Mike Pompeo blatantly lied to Americans about food prices while voting to ban GMO labeling nationwide

September 7th, 2015, by

July 23 was a dark day for GMO opponents. The House of Representatives passed the Dark Act, which makes it illegal for states to issue mandatory labeling laws for foods with genetically engineered ingredients.

Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan) issued the legislation in an effort to keep Americans in the dark about the toxic herbicides that clothe their food. Pompeo, who was almost certainty paid by GMO lobbyists, pushed the Dark Act on the debunked grounds that GMO labeling would raise food prices.

“Precisely zero pieces of credible evidence have been presented that foods produced with biotechnology pose any risk to our health and safety,” Pompeo said. “We should not raise prices on consumers based on the wishes of a handful of activists.”

Pompeo a sock puppet for biotech industry

Pompeo knows he is a sock puppet for the GMO industry. Contrary to Pompeo’s remarks, efforts to push GMO labeling aren’t at the hands a few activists. Approximately 9 out of 10 American want GMO products to be labeled – a right enjoyed by consumers in 64 other countries that actual have actual representative governments.

In addition, there is no evidence that GMO labeling would cause food prices to go up. Food companies constantly change their labels without it affecting costs.

Nor is their evidence that consumers will reject GMO products if they are labeled. Many consumers are only concerned about the amount of calories and fat that items contain, and don’t care about the processes that were used to make their food. GMOs have been labeled in Brazil since 2001; nevertheless, less than 1 percent of food sales are organic. Labeling is by no means a financial burden to the GMO industry.

On the other side of the coin, some countries, like Europe, have placed a two-year ban on Monsanto’s pesticides because of the dangerous effects it has on both public health and the environment. The pesticides are a risk to human health because they coat GMO products that people consume and a risk to the environment because they kill the bees that play an integral role in pollinating crops. Approximately 94 percent of United States corn crops are covered with biotech pesticides. Meanwhile, Pompeo touts GMOs as being perfectly safe and has the audacity to claim that he is the one looking out for consumers.

GMOs carry huge risks

Consumer have reason to be wary of GMOs, however. In particular, genetically modified crops are bathed in Monsanto’s infamous Roundup herbicide. The active ingredient in the herbicide is glyphosate, which, after much delay, was classified as “probably carcinogenic” to humans by the World Health Organization (WHO). Glyphosate has been linked to birth defects, nerve damage, cancers and other maladies. The Dark Act strips consumers of the right to know if their food literally contains poison.

Furthermore, GMOs lead to monoculture, which increases the risk of a large-scale food collapse and mass famine.

Genetic engineering is sure to bring about new and unforeseen technologies, many of which will have hiccups. Under these circumstances, experts invoke what is known as the Precautionary Principle, which states, whenever an action poses a risk, we should not act on it unless there is scientific consensus that it is safe. Contrary to the propaganda, however, there is no scientific consensus that GMOs are safe, and there is good scientific reason to believe that they are dangerous. Meanwhile, Pompeo quickly championed the legislation, disregarding the threat that these new technologies carry.

Opponents of the Dark Act hope to stall the bill in the Senate. When it comes down to it, the Dark Act protects corporations that poison their consumers for profit. Pompeo’s claim that tagging GMOs will raise food prices is nothing but a fable of the label.

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