Dr. Joseph Mercola explains why we get sick and how to fix it

March 4th, 2016, by

The human body is vastly complex and amazing at the same time. Scientists and health experts have been studying its various functions for centuries. The so-called father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, wrote some 70 books detailing in a scientific manner many diseases and their treatments following his observations more than 2,400 years ago.

Today, through a combination of science and technology, healthcare providers have a range of wonderful tools to both diagnose and treat illness and disease, and yet there is still much more research and discovery to be done.

Indeed, one of the more mysterious aspects of healthcare in general is how disease processes begin and progress in humans and, more importantly, how we can prevent those processes from beginning at all. And that is what interests and animates Dr. Joseph Mercola, DO, the most. Fortunately, Dr. Mercola is one of dozens of natural and homeopathic health and nutrition experts invited to speak at the Natural Medicine Summit to be held March 14-22, a free online symposium designed to provide the very latest useful, practical information that will help you feel younger, reverse the disease process and live better.

Dr. Mercola speaks at this year’s Natural Medicine Summit

In his presentation, “Why We Get Sick and How to Fix It,” Dr. Mercola – founder of Mercola.com, one of the Web’s leading natural health websites – will examine all aspects of human illness and provide you with a wealth of information about how to stay healthy naturally.

“You are wise to question who you can trust when it comes to maintaining, enhancing, or rebuilding your health,” Dr. Mercola, who is also a New York Times best-selling author, says on his website.

“With all websites, newspapers, magazines, and other publications offering health advice, with every new multi-million dollar TV ad for another proclaimed miracle drug, with any recommendation offered by traditional and natural physicians, it is essential to answer this question above all others: what is their real motivation?” he said.

“Only if the answer provides you with a sense of security, move on to the next important question: what are their qualifications? The primary trick of the existing medical establishment is to get you to forget that first question – their real motivation – by dazzling you with what appears to be magnificently trustworthy qualifications.”

After graduating from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine – Midwestern University in 1982 and completing his residency at Chicago Osteopathic Hospital in 1985, Dr. Mercola became board-certified by the American College Osteopathic General Practitioners, and licensed in the state of Illinois. He founded Mercola.com in 1997 out of his desire to educate as many people as possible about the benefits of natural health.

“Osteopathic physicians practice a ‘whole person’ approach, treating the entire person rather than just symptoms. Focusing on preventive health care, DOs help patients develop attitudes and lifestyles that don’t just fight illness, but help prevent it, too,” he says.

In addition to Dr. Mercola’s presentation, other health experts will provide information regarding the healing power of nature; how to reverse diabetes; how to have glowing skin while aging gracefully; and much more.

Enroll for free in the Natural Medicine Summit right now by clicking here!




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