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These six tips could help heal your autoimmune disease

Autoimmune disease

(NaturalNews) The so-called Paleolithic diet, which also goes by the shorthand Paleo, is rapidly gaining mainstream attention as an optimal dietary and lifestyle protocol for building strength, shedding extra pounds, and promoting longevity. But the Paleo diet can also serve as an effective treatment for specific autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto's disease, playing an important role in keeping symptoms at bay and potentially even healing the condition altogether.

In a recent piece reposted by health blogger Sarah Wilson, The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook author Mickey Trescott highlights six unique ways that she has been able to keep her own Hashimoto's condition in check, which includes abiding by standard Paleo principles. These six methods, she explains, have resulted in amazing health improvements, allowing her to live a much more normal life with increased energy and fewer debilitating symptoms.

Maintaining healthy circulation to keep the lymphatic system functioning

Sufferers of Hashimoto's know that, along with the destruction of their thyroid glands, lymphatic congestion can lead to swelling and other problems on the face and neck. To address this, Trescott spends at least 10 minutes daily 1) jumping on a mini rebounding trampoline, which activates the circulation of lymph. Taking even a single small "bounce break" daily, she says, helps reduce her puffiness and congestion symptoms and gets things going.

2) Supplementing with a high-quality, soil-based probiotic is another one of Trescott's recommendations, as gastrointestinal imbalances are almost always the basis behind autoimmune disorders. Nutrient-stripped processed foods, environmental contaminants and other factors have done a number on many people's digestive tracts, which means that replacing the bacterial communities that protect the body is essential.

"Our digestive tracts are home to thousands of different species of bacteria, not just the few strains found in regular probiotics these days (like lactobacillus)," explained Trescott. "While I eat fermented foods and have taken traditional probiotics in the past, they don't compare to the effect that taking soil-based organisms has had on my digestion and overall health."

It might sound cliche, but 3) getting regular exercise, or even just moving every day with a simple walk, can make a huge difference in how you feel. Like with a rebounder, walking or moving gets the blood flowing and the sweat dripping, two normal functions by which the body increases circulation and expels toxins.

Consuming bone broth, liver from grass-fed animals for optimal nutrition

Another key element in the effective treatment of autoimmune conditions is 4) eating liver and bone broth daily. These two foods contain essential trace minerals, as well as collagen and gelatin, that help quell inflammation, improve digestion and aid in various bodily repairs.

"Homemade bone broth soups are effective in restoring a healthy mucosal lining in the stomach," said licensed acupuncturist and integrative medicine specialist Chris Kresser. "Bone broth is rich in collagen and gelatin, which have been shown to benefit people with ulcers. It's also high in proline, a non-essential amino acid that is an important precursor for the formation of collagen."

For Trescott's bone broth recipe, or to learn how to make a healthy and delicious liver pate from grass-fed beef liver, visit:

5) Earthing is another unconventional method that Trescott recommends for getting deep, restful sleep. Sleeping well is absolutely essential to good health, as this is the time when the body is most attuned with healing and regeneration.

To go along with this, Trescott urges autoimmune disease sufferers to 6) balance their circadian rhythms. Keeping one's biological clock in check by avoiding artificial light sources that omit blue light, especially at night after the sun has set, will help establish a normal rhythm of melatonin production inside the body, leading to improved sleep cycles and feelings of restfulness.

You can read Trescott's full report here:

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