Posts by Nanditha Ram:


    Binge Eating: Relief Through Yoga Therapy,

    Binge eating is said to have its origins in psychological disturbances. Binge eaters seek comfort in food when all else seems hopeless. Yoga could offer tremendous therapeutic comfort for sufferers of this disorder. The connection lies in the fact that yoga could help heal the mind by directing awareness towards the body. Therefore, the behavioural Read More


    Visualize your success and sure enough it’s yours,

    It is no more surprising that creative visualizations can make your dreams come true than it is that clouds can bring rain. Fact is, the mind can make our reality manifest and what we dream during alpha sleep is simply as real or not as the bed on which we sleep. Truly, the mind has Read More


    Social activity one of the best medicines,

    Being and feeling a part of a close-knit social network is crucial for a persons health and wellbeing, say research findings. According to scientists, it could even guard against memory loss and the effects of aging more effectively than drugs and medication. According to research, people are less likely to suffer debilitating conditions such as Read More


    Guts and glory: Insights on why Manipura chakra is the power center of the body-mind,

    Manipura is the third of the seven chakras  – i:e: at the navel center and relates to power, action, willpower, self-esteem, vitality and ego. It governs the digestive system. The manipura chakra is also known as the solar plexus. To me this has such a rich texture of meaning and it seems not by coincidence Read More


    Gut bacteria and their connection to the brain,

    The presence of gut bacteria improve a persons health. This is not news. They become conspicuous by their absence because the body goes out of balance and losses equilibrium. This much seems obvious. But what’s not obvious yet equally true is that gut microbiome also influence brain functioning and the neurological processes in the human Read More


    The nervous system, migraine and yoga therapy,

    Migraine headaches are caused by inflammation of nerve endings, as a result of blood vessels in the brain swelling up. Or so we have always believed. For the longest time, the brain stem was implicated in the occurrence of migraine headaches as the starting point, from which all other symptoms evolved. However, the symptoms themselves Read More

    Secular Spirituality Yoga

    Yoga: invaluable therapeutic intervention for anxiety and manic-depression,

    Bipolar disorder is gaining ground worldwide and can often go undetected. According to statistics, it is the sixth leading cause of disability in the world. Conventional medical treatments may have their place but they are far from adequate and there are enough testimonies to this effect. Of course the idea is not to self-diagnose, but Read More

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