Doctor Oz has precisely the right level of wisdom and humility to move medicine forward

September 8th, 2015, by

In a cogent rebuttal to the vicious attacks levied against him after a recent episode of his show boldly brought to light the cancer-causing effects of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, Dr. Mehmet Oz humbly exposed the hypocrisy of the “conventional-only” sects within modern medicine that have falsely condemned him as a quack while simultaneously ignoring the fact that real medicine is based on honest inquiry and open-mindedness to scientific progress.

In case you missed it, Dr. Oz recently hosted several experts on his show who discussed the new World Health Organization (WHO) report conducted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The report determined, based on the whole of existing scientific research into the safety of glyphosate herbicide, that the chemical is a “probable human carcinogen,” having earned a spot in the United Nations-backed agency’s top risk category for chemicals to be avoided.

Much of the mainstream media ignored the report, which is hardly a surprise. However, Dr. Oz addressed it head on, featuring an entire segment that highlighted the inherent dangers of one of the world’s most widely used crop chemicals to millions of viewers. Just days after the segment aired, a few bad apples within the conventional medical system wrote a letter to Columbia University, where Dr. Oz is currently a department chair, calling for his swift removal.

The letter was completely bogus, and Columbia did the right thing by rejecting it. However, the firestorm of bad press that Dr. Oz inevitably received prompted him to make a few statements of his own, which were published in an op-ed piece by TIME. In his defense, Dr. Oz explained how his show is all about reiterating the merits of science-based medicine while exploring fresh approaches to treatment that are helping people right now.

“I don’t expect all of my colleagues to understand this marriage between conventional medicine and the broader definition of wellness that the show pursues,” wrote Dr. Oz in his defense.

“I have spent my entire career searching for ways to lessen the suffering of my patients. The best and safest paths have generally been the traditions of conventional medicine. They are tried and true, well funded, and fast. But there are other routes to healing that offer wisdom as well, so I have been willing to explore alternative routes to healing and share any wisdom that can be gathered.”

All forms of medicine were once scorned as being “unscientific” by the establishment of the day; the only way to advance is to explore new ideas

The irony of mainstream medicine’s knee-jerk hostility towards all forms of emerging science in areas involving the holistic healing arts and so-called “alternative” medicine is that nearly all of what is today considered to be “conventional” or “science-based” medicine was once regarded in this same negative light by previous generations of doctors who were enslaved to the status quo.

It is precisely because a few brave doctors were willing to push the boundaries of what was considered accepted medicine at the time – like Dr. Oz is doing today – that we even have many of the advanced therapeutics now taken for granted by the establishment white-coats. If every new idea in medicine was immediately thrown out as quackery like Dr. Oz’s accusers are doing, there would never be any advancements in medicine.

“My exploration of alternative medicine has never been intended to take the place of conventional medicine, but rather as additive,” contends Dr. Oz. “Critics often imply that any exploration of alternative methods means abandoning conventional approaches. It does not.”

He added, “The reality of being a healer is that we won’t ever know everything about our chosen field, which is what attracts many of us to medicine in the first place.”


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