Man sets up foundation for patients seeking alternative treatments after curing his own cancer with cannabis oil

January 19th, 2016, by

Cancer survivor David Hibbitt is creating a patient support foundation after curing his own cancer with cannabis oil.

David, 33, was diagnosed with stage III bowel cancer in July 2012 and underwent chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery to treat his condition.(1)

Despite these efforts, doctors told David that his cancer was terminal. He took matters into his own hands by trying cannabis oil as a last resort. He purchased marijuana from a local dealer for $70 a gram.(1)

The father of one declares he has been cancer-free since early last year and hopes to set up a support group for cancer patients who are seeking alternative treatments.

“Friends had told me about cannabis oil and I dismissed it at first. I’ve never been into drugs,” David told sources.(1)

“But in February last year I was told I only had 18 months to five years to live, and I felt I had to try everything I could. I felt like the chemo was killing me and I had nothing to lose. I couldn’t accept I was going to die.”(1)

The royal oil

After doing some online research of his own, David found a bountiful amount of information about the medicinal benefits of cannabis oil and decided to try it.

“When I was told I had terminal cancer, I just couldn’t accept it. I was in my early 30s and I had my son to think about, so I decided to try alternative treatments,” he said.(2)

“A few people had already suggested using cannabis oil, so I decided to look into the research before I decided to give it a go.”(2)

He starting using small amounts of cannabis oil in May 2014 in conjunction with courses of chemotherapy.

“I took very small amounts at first alongside chemotherapy, but I started missing my appointments at the hospital for one reason or another.”(2)

“Come to the end of August, I felt that the chemotherapy was actually making me poorly. I thought that if I was going to die, I didn’t want to feel this ill, so I decided to stop my treatment.”(2)

“I continued taking cannabis oil, but I also had other treatments such as radiotherapy, and I also had an operation at the end of October 2014.”(2)

Giving hope to other cancer patients

David was given the all clear last April following a scan in January. He is currently working on setting up the David Hibbitt Foundation.

“Since telling others about my story, I have had a lot of people get in touch wanting to know more about alternative treatments.(2)

“It just seems like there is nowhere for people to go to get this sort of advice.(2)

“I don’t want people to think that cannabis oil is a miracle cure, but I just want people to know there are other treatments out there that can help.(2)

“The Foundation will have a support group that is completely free to join and it will be a place where people can get advice, as well as talk to each other about their experiences. It’s about giving people a bit of hope.”(2)

Others have testified to the medicinal benefits of cannabis oil in wake of David’s recovery, including cancer patient Gary Cartlidge, aged 59: “I was diagnosed with terminal cancer in October 2014 and the doctors only gave me between three and six months to live.

“I started using cannabis oil about 12 months ago, and I am still here.”(2)

“What David is doing is tremendous because there are people out there who need help, but don’t know where to go for advice on alternative treatments.”(2)

Cannabis isn’t just an an effective way to help chemo patients with a suppressed appetite eat. In an ironic twist of turns, in some cases, it may also be the cure.

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