Food analysis lab censors findings showing hotdogs contain human DNA

March 4th, 2016, by

Clear Food, the brainchild of food analysis startup Clear Labs, announced a project it says will publicly post scores for foods based on whether or not the food composition matches the label. Unfortunately, while this idea may seem promising, the lab decided it wanted to be a “friend” of the food industry, rather than an impartial, informative outlet consumers could rely on.

Health Ranger Mike Adams, director of the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, initially expressed excitement at the prospect of having a new private food testing laboratory in the market. Sadly, however, Adams’ excitement was short-lived, considering the fact that Clear Labs, in its statements, seems to have already surrendered to the food industry.

According to Food Quality News, Clear Food “does not want to alienate industry.”

“… we don’t want to alienate industry,” said Mahni Ghorashi, co-founder of Clear Labs. “We are not a consumer watchdog organization.” So, does this mean that they censor their own science to protect the worst offenders? How can they call themselves “Clear” when they won’t even tell consumers which brands are contaminated?

In its first big announcement, the lab tested hundreds of hotdogs and veggie dogs and found some very disturbing things.

For one, it found human DNA in hotdogs. “2 percent of all samples were found to have traces of human DNA in them. Veggie dogs were the worst off, accounting for 67 percent of the hygiene issues and two-thirds of the human DNA found,” reports Yahoo! News.

While the fact that hotdogs contain human DNA doesn’t necessarily mean the meat grinder actually contained human meat, the thought that your favorite snack has some human DNA mixed into it is quite disturbing, to say the least. More likely, people working in hotdog factory food lines haven’t been wearing protective nets or gloves while doing their jobs. It’s also interesting to note that most of the problems were found in veggie dogs, which are positioned as being healthier than meat-based hotdogs. Apparently, veggie dogs aren’t 100% vegetarian, because they also contain some human parts.

While the Clear Food report reveals that 10% of vegetarian hotdogs contained meat, it sadly refused to name which brands were contaminated.

Moreover, the entire Clear Food system only rates whether or not food composition actually matches the food label. So, it follows that since GMOs aren’t exactly written on food labels, the lab won’t be testing for GMOs in the first place. Just imagine this: The company could be giving high scores to food made with all sorts of toxic, genetically modified ingredients including hydrogenated oils, cancer-causing sodium nitrite and HFCS, as long as the composition matches the food label.

Too bad. Clear Food could have been empowering consumers; now, however, they’re more likely to end up as just another industry lapdog.

Enter the Natural News Forensic Food Lab

Despite the massive disappointment that is Clear Food, consumers should not lose hope. There are still private food testing labs out there willing to go against big food giants in the name of public safety and interest. One such lab is the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, led by Mike Adams.

With the addition of an entire organic chemistry section, the lab will soon be testing foods for pesticides, herbicides and other contaminants. The addition of an ion chromatograph instrument, which will test for iodine, fluoride, chlorine and other halogens, is also underway.

If you want to make sure that the contents of your food are safe for you and your family’s consumption, visit

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