How to help your body make its own internal medicines at the Natural Medicine Summit

March 10th, 2016, by

Our bodies really are amazing. They are constantly in flux, changing, and evolving as we age. Cells die and regenerate at an amazing pace; brain cell capacity alone is in the hundreds of billions.

But what our bodies tend not to do very well – for most of us, anyway – is heal itself. Too often we are forced to rely on Big Pharma and expensive, dangerous, costly medical procedures like chemotherapy and radiation therapy, that very often do us more harm than good over the long haul.

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Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could find a way to unlock the natural healing processes of our bodies? Dr. William Sears, M.D., can help you with that.

Appreciated for his science-made-simple-and-fun approach, Dr. Sears will take us on a tour inside the body to discover two “internal medicine pharmacies,” as he calls them, in his presentation, “How to help your body make its own internal medicines.” He is just one of the many natural and homeopathic health and nutrition experts invited to speak at the Natural Medicine Summit to be held March 14–22, a free online symposium aimed presenting information that will make you feel younger, reverse the disease and aging processes, and live a better, longer life.

The internal medicines theme is central to many of his recent publications on family nutritional and healthy aging. In his presentation he will reveal new, exciting, and Nobel Prize-winning research to empower viewers and healthcare providers with tools to transform their health.

Dr. Sears received his medical training at Harvard Medical School’s Children’s Hospital in Boston and The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, the world’s largest children’s hospital, where he was associate ward chief of the newborn intensive care unit before serving as the chief of pediatrics at Toronto Western Hospital, a teaching hospital of the University of Toronto.

He has served as a professor of pediatrics at the University of Toronto, University of South Carolina, University of Southern California School of Medicine and University of California, Irvine. The father of eight children, together with his wife Martha, he has written 44 books and hundreds of articles on family nutrition and healthy aging, as well as running his website,

Dr. Sears is also the co-founder of a top-rated Health Coach Training and Certification program, the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, built on his science-made-simple-and-fun approach to health for families, pregnant women and adults. Dr. Sears and his contribution to family health were featured on the cover of TIME magazine in May 2012.

In addition to his talk, other experts will present information about how to customize your diet to match your biochemistry so you lose weight and keep it off; surprising “health foods” that are aging you and crushing your energy levels; keys to losing those last stubborn pounds; and much more.

To enroll for free in the Natural Medicine Summit click here.

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