06/20/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Oh, the insidious cancer industrial complex of America. Do not put anything past it. Vaccines have been dirty, adulterated and contaminated since the...
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05/10/2024 / By Lance D Johnson
A rare, highly progressive neurodegenerative disease has become more prevalent after the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. Prion diseases, which hollow...
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05/09/2024 / By S.D. Wells
If you are wondering what cigarette addiction, alcoholism and mRNA vaccines have in common, you can stop wondering now. They all cause chronic...
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05/03/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Have you heard of self-inflicted Sheeple disease? Most likely not, because the CDC, WHO and the medical industrial complex keeps it quiet, like when...
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05/02/2024 / By Cassie B.
One of the more serious side effects associated with mRNA COVID-19 jabs is dementia, and the prions that are responsible for causing people to...
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05/01/2024 / By S.D. Wells
At one time, it was pure conspiracy theory to claim that the holy grail of medicine, "vaccines," were the cause of autism, a neurological and...
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04/15/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Big Pharma is infamous for inflicting horrific, chronic damage on the masses with experimental medications and vaccinations, then waiting several...
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04/09/2024 / By Kevin Hughes
Scientists are concerned that the highly communicable chronic wasting disease (CWD), also known as the "zombie deer disease," could mutate...
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04/01/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Though we are four years deep into the "plandemic," Big Pharma and the highly corrupt Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are still...
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03/29/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Ask yourself why 60 million Americans said "absolutely not" to the mRNA Covid jabs that were all but forced on the rest of the country, and world....
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03/27/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Since hardly a child in the universe faces the threat of death from Covid-19, why take the risk of getting an mRNA "vaccine" for it, when those jabs...
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03/13/2024 / By S.D. Wells
You don't have to be unfortunate or have "bad genes" to have your brain and body decay at a rapid rate in America, just eat conventional food...
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03/10/2024 / By S.D. Wells
After World War II, the Western Medical Industrial Complex began medically experimenting on disabled people and minorities, including children, who...
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02/25/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Some people call it the plandemic. Others call it the scamdemic. Either way, most of the deaths did not come from the "novel" virus, but rather the...
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02/22/2024 / By Olivia Cook
A recent study has found that Alzheimer's disease can spread from human to human via accidental inoculation with mammalian prions during certain...
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02/19/2024 / By S.D. Wells
A Chinese market meltdown and the conflict in the Middle East has caused significant damage to the global economy, and the problems are just getting...
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02/11/2024 / By S.D. Wells
No, it's not enough that Americans are force-fed processed, nutrition-void food stuff and fluoridated water to lower their IQ, but we all had to...
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02/06/2024 / By S.D. Wells
World War III already took place, but instead of firing shots from guns, the "shots" were all fired via mRNA injections, in the Bioweapons War, and...
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01/21/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Watch out for the WMDs - Weapons of Mass Deception. America is under attack, right now, and it's certainly not from MAGA supporters. It's the biggest...
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01/04/2024 / By Laura Harris
The United States Geological Survey reports that the current outbreak of chronic wasting disease (CWD) among deer, sometimes referred to as zombie...
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