Big Agra legal deception: The all-out assault to hide what’s really in your food

November 30th, 2015, by

In a recent article, the commonly used pro-biotechnology mouth piece, Henry I. Miller, stated that the Supreme Court’s decision in Reed v. Town of Gilbert laid a constitutional precedent: It barred the attempts of food activists to get genetically modified food labeled so it can be differentiated by customers at the retail level. Though this claim is flat out wrong and shows no understanding either of constitutional law or the issue of GM food labeling, it is making the rounds as corporations in the agricultural-industrial complex begin a massive campaign to defeat GM labeling in every state in the country by any means necessary — ironically even citing their First Amendment right to freedom of speech!

With pro-labeling legislation passing at the state level in Connecticut, Maine and Vermont, and being introduced in over 30 other states in 2014 to 2015 alone, the bio industry has broken all previous election spending records with over $100 million in contributions to defeat these grass roots initiatives. On the national level, their blood money-driven lobbying has birthed the DARK Act, short for Denying Americans the Right to Know, which is a legislative attempt to overturn state level labeling laws through federal regulation.

Even with these legislative pushes, the public doesn’t seem to be falling for the legal deception, though some, including Senator Rand Paul, are touting cost constraints as a reason to oppose mandatory GMO labeling. For those in that camp of thought, if a company isn’t proud enough of their product to actually share its ingredients with its customer base, is it really something you’d want to buy anyway?

Instead of supporting companies that deprive us of our right to know, support those who are proudly promoting the quality ingredients in their products instead. Just remember: At this day and age, the most powerful voice we have is our dollar.


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