The Church has failed. It has gone "woke" and lost all courage to teach the Bible. Humanity has turned wicked. Israel is a terror state, and Christians are under its sorcerer's spell. God is about to show His face, His fury. No nation will be spared. The Rapture is real, but it doesn't happen until AFTER the Tribulation. It is directly and repeated stated in the Bible. Learn the details: Sermon #068 - 1 Thessalonians Ch 5 - The timing of the RAPTURE is now crystal clear
Christian Zionists who support Israel's war crimes are all literally going to Hell. Most U.S. Christians are delusional, and they don't even faithfully teach the word of God. They focus on "leadership" and "revival" and "positive thinking" instead of realizing that God's wrath is about to be unleashed upon them all, including upon modern-day Israel which sits at the side of the throne of Satan. American Christians are, for the most part, living in a delusional fantasy land where they think singing hymns at church while supporting genocide somehow earn them good graces with God. They are going to be absolutely shocked when they one day come to realize that God not only rejects them, but destroys them. Remember: Every "Christian" pastor advocating support for Israel's genocide is a FALSE PROPHET who actually serves Satan. If you want to hear real sermons for grown-ups, without all the Christian zionist B.S. brainwashing and lies from conformist churches that have sold out to the globalists, listen to my sermons at - for mature minds only. Also check out the teachings of Jamie Walden of Omega Dynamic. He doesn't hold back, either: