Urban farming: grow your own food without needing a garden

April 14th, 2016, by

More and more people want to know how and where there food is made. Unfortunately, major food corporations have taken great strides to conceal this information from the public, especially as it pertains to the labeling of genetically modified foods. Consequently, the best way to ensure your food is safe to eat is to grow it yourself.

One of the best ways to start growing food from home is with a Garden Tower. This novel instrument enables you to grow up to 50 plants vertically in a surface area of only four square feet! In addition, it’s compact size allows you to grow piratically anything anywhere, whether it be in a small backyard or on a patio.

Easy and affordable

To make gardening at home even easier, the Garden Tower is self-fertilizing. The tube that runs down the middle of the grow tower is a patented vertical vermicomposting system. At the beginning of the growing season, add a cup of worms to the tube. Then, instead of disposing your vegetable scraps in the garbage, place them in the tube. The worms will eat the vegetable scraps and turn them into manure, helping the plants flourish.

The amount of herbs, vegetables and flowers you can grow with your Garden Tower is endless, encompassing Brussels sprouts, carrots, strawberries, lettuce, basil, thistle and salvia, to name just a few.

Furthermore, the Garden Tower applies sterilized potting soil to stop weeds from sprouting, making it a self-contained, weed-free system. In addition, you will rarely have to water your Garden Tower. It recycles the water you used previously with very little top soil being exposed to the sun.

The Garden Tower will also slash your expenses. All that is needed to power the vertical garden is water and warm sunshine. As a result, you’ll save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars each year by growing high-quality organic foods that cost an arm and a leg at the supermarket. Also, you’ll avoid having to pay taxes on your food, since the IRS is not allowed to tax food that you grow yourself. Urban gardening has never been more easy and affordable!

The Garden Tower is also beneficial to the environment. You’ll reduce your carbon footprint by having to make fewer trips to the grocery store, and avoid the noxious pesticides used on crop yields. It’s a win-win situation.

Purchase your very own Garden Tower today!

Vertical gardening is fun for all ages. Given its easy to use design, you can use the Garden Tower to teach your kids about the principles of organic gardening and how to be more self-reliant.

Fundamentally, with the Garden Tower, you can rest assured that your food is clean, safe to eat and healthy. The Garden Tower is as much an investment in your health as much as it is food. Start your very own garden today by purchasing a Garden Tower here.

For an exclusive look inside the Garden Tower, check out the video below.


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