Conflict of interest in vaccine study

October 7th, 2015, by

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published a new study confirming no link between vaccines and autism. What they neglected to mention was that there was a conflict of interest: the study was from a consulting group, with a major vaccine maker on their list of clientele – The Lewin Group.

While conflict of interest cannot alone invalidate a study, it certainly should color our perception a little differently, and it certainly fits right in with the efforts to discredit scientists who have found possible links between vaccines and autism. Despite having peer-reviewed and published works, these scientists are not endorsed and promoted by the government the way Big Pharma most certainly is. In fact, to date, there is no conclusive data proving or disproving the link between vaccination and the development of autism – though there is some misreporting of data by the overzealous media.

While it is absolutely possible that all of the studies that do conclude there may be a potential link are wrong, it’s only “controversial” because proponents of Big Pharma make those declarations. However, if we are to entertain those possibilities, we must also believe it to be entirely possible that Big Pharma and its proponents are pushing propaganda to make a profit.

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