state to obtain the treatment they want and need in neighboring states such as Arizona...

More false prophets? Texas couple sues psychic, mainstream media over untrue claims of a mass grave at their home

By Jonathan Benson, June 15 2012
(NaturalNews) A Texas couple has filed a lawsuit against several parties after a convoy of local law enforcement officers, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and various media outlets showed up at their house one day in search of a mass grave filled with dead bodies. According to reports, a self-proclaimed psychic known as "Angel" tipped police off that three live children were allegedly in danger, which somehow turned into a witch hunt...

Evening primrose oil: The king's cure-all

By Craig Stellpflug, June 15 2012
(NaturalNews) Evening primrose oil (EPO) comes from the seed of the evening primrose plant and is great for skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis and acne. EPO is used in pregnancy for preventing preeclampsia, starting and shortening labor and preventing late deliveries. Women use evening primrose oil to fight PMS, breast pain, endometriosis, symptoms of menopause and hot flashes. Evening primrose is commonly called Oenothera, "The King's cure-all," which is reflected in the wide range of its...

Police officers put on notice in Indiana: If they illegally raid the wrong home, private citizens can shoot back

By J. D. Heyes, June 15 2012
(NaturalNews) Most of us are supportive of our local police departments but because of a lousy state Supreme Court decision in Indiana last year, residents of the state now have the right to shoot at officers in defense of their property if they believe they are being improperly raided. Not surprisingly, most police officers are upset about the law, which was signed by Gov. Mitch Daniels in March, because they believe now it will be "open season" on law enforcement officers. But supporters...

The 'cigarette hangover' and how it worsens smoking addiction

By S. D. Wells, June 15 2012
(NaturalNews) Just about anyone who has had "too much to drink" knows about the alcohol hangover, where you have an excruciating headache and your body does NOT want you to do anything that requires energy. The first thing you do when you wake up with a hangover is reach for some water and pain reliever. Millions of smokers worldwide have "found themselves" in a similar, vicious cycle where they pollute their body with 4,000 chemicals, and then wait about 30 to 45 minutes for the hangover to kick...

Facebook forced to reveal identities of trolls

By Jonathan Benson, June 15 2012
(NaturalNews) Online "trolling," a practice that often involves individuals or even government entities hiding behind the veil of online anonymity for the purpose of harassing, intimidating, bullying and/or threatening others, could become a whole lot more difficult. British news source, The Guardian, reports that a court ruling is forcing social media empire Facebook to reveal the identities of trolls who recently targeted a Brighton mother with a series of abusive and highly-inappropriate messages...

Health begins with the first step (opinion)

By Hesh Goldstein, June 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Right now we are in the midst of basketball finals comprised of individuals that are paid to stay healthy and strong. Pretty soon we will be in the midst of the Olympics comprised of individuals that have spent years keeping fit for the sheer joy of competition and the test of personal prowess. There will be enormous hoopla, thundering crowd roars, and the witnessing of what years of preparation, persistence, patience, and dedication will achieve through varied colored medals...

Why we must oppose Obamney for President in 2012

By Mike Adams, June 14 2012
(NaturalNews) There is a dangerous person running for President in 2012, and his name is Baritt Obamney. I normally try not to attack specific candidates for political office, but Baritt Obamney is so offensive to American sensibilities that I had to share this warning with my fellow Americans. In 2012, we must vote against Obamney for President. And why? Because here is what Obamney believes in, based on his actions and voting record: • Big, bigger and even BIGGER government! The bigger...

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funding research into bracelets that track mental, emotional responses

By Ethan A. Huff, June 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Pushing vaccines on the entire world is apparently not the only goal of the infamous Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is reportedly now funding research into human tracking bracelets capable of gauging both emotional and physical responses to various stimuli. According to The Washington Post (WP), the Gates Foundation has already quietly spent more than $1 million on research into the biometric bracelets, which could forever alter the way students learn and teachers teach. In...

EPA in huge power grab to control all ditches and gullies on private land

By J. D. Heyes, June 14 2012
(NaturalNews) As the federal Leviathan becomes ever larger and all-powerful, its Executive Branch tentacles reach further and further into the American fabric as it seeks to exert authority and control over more and more of our lives. The latest power-mad grab can be attributed to the not-so-illustrious Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is using (misusing, actually) the Clean Water Act (CWA) to control all ditches, gullies and other ephemeral areas by trying to say they are navigable...

MMR vaccine kills another baby in Belgium

By Ethan A. Huff, June 14 2012
(NaturalNews) The combination measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, which both the U.S. government and health authorities insist is completely safe for young children, has killed yet another child in the European nation of Belgium. Christina England over at reports that Xandro Sanspuer, an 18-month-old boy from Renaix, Belgium, died recently after receiving the MMR vaccine from Kind & Gezin (K&G) Child and Family Health Center. Young Xandro was still recovering from respiratory...

Vitamin D protects against colds, flu and viral infections

By John Phillip, June 14 2012
(NaturalNews) Vitamin D is an essential cofactor in the prevention of a host of conditions ranging from cancer to diabetes, dementia and cardiovascular disease. The sunshine vitamin is a critical part of our evolution as it has been circulating in our ancestral blood for countless generations due to plentiful sun exposure. It has only been the past half-century that we have lathered ourselves with sunscreen and hidden in buildings away from the vitamin D producing effects of the sun, following the...

Sulphite preservatives in wine and food can cause significant health issues

By D Holt, June 14 2012
(NaturalNews) Sulfites are present in many foods such as ready meals, pizza, wine and beer. Whilst it acts as a preservative, it also has health implications for 10 percent of all consumers. Many have minor irritations, however asthmatics and those who are sensitive to the irritant effect of sulfites can have severe reactions. Sulfites are a group of chemical agents added to food, beer and wine that prevent bacterial growth. The term "sulfites" includes sulfur dioxide and the salts formed from...

UN warns of global collapse due to pesticides; Agenda 21 is pushed as solution

By Ethan A. Huff, June 14 2012
(NaturalNews) The United Nations (U.N.) Environment Program has released a 525-page report in conjunction with its upcoming Rio+20 conference on sustainable development that warns about "sudden, irreversible and potentially catastrophic changes" that will occur in the world if drastic measures are not taken to stop them. In correctly identifying pesticides and other chemicals as one of the primary causes, however, the U.N. also tacks on the global warming myth in an attempt to push for a centralized...

EU breakup imminent: Talk of limiting ATM withdrawals, halting flow of money across borders

By J. D. Heyes, June 14 2012
(NaturalNews) It may not be long before it's back to the future for Europe. Once, the continent was a collection of independent nations, not tied by language, culture or religion, even. About the only thing European nations shared was geography; they all belonged to the same continent. That all changed in the years immediately following World War II. Founding on a number of treaties and having gone from six members initially to the current 27, the European Union (EU) promised to become on that...

B vitamins lower homocysteine levels and provide significant stroke risk reduction

By John Phillip, June 1 2012
(NaturalNews) Stroke remains the third leading cause of death in the US, taking the lives of more than 140,000 people each year, and is the leading cause of serious, long-term disability. Three-quarters of those suffering from a stroke are aged 65 or older, often the result of decades of poor dietary and lifestyle choices. Past studies have shown that suffering from a stroke is preventable by lowering the circulating levels of the non-protein amino acid known as homocysteine. Researchers from...

Become a super human being - ReWild yourself

By Jonathan Landsman, June 14 2012
(NaturalNews) Why do so many people suffer with disease? Clearly, "modern" lifestyles and medical "advances" have not improved our quality of life. Chronic stress, depression and the use of prescription drugs are all on the rise - is this our idea of super human strength and happiness? By connecting to nature and living a more natural lifestyle ("ReWild") - we have the opportunity to reach our greatest potential. Discover a whole NEW way of achieving health and longevity with Daniel Vitalis on...

How a nervous breakdown can lead to treatment that destroys your brain

By Mike Bundrant, June 12 2012
(NaturalNews) The following is a fictitious scenario, yet, believe it or not, shockingly similar events happen in America today. If you don't believe it, listen to the Jim Gottstien interview on Mental Health Exposed. Jim Gottstein is an attorney and founder of During this interview, Jim explains the dramatic fight he is up against to defend victims of mental health terrorism in America today. Victims of mental health terrorism live ruined lives as a result of seeking treatment...

Human resilience starts with nutrition

By Dr. Phil Domenico, June 14 2012
(NaturalNews) When it comes to resilience, many experts are blind to the role of nutrition. In June of 2012, the World Science Festival in New York City hosted a program called "How We Bounce Back: The New Science of Human Resilience." Experts in the fields of psychiatry, clinical and social psychology, and Buddhism spoke of the genetic, environmental, psychological and cultural bases for coping with trauma, such as injury, death, natural disaster, and war. The emphasis was on education, preparedness...

GMO labeling victory! Measure accepted onto California ballot; now the real battle begins

By Mike Adams, June 13 2012
(NaturalNews) In this breaking news for the food-conscious community, the California Secretary of State has just announced that the GMO labeling ballot measure has met and exceeded the requirements to be placed on the November ballot. ( and ( This measure, which has been strongly pushed by the Organic Consumers Association, the Institute for Responsible Technology, and a large number...

Zombies, Deniers, Sociopaths, Schemers and Protectors: The five dominant personalities you'll encounter in a world gone mad

By Mike Adams, June 13 2012
(NaturalNews) What the heck is going on with our world? Why are people such lying betrayers? Why do the most evil people (like Eric Holder) rise to the top of the corporate-run fascist government? Why are homeless zombies eating human flesh? In answering those questions, I've assembled the five archetypes of a society in collapse. These are the five dominant personalities we all see around us right now: • Zombies • Deniers • Schemers • Sociopaths • Protectors Which...

Giant nuclear cover-up? Explosions, military helicopters filmed near elevated radiation zone at border of Indiana and Michigan

By Ethan A. Huff, June 13 2012
(NaturalNews) June 6, 2012, was a very strange day for northern Indiana and southern Michigan, where a series of strange explosions and a subsequent nuclear radiation spike left local residents combing for answers. And though there are still many missing pieces to the puzzle, it has become clear that some type of nuclear cover-up is taking place in the region, which is further evidenced by numerous eyewitness accounts of intense shaking and loud booms, audio recordings of inexplicable explosions...

Wealth of Americans plummets 40 percent during Obama's reign in office

By J. D. Heyes, June 13 2012
(NaturalNews) If you have wondered whether all of the bad news you've heard regarding home values, real wages and other economic data since the beginning of the Great Recession in 2008 is true, wonder no more. It is. And what's more, it's likely a lot worse than you thought. According to federal figures, the average American household's wealth declined by a staggering 40 percent since President Obama took office, wiping out nearly 20 years' worth of wealth accumulation and growth; middle-class...

Coconut Oil - Here's what you need to know about this amazing rejuvenation and healing oil

By Aurora Geib, June 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Coconut oil is a popular nutritional oil derived from the meat of matured coconuts. Coconut has long been a primary source of food throughout the tropics. Its various industrial and cosmetic applications have made it a very viable commodity. Coconut oil is heat stable, making it suitable for cooking at high temperatures. It is slow to oxidize, resists rancidity and has a shelf life of approximately two years or more; virgin coco creme created through a wet-milling process has an indefinite...

Rihanna's vitamin drip may be trendy, but fresh juice delivers nutrients without the needle

By Ethan A. Huff, June 13 2012
(NaturalNews) Intravenous drips that inject mega-doses of vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream are gaining national attention as several high-profile celebrities, including pop singer Rihanna and television personality Simon Cowell, reportedly use the drips to increase energy levels and cure fatigue. Mainstream news outlets are currently brimming with a photo Rihanna tweeted recently showing an IV drip in her arm after a long night of partying. And Simon Cowell has told reporters...

Ridiculous Lancet study sets stage for pushing 'pre-diabetes' drugs on entire world

By Ethan A. Huff, June 13 2012
(NaturalNews) A new study published in the journal Lancet, the same journal that in 2010 corruptly pulled Dr. Andrew Wakefield's 1998 study linking the combination measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine to bowel disease and autism (, suggests that drugging those with "pre-diabetes" may be a viable way to prevent the onset of diabetes. Concocted by a research team from the so-called Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), the study makes the painfully obvious claim that...

Dark chocolate shown to protect against heart attack and stroke in at-risk individuals

By John Phillip, June 13 2012
(NaturalNews) Heart disease and stroke continues to rank as the leading, preventable cause of death in most Western societies, killing three-quarters of a million people combined. Any natural compound that can significantly lower the death rate from vascular diseases should be embraced by natural health advocates and the medical profession alike. Yet allopathic physicians continue to prescribe a host of ineffective and dangerous prescription medications that do little to combat this epidemic. The...

Discover the amazing ability of curcumin (turmeric) to fight chronic disease

By Jonathan Benson, June 13 2012
(NaturalNews) For thousands of years, ancient cultures throughout Asia have been using turmeric, also known as curcumin, to spice up food -- and today, curcumin is used throughout the world. But this relative of ginger is hardly just a flavor enhancer, as studies continue to show that curcumin contains powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, antioxidant, and even anti-cancer properties that render it a powerful, disease-fighting medicine in addition to being a culinary spice. A mixture of natural...

North Dakota may eliminate all property taxes, restore real family ownership of land and homes

By J. D. Heyes, June 13 2012
(NaturalNews) There's a revolt of sorts brewing among citizens of a growing number of states who realize that, no matter how much they pay on their mortgage or how long ago they may have paid that mortgage off, they never truly own their homes. Rather, because of the property tax, Americans really just rent their homes from the government. On Tuesday, North Dakotans were trying to reassert their property rights by voting on Measure 2, a constitutional amendment that would eliminate the state's...

Signs of economic chaos: Repo men tow car with owner, daughter inside

By Jonathan Benson, June 13 2012
(NaturalNews) A federal judge has partially affirmed that both a repossession company and the vehicle loan group that hired it are responsible for terrorizing a mother and her child back in 2010. According to Courthouse News Service (CNS), repo men "breached the peace" when they proceeded to tow away Rosalind Smith's vehicle with herself and her daughter still inside, and the doors wide open. Rosalind had originally obtained a loan from AFS Acceptance back in 2010, which she used to purchase a...

If depression isn't a chemical imbalance, then what is it?

By Larry Malerba, DO, June 13 2012
(NaturalNews) Contemporary scientific culture has fed us the mantra that depression is the result of a chemical imbalance for so long now that the premise is rarely questioned by the general public. On the other hand, there are many in the alternative health community who have been aware of this for a long time (1). Such an overly simplistic explanation suits the needs of a medical establishment that can only think of illness in biochemical terms. It conveniently dispenses with the inherent messiness...

Preliminary studies examine the effect of cannabis extracts on multiple sclerosis

By Raw Michelle, June 13 2012
(NaturalNews) As part of the increasing interest in the non-psychoactive medicinal benefits of cannabis, research is pushing forward, despite legislative resistance, to appraise the long list of claims of the healing power of cannabis. An extensive background checkThe plant's abilities as a painkiller and an anti-nauseant are well documented, but the plant also has a long history, almost 5000 years, of claims of other medical uses. As one of the 50 "fundamental" herbs in ancient Chinese traditional...

Flame virus, most sophisticated malicious code ever seen, was developed by U.S. government

By J. D. Heyes, June 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Anyone who has spent longer than a day on a computer knows how dangerous to your hard drive malware and other malicious code can be. Most of us have fallen victim to one or the other and have cursed the day the hacker who developed it was born. Now, according to reports, some of the most sophisticated malicious code ever developed is a product of the United States government, leaving more than a few tech experts and analysts concerned that maybe now, Washington has become a bigger...

Students now snorting ADHD drugs before taking academic tests

By J. D. Heyes, June 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Just when, as a parent, you think you've got this drug thing with your kids handled, they come up with something else to put themselves at risk and make you begin worrying about them all over again. The most recent trend now, according to reports, is for students to snort - yes, snort - attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drugs before taking academic exams, not for the high necessarily but to get a better score. In schools all across the country, students bent on getting...

GMOs - It's time for change

By John McKiernan, June 12 2012
(NaturalNews) More than 40 countries, including China, require the labeling of genetically modified foods, but the U.S. is not one of them. Almost the entire U.S. soy (94 percent) and corn (72 percent) crop is now GMO. The only way to avoid these crops is to buy certified organic. Recent polls show 90 percent of Americans want GMO labeling, yet the big food corporations are still not required to label. Americans believe strongly in their right to know what's in their food, yet we still don't have...

Arm yourself against disease with these anti-cancer foods

By PF Louis, June 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Most of us know the "War on Cancer" is a bad joke that churns revenue for the cancer industry while per capita cancer rates continue to surge. Based on the premise that food should be our first medicine, the cruciferous family of vegetables is the food choice for resisting cancer. Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, turnips, rutabaga, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, and watercress. They all contain glucosinolates, antioxidant compounds that...

Congresswoman lashes out at TSA for hiring pedophiles and child pornographers

By J. D. Heyes, June 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Never an agency that does much to clear its bad name and terrible reputation for hiring some of the worst dregs of society, all the while failing regularly to live up to its purpose for existing, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is receiving fresh criticism from a Tennessee congresswoman over its hiring of pedophiles and child pornographers. In an extremely critical report released in early June, U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn listed 50 crimes that have been committed...

Infographic - Ten ways to use Apple Cider Vinegar

By J. D. Heyes, June 12 2012
(NaturalNews) You may not think of apple cider vinegar as something that is a boon to your overall health, but it can be, and here are 10 ways you can use it to help pave the way to a better you. See the infographic at: 1. Balance your inner ecosystem: The body constantly strives to achieve a state of homeostasis, or a state of equilibrium. One way is by keeping the body's pH balance (or acid-base balance) within the normal range of 7.35 - 7.45. Apple cider vinegar...

Home remedies help restore your health after eating GMO foods

By JB Bardot, June 12 2012
(NaturalNews) There have been various reports on NaturalNews and in the mainstream media concerning the side effects of consuming food that has been genetically modified. Symptoms ranging from digestive and reproductive disorders to liver failure, internal bleeding and immune system dysfunction are being reported. A combination of home remedies, nutrition and homeopathic medicines may help restore your health. This list is by no means exhaustive. Individuals who are seriously ill from ingesting GMOs...

Researchers zero in on a diet designed to support individuals with ADHD

By Raw Michelle, June 12 2012
(NaturalNews) Recent research from the University of Copenhagen suggests that some people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may benefit from dietary changes that extend past the preliminary recommendations of removing toxic elements. If everyone else can eat their way out..There is a growing understanding of how different dietary choices can impact the overall health of an individual, as well as its ability to mediate the symptoms of many chronic conditions. Behind each diagnosis...

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