All posts by Virgilio Marin
-(Natural News) Once a fringe movement, “clean” beauty has now entered the mainstream. Major cosmetic brands have begun incorporating labels like “BPA-free” and “cruelty-free” into their packaging. Industry magazines are publishing even more articles about clean products. The trend has emerged in tandem with consumer demands. A 2018 survey from market research firm Mintel shows 50 percent of […]
Space race? Russia to partner with China to build the first lunar base after rejecting US space deal
-(Natural News) Russia threw down the gauntlet to the United States after announcing plans to collaborate with China to build the first lunar base. An Order of the Government of Russia detailing the plan was published in February of 2021. “Roscosmos has completed domestic proceedings to harmonize the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Russian Federation and the […] -
-(Natural News) A hilly landscape in Northern Russia had the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) mystified of its striped patterns. On Feb. 23, the agency posted satellite images of a rock formation near the Markha River in Arctic Siberia. Taken using the Operation Land Imager on the satellite Landsat 8 over many years, the images showed a wrinkled landscape laced […]
-(Natural News) An international team of researchers suggests that low solar activity and the reversal of the magnetic field together may have cataclysmic effects that can spell the end of life. In a study recently published in the journal Science, the researchers detailed how the decline of the archaic Neanderthals and extinction of megafauna may be linked to the solar minimum a long […]
-(Natural News) Hydrogen might just be the fuel of the future. An energy carrier like electricity, it can store tremendous amounts of energy and power places with no access to the power grid. And whether it’s used in a fuel cell or burned to create heat, its only byproducts are clean water and heat. But the “hydrogen […]
-(Natural News) Imagine a city that doesn’t have to rely on factories several hundreds of miles away to supply the needs of its residents. This self-sufficient city could become its own manufacturing hub. Now, researchers from Cardiff University have found a way to make that happen. In a recent study published in the journal Computers & Operations Research, researchers described […]
-(Natural News) Over 80 percent of the matter in the universe exists in a form that scientists cannot directly observe. Known as “dark matter,” this mysterious substance cannot be seen or detected by even the most powerful telescopes. Now, a recent study shows what potentially happens to dark matter when it interacts with gravity. Researchers from the Chinese […]
-(Natural News) Electric vehicles are poised to create a massive waste management problem in the future without early intervention to reduce waste from electric vehicle batteries, according to a study published in the journal Nature. In a review of current battery recycling efforts, a team led by the University of Birmingham researchers reported that the British government and the industry need to act now to […]
-(Natural News) The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has partnered with scientists working on the Breakthrough Listen project in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). The team will use NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) to identify “light-curve anomalies” and detect “technosignatures.” Breakthrough Listen is a $100 million SETI initiative considered as the most comprehensive search for alien […]
-(Natural News) Learning how to read seed packet information is critical to the success of your home garden. Most seed packets contain instructions on how to properly take care of the seeds, but perusing these instructions can be confusing for new gardeners. Here’s how to read seed packet information for a successful home garden: (h/t to How to read seed packet information Many […]