08/01/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Yes, Ukraine and Israel are currently using U.S. weapons, U.S. funding, U.S. service members and U.S. government lies to fuel two wars that are...
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07/05/2024 / By Ava Grace
A group of U.S. special forces has warned about terrorists coming to America, thanks to President Joe Biden's open borders policy. The group...
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07/01/2024 / By Laura Harris
Officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have revealed that approximately 50 out of around 400 illegal immigrants brought into the...
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06/18/2024 / By Richard Brown
Eight individuals from the Central Asian country of Tajikistan with suspected links to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have been arrested...
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06/13/2024 / By Ethan Huff
Ever since 9/11, the United States government via the Patriot Act has been illegally spying on Americans under the guise of fighting terrorism. Why,...
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05/10/2024 / By Olivia Cook
An Uzbekistani migrant with alleged ties to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) had been living in the U.S. for over two years prior to his...
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04/11/2024 / By Ethan Huff
Another disturbing story is circulating about how the FBI entrapped an 18-year-old young man in a scheme involving ISIS that has left the individual...
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03/29/2024 / By Richard Brown
Turkish authorities have arrested 147 individuals suspected of having ties with ISIS as part of a crackdown following a deadly attack in Moscow last...
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01/09/2024 / By Arsenio Toledo
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on Thursday, Jan. 4, claimed responsibility for two bombings that killed nearly 100 people and...
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01/08/2024 / By Richard Brown
The specter of a resurgent ISIS, formally known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, looms amid the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East, prompting...
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10/12/2023 / By Kevin Hughes
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Oct. 9, that the atrocities carried out by Hamas during its recent attack on Israel mirrored...
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08/31/2023 / By Arsenio Toledo
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating a migrant smuggler with ties to the Islamic State (ISIS) who helped more than a dozen...
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08/18/2023 / By Ethan Huff
Another bizarre Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) entrapment scheme has come to light, once again demonstrating that this powerful three-letter...
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12/24/2022 / By Ethan Huff
In 2007, The Independent announced that the city if Leicester in England had become the first city in the country where white people – meaning...
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09/23/2021 / By Ramon Tomey
A report says that warnings of children near a drone strike's target area in Afghanistan came too late. Three anonymous sources claim that...
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09/15/2021 / By Ramon Tomey
Former intelligence operative Jeffrey Prather talks about the different generations of warfare in his Brighteon.TV program Prather Point. Prather...
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09/13/2021 / By Ramon Tomey
Steel Truth host Ann Vandersteel talked about the recent Arizona election audit and President Joe Biden's blunders in Afghanistan on her show. She...
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09/10/2021 / By Ramon Tomey
Author and conservative personality Daniel Bobinski dubbed the "chaotic" evacuation of U.S. military forces in Afghanistan a "fiasco beyond compare."...
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09/01/2021 / By Franz Walker
President Joe Biden's disastrous pullout from Afghanistan has fulfilled a "prophecy" made by Osama Bin Laden back in 2002. The letter by the late...
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08/23/2021 / By JD Heyes
Whoever is in charge of Joe Biden's White House should be brought up on charges for the way in which they ordered U.S. military and diplomatic forces...
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