This Australian berry kills cancer cells, naturally

October 2nd, 2015, by

According to the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Queensland, Australia, there may be a new, up-and-coming natural treatment for cancer on the way: blushwood berries. Researchers found that the fruit contains compounds that immediately began killing off cancer cells in laboratory studies.

The researchers, led by Dr. Glen Boyle, have developed an experimental drug called EBC-46, made from the seeds of the berries. The study used it to treat melanoma spots on dogs, cats and horses that were diagnosed by their veterinarians and were recommended for euthanasia before participating.

The results? When EBC-46 was injected into their tumors, the cancer cells began to die off immediately, and most tumors were eradicated completely within 48 hours.

Dr. Boyle states, “In most cases the single injection treatment caused the loss of viability of cancer cells within four hours, and ultimately destroyed the tumors.”

EBC-46 shows promise for treating accessible tumors, and its development and efficacy are exciting the world of cancer treatments.


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