It’s After Midnight Smoker’s Blog – Part III – “The Nicotine Crutch”

February 24th, 2016, by

Some smokers, deep down, wish they had never started smoking in the first place. They wish, some nights, with every morsel of their being, they could quit, but they don’t know how. A cigarette is like a crutch and you’ve got a permanently broken foot, that aches every hour of every day. Think about it–if you had a broken foot, how would you walk without that crutch? When you get depressed, you smoke a cigarette. The nicotine is your crutch for your broken “mood.” You get your “fix” of nicotine to “fix” your mood, your outlook. When you get stressed, you smoke a cigarette. It fixes your nerves, settles them. The nicotine is your crutch for your “limping” central nervous system.

If you have a broken foot and you want to get down the street, well, without a car, bike, or wheelchair – looks like you’ll be using a crutch. Similarly, if you need a little extra energy or confidence, say, for a job interview or to deal with annoying relatives at some function – you smoke a cigarette and get that “nic-fix.” But over time, a foot heals, the bone mends, and you throw out the crutch, yet with cigarettes, it’s just the opposite. Your body makes less and less dopamine and serotonin (feel good hormones) and you become MORE stressed, MORE depressed, and have LESS energy, drive, and ability to cope with adversity. Your body’s getting that artificial stimulation and for so long that it just stops making it naturally, after a certain point.

You are slowly becoming more and more broken. Look in the mirror … what do you see?

monkey cig

Deep down, you want to escape the cigarette nightmare. At night, late, you may look in the mirror and judge yourself. Where id you go wrong? Why aren’t you strong enough to quit? Are you really a slave to this nicotine fix?

What if you could go back in time – to a time before you ever smoked, and be THAT healthy? What if you found out tonight that you’re “foot” is healed – and you can DROP the crutch? Your body is ready and your mind is set. All you have to do is replace the nicotine with “super” foods that make you feel the same way. Seriously.

Super Secret Cessation Foods

Dark, Organic Chocolate: Dark, organic chocolate: reduces stress; helps with depression; lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Mucuna: The Mucuna extract contains a significant amount of naturally occurring L-dopa, an amino acid which converts into dopamine. Most commonly sold in powder form, this “herbal” remedy can be found all over the internet, and the 60 percent concentration can be found in vegetarian capsules that are high quality. ( Learn more:

Maca – Food of the Gods! Maca has been highly regarded for centuries as a miracle food. Native to the Andes Mountains, maca is the superfood of one of the oldest and once most advanced civilizations on earth – the Incas and Peruvians. Over the centuries, maca has been called “magic, the food of the gods and a miracle drug” for a reason. It works.

Goji Berries: The goji berry is an excellent superfood for your next smoothie. They provide you with protein, trace minerals, and an assortment of other nutrients, and they taste great! Goji berries are also known as wolfberries–they are reddish pink and grow on an evergreen shrub native to Asia and southeastern Europe.

Vitamin B complex with niacin: Cardio exercise and certain supplements, like “Mucuna” and vitamin B complex with niacin are just the beginning, but they have a proven track record of killing the cravings and balancing the central nervous system.

Also research:


  1. The true chemical addiction to nicotine is broken in 3 to 4 days. Can you go that long without a smoke?
  1. Fast food, soda, sugar and aspartame all fuel the nicotine addiction by wrecking your energy and nerves and making you feel like you need that nic-crutch
  1. Chantix and Zyban medications are worse than nicotine because they BLOCK serotonin uptake and breed confusion, anxiety, and thoughts of suicide – per the side effects listed on the bottle and the drug insert the doctor is supposed to read to you.

Final Question: Would you continue using a crutch after your broken foot healed? Of course not. “Heal” your nutrition–heal your moods–and you won’t be “limping” around asking for or craving a cigarette. Period.

Hey you late night marauders … drop the crutch!



Here’s how— Click for Free Preview Here: 14AndOut–Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days! 

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