Health warning: Modern medicine is based on a flawed theory

September 8th, 2015, by

Modern medicine is killing over 100,000 people per year – that’s about 280 people per day – and they’re still in business? Imagine if your company did this to its customers – what would happen to you? Yet, modern healthcare practices continue to cause premature death and injury to millions of people with no end in sight.

Don’t let modern medicine cause your ‘untimely’ death. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Brad Case will expose the ‘germ theory hoax’ and the ugly truth behind Western medicine. After listening to this program, you’ll know why conventionally-trained physicians have no ability to cure disease.

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The widely underreported truths about bad medicine

Back in 1991, a Harvard Medical Practice Study revealed a 4% iatrogenic (doctor caused) injury rate – with a 14% rate of death. That’s 180,000 people killed – every year – by conventionally-trained medical doctors.

In 1994, Dr. Lucian L. Leape published a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) which indicated the numbers are much higher. In fact, two of the researchers featured in the study had death rates of 20 – 25%.

In other words, if you took the average death rate of the three studies (listed above) – you would have well over 1 million deaths per year!

“If all the medicine in the world were thrown in to the sea, it would be bad for the fish and good for humanity.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, M.D. Professor of Medicine, Harvard University

Sadly, if you examine the numbers more carefully, you quickly realize this is just the tip of the iceberg. For example, in a 1998 issue of JAMA, a study noted that ‘adverse drug reactions to properly prescribed drugs, given in hospital settings, ranks as the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S.’

Unfortunately, the vast majority of the population still believes that sickness requires the administration of toxic drugs. In all fairness, most doctors have been brainwashed into believing the flawed theories of modern medicine. Bottom line, getting sick is not a drug deficiency and, in order to completely heal, we must address the true cause of disease.

Vaccine injuries are on the rise. Cholesterol-lowering medications increase the risk of a heart attack and destroy muscle tissue. And, conventional cancer therapies actually cause cancer. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Brad Case will show you a better way to prevent, even REVERSE disease naturally.

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Why do people really get sick?

Well, if you believe most people, germs – from the outside world – enter our body, either from the air or bodily fluids of sick people and cause disease. This is the whole basis for vaccines. We, supposedly, need these shots to trigger our immune system and protect us from harm. But, even Western medicine now recognizes this to be false.

So, the question remains, why do some people get sick and others don’t? Could it have something to do with our inner terrain? Many holistically-minded physicians are studying the effects of altering our inner environment to help build our defense against disease.

“Serious illness doesn’t bother me for long because I am too inhospitable a host” – Dr. Albert Schweitzer

On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, discover what you need to know about modern medicine BEFORE you get sick and how to really prevent disease from claiming your life.

This week’s guest: Dr. Brad Case, natural healthcare expert and author

Learn how to free yourself from drug dependency and disease – Sun. Jan. 11

Dr. Brad Case is a doctor of chiropractic and author of “Thugs, Drugs and the War on Bugs”, Book I in the Why We’re Sick™ book series. Dr. Case received his degree from the National University of Health Sciences. He holds certificates in applied kinesiology, nutrition response testing, allergy elimination, reconnective healing and botanical medicine.

Dr. Case ran a very successful private practice in California for eighteen years. He is currently completing a Family Practice Residency at his alma mater, where he teaches part-time and is working toward his Doctor of Naturopathic medicine degree and a post-doctoral Master of Science in Advanced Clinical Practice.

Do I really need drugs to stay healthy? On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, you’ll discover why Western medicine is not capable of curing disease. In order to understand the depth of the problem – you need to know the history of modern medicine. Join us for an amazing (informative) program.

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