Glowing skin and graceful aging

March 9th, 2016, by

They aren’t topics that we are concerned with when we’re young, but at some point we reach a certain age where we become much more preoccupied with our physical appearance and age.

Sometimes we just wake up one morning, look into the mirror and say to ourselves, “What happened to my youth?” Years of education or training, raising children, running a family and work have made our time on earth fly by, and the next thing we know, it’s 20 or 30 years later.

Well, the good news is, we don’t have to settle for the nuances of getting older. Some things are certain in life – death and taxes being two of them – but aging badly doesn’t have to be a for sure thing.

At least, that’s what Trevor Cates, ND (Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine) believes. In fact, Dr. Trevor doesn’t accept that at all.

What’s more, the Park City, Utah, practitioner plans to divulge details of how to cheat the aging process as one of dozens of natural and homeopathic health and nutrition experts who have been invited to speak at the Natural Medicine Summit to be held March 14-22, a free online symposium aimed presenting information that will make you feel younger, reverse the disease process and live better – now, not later.

In her presentation, “Glowing Skin and Graceful Aging,” Dr. Trevor will educate and empower you in ways to delay the aging process and remain youthful in mind and body.

“I realize there is an abundance of health and wellness information available at your fingertips today (online and in print) that is overwhelming, confusing and sometimes even conflicting,” Dr. Trevor says on her web site. “As a licensed naturopathic physician with an education in science-based and integrative medicine and 14 years of clinical experience, I want to help you determine what is best for your unique health needs.”

“My goal is to get to the root of your health concern and address any imbalances with a holistic approach to medicine so that you can feel and look your best,” she adds.

Dr. Trevor certainly has a wealth of experience and qualifications. After receiving her medical degree from the National College of Natural Medicine and was the first woman licensed as a naturopathic doctor in the state of California, she was appointed by former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to California’s Bureau of Naturopathic Medicine Advisory Council and served on the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians’ board.

In addition to her medical degree, Dr. Trevor has a master’s degree in spiritual psychology from the University of Santa Monica. Dr. Trevor was also the Naturopathic Physician and Nutrition & Wellness Coordinator for the Waldorf Astoria Park City, where she created wellness programs for the spa.

To catch her presentation, enroll for free in the Natural Medicine Summit, click here.


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