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Autism Science Foundation

Beware of Autism 'Science' Foundation - Front group spreading lies about Dr. Andrew Wakefield and autism

Sunday, September 01, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Tags: Autism Science Foundation, Andrew Wakefield, front group

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(NaturalNews) A prominent autism disinformation website has been given formal notice to promptly remove false and defamatory content about renowned gastroenterologist Dr. Andrew Wakefield or else face a potential lawsuit. As reported by Age of Autism, Dr. Wakefield recently sent a letter to Alison Singer, Director of the so-called Autism Science Foundation (ASF), urging her to immediately remove misleading, reckless, defamatory and malicious statements from her website, statements that grossly misrepresent the findings of an English court judge with regards to charges earlier filed against Dr. Wakefield by the medical industry.

As you may recall, Dr. Wakefield found himself embroiled in a vindictive war waged by the conventional medical cabal after spilling the beans on the potential gastrointestinal consequences of the combination measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, also known as MMR. Not long after being published in the peer-reviewed British Medical Journal (BMJ) back in 1998, Dr. Wakefield's game-changing, and completely credible, findings landed him in the crosshairs of the British and U.S. governments, the corrupt BMJ editorial team, and a certain malevolent journalist by the name of Brian Deer, all entities that clearly made it their mission to destroy Dr. Wakefield's career and livelihood.

In the years that followed, ASF was launched for the apparent purpose of further deconstructing the truth and severing all ties in the public psyche between autism and vaccines, and the MMR vaccine in particular. Singer and her colleagues, with a little help from Deer and the vaccine industry, began publishing all sorts of material designed to paint Dr. Wakefield and his work in a negative light and make it appear as though no credible connection has ever been made between autism-related gastrointestinal diseases and the MMR vaccine.

Autism Science Foundation a sham front group with known ties to Big Pharma

But much of what ASF has published, including a prominent article that, until recently, showed up on the first page of a Google search for the terms "vaccines + autism," is erroneous, including accusations that Mr. Justice Eady of the British High Court ruled against Dr. Wakefield in a lawsuit filed against Brian Deer and several media groups. According to Dr. Wakefield's account, Singer published blatant lies about the case on her website when she claimed that Justice Eady's acknowledgment of Dr. Wakefield's claims was his actual ruling.

"In a gross distortion and misrepresentation of Justice Eady's statement you present his summation of the 'words complained of' by me, the Claimant -- words used by the Defendants -- as those 'concluded' by Justice Eady," writes Dr. Wakefield in his letter to Singer. "In this way your article deliberately leads the reader to conclude that the English High Court has reached these conclusion [sic] about me, and my alleged guilt. This is entirely false. As such this is an extraordinary, deliberate, and highly damaging act of defamation against me on your part."

This is hardly surprising, as Singer's husband works for a consulting firm with close connections to BMJ, the same journal that betrayed Dr. Wakefield by retracting his study and claiming that it was fraudulent. Known as McKinsey and Company, this same firm also has close ties to millionaire vaccine opportunist Paul Offit, who once claimed that infants can safely be injected with 10,000 vaccines at once. As previously reported by Age of Autism, McKinsey and Company actually threw a party in celebration of Offit's book, Deadly Choices, the full proceeds of which were donated to ASF.

As far as ASF's inaccurate claims about Dr. Wakefield are concerned, this is hardly the first time that vultures with ties to the drug and vaccine industries have slandered and defamed Dr. Wakefield -- to this very day, millions of people still falsely believe that Dr. Wakefield blamed all vaccines for causing autism, when in fact he merely identified a clear link between the MMR vaccine and inflammatory bowel disease, which in turn is connected with autism spectrum disorders. This is thanks to a complicit media that continues to perpetuate lies about Dr. Wakefield's work.

In the meantime, Singer has reportedly agreed to remove the offending content from her site, at least until she returns from her vacation and obtains further legal counsel.

You can view Dr. Wakefield's complete letter to Singer by visiting:

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