30 years of integrative practice: A retrospective

March 9th, 2016, by

Do you want to age gracefully, reverse disease and feel better in general? Who doesn’t? In the age of the internet, however, reliable sources of information, especially as it pertains to health, can be hard to come by. That is why Dr. Micheal Murray, one of the world’s leading authorities on Natural Medicine, has hand selected 30 of the most renowned health experts to participate at this year’s Natural Medicine Healing and Wellness Summit.

From March 14 – 22, audience members will discover how to loose weight, boost energy levels, improve memory and various anti-stress therapies that actually work. Speakers will provide answers to your health and wellness needs as they present the latest research in natural medicine. You can sign up for this FREE online event at NaturalMedicineSummit.com.

Dr. Ronald Hoffman from Hoffman Center to speak live at summit

Dr. Ronald Hoffman, one of the countries foremost integrative medicine practitioners, will be speaking at the summit. During his presentation entitled, “30 Years of Integrative Practice: A Retrospective,” audience members will learn about the evolution of integrative medicine over the past three decades, the growing public embrace of natural medicine, what roadblocks need to be overcome to further legitimize the field and lessons from top luminaries that he has interviewed over the years.

Dr. Hoffman obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from Columbia College and his M.D. from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He was trained in Internal Medicine at the Manhattan V.A. Hospital. He later attended the Tristate School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and received New York State certification to perform acupuncture. He is a Fellow of the American College for Advancement in Medicine and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, as well as a certified Nutrition Specialist of the American College of Nutrition (ACN).

Dr. Hoffman has been at the frontiers of complementary and alternative medicine for decades. In 1985, he founded the Hoffman Center in New York City, where he sees patients and oversees therapies administered by a hand picked team of health professionals. Drawing upon his clinical experience and expertise with vitamins and herbal preparations, Hoffman created a line of nutritional supplements for Hoffman Center Patients, which are now available for the public.

Since 1988, Dr. Hoffman has been the host of the popular nationally-syndicated radio program Intelligent Medicine and the Internet podcast of the same name. It is the longest-run physician medical talk show on the air. Topics on the show include innovations in high-tech medicine, diet, exercise, supplements and more. He is also the author of several books, including Diet Type Weight-Loss Program (1989); Seven Weeks to a Settled Stomach (1991); Tired All the Time? How to Regain Your Lost Energy (1993); Intelligent Medicine (1997); How to Talk with Your Doctor (2006); and Natural Cures That Really Work (2007).

With imminent speakers like Dr. Hoffman present, this is an event you won’t want to miss. All of the speakers will provide important and useful information about your health. Even better, you can listen to the lectures from the comfort of your own home. Seize this completely FREE event today at NaturalMedicineSummit.com.

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