Dr. Bruce Fife teaches how natural oils fight mouth infections at FREE Holistic Oral Health Summit

September 11th, 2015, by

Bruce Fife, N.D., (a.k.a. “Dr. Coconut”) is an internationally recognized expert on the health and nutritional aspects of coconuts and related products and is the founder of the Coconut Research Center. He is also the author of numerous books, including The Coconut Oil Miracle (formerly titled The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil), The Palm Oil Miracle, Coconut Lover’s Cookbook and Eat Fat, Look Thin.

Dr. Fife will be presenting at this year’s free Holistic Oral Health Summit, and his topic, “Oil Pulling Therapy: A Natural Way to Kill Infections,” will touch on the following points:

• What is “oil pulling?”
• Discover the many significant health benefits of oil pulling
• Learn how oil pulling promotes healing throughout the entire body

The Holistic Oral Health Summit, starting September 28 and lasting through October 5, will feature 34 of the world’s leading experts on the important link between oral health and whole body health. Oral health is directly correlated with illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and more. Sign up for FREE today and get access to the entire archive, listening to the presentations at your convenience.

“Coconut expert” discusses the magic of “oil pulling” at Holistic Oral Health Summit

The practice of “oil pulling” has been used for thousands of years to pull toxins from gum tissue in the mouth, and coconut oil is considered to be the best-performing oil in the world for oil pulling. “I have seen many people that have started oil pulling and it has improved not only their dental health, but their overall health,” Dr. Fife notes. “Putting oil in your mouth and swishing it around doesn’t seem like it would have much effect but, it really does. And, when you understand the science behind it, then it all makes sense.”

He goes on to explain: “If you have an infection in your mouth, oil pulling is going to help reduce the infection. In some cases, people have been scheduled to have root canals or other dental work done, they start oiling pulling and then no longer have a need for the dental procedure.”

But for most dentists, oil pulling is an alien concept. “Unfortunately, a lot of doctors are just too ingrained in using drugs to treat conditions and they don’t think of natural remedies,” Dr. Fife observes. “The only thing they know about is drugs.”

Dr. Fife’s interest in coconut oil led to the development of an educational program called Save the Children Campaign. The purpose is to help people learn about the health benefits of coconut products so they will begin to use them, and in the process fuel an economic resurgence of the coconut industry in many Third World countries.

As explained on Dr. Fife’s website: “When you purchase coconut products you provide a means by which economically disadvantage parents can make a living so that they can feed, clothe, and educate their children. While you are helping others in this manner, you are also improving your own health. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved”

Learn more on this topic by signing up for the FREE summit today!

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