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Best Halloween Costume Ever
10/26/2010 | Comments
On a budget this Halloween? Here's the best (and most affordable) Halloween costume ever: Just walk around in the nude with your hands in the air. When people ask what you're doing, simply explain that you're "an air passenger as seen by the TSA's naked body scanners!"

The TSA naked body scanners, of course, are the X-ray-emitting machines that image the outlines of your body (including breasts, hips and crotch zones) on viewing screens watched by TSA operators. They're being rolled out in airports across the USA as part of the "war on terror."

In this cartoon, however, the terror seems to come from the big guy himself. Maybe he should be telling all the onlookers, "Don't store this image" in the same way the TSA claims their machines don't store images.

Currently, you can opt out of being subjected to the machines, at which point TSA staff will pat down your entire body, including feeling your crotch and buttocks with the back of their hand (http://www.naturalnews.com/030100_n...).

It is currently illegal, by the way, to strip off all your clothes in front of TSA agents at the airport. So don't try this yourself unless you're attending a nudist colony "Halloweenie" party.

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