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Lyme disease

Lyme Disease: Traditional Chinese Medicine Offers Treatment for the Toxic Fire

Monday, February 22, 2010 by: Christopher Gussa
Tags: lyme disease, remedies, health news

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(NewsTarget) In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lyme disease is treated as toxic fire. These fire toxins are treated with extreme heat clearing herbs. From the western point of view, fire toxins include aggressive entities such as bacterial and viral infections but are not limited to them. They can be amoebic parasites and even just toxins of chemical nature or metal particles. Likewise, from a western point of view, the heat clearing herbs have been proven to have a very effective anti-viral and antibacterial action as well as a "cleansing of the blood" effect on other small particles.

Below is a TCM protocol for Lyme Disease grouped into three parts:

Clearing The Toxic Fire (Killing The Bacterium)

Based on the best of TCM protocols, here is a "clear toxic heat" formula for use as an anti-toxin or "fire quenching agent." These amazing herbs have been successfully used against fire toxins such as malaria, pneumonia, diphtheria, septic angina, typhoid fever and others.

The 6 herbs used in this formula to clear toxic heat are 5:1 extracts of:
Chuan xin lian - Andrographis paniculate (a very effective anti-toxin heat clearing herb with anti-spirochetal action in particular)
Huang Lian - Coptis chinensis (Anti-toxin heat clearing)
Jin Yin Hua - Flos Lonicerae japonicae (Anti-toxin heat clearing)
Da Qing Ye - Folium Isatidis (Anti-toxin heat clearing)
Ban Zhi Lian - Scutellaria barbata; Herba (Anti-toxin heat clearing)
Tu Fu Ling - Smilax glabra; Rhizoma (Anti-spirochetal action)

As part of this protocol it is also important to take 2 grams twice daily of Hu Zhang powder (Natural resveratrol from Knotweed in 5:1 extract). It is positive against Leptospirosis, Treponema denticola (spirochetes in oral flora), Bartonella (Buhner) and many gram neg and gram pos bacteria.

Continually Removing The Toxins From The Joints:

Xu Duan (ChineseTeasel Root) taken with a "Clear Toxic Heat" formula will help drive the spirochetes from the joints into the blood stream (where it can be killed by the heat clearing herbs). Xu Duan Teasel in tincture form is the best way your body can absorb it.

Maximizing Your Immune System With a Strong Defense:

There must also be an effective formula for the immune system that is suitable for long term use. Reishi mushroom and Chinese Astragalus 5:1 (Called Strong Defense) are perfect.

Together all these herbs become the building blocks of a true hard working lyme disease protocol that, although formulated from ancient herbs, becomes "cutting edge" in fighting this toxic fire we call Lyme Disease.

Sources: This protocol is based entirely on author's research and knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

About the author

Christopher Gussa founded Plant Cures Inc. which handcrafts over 150 Serious Herbal Medicine Products for Specific Disorders all created through clinical application. Their products are for Serious Disease and also Powerful Tonic Health. Please visit Plant Cures at WWW.PLANTCURES.COM or call them at 1-800 979 2027
Christopher Gussa is a formulator of Natural Medicine. He is also a TCM practitioner and Certified Master / Clinical Herbalist for 30 years. He is certified in both Western Herbal Therapy and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine.
Chris Gussa: "Plant Cures is currently working with over 9,000 medicinal plants to bring about healing through the true science of combining the whole energies of whole plants. A plants energy is from its whole part. (flowers, fruit, leaves, stems, roots etc) While the "science" of seeing some of the isolated molecular constituents in food and herbs can be interesting at times, there is no "one magic ingredient" in any plant. (You would think it would be science trying to tell you this type of logic, instead of me) But no! They would rather play this childish game of trying to find the "Pot of gold" in a plant so they can synthesize it and dazzle the FDA with a "New Drug" that will most likely cause the usual death and destruction!
Here is a link to musicial message called "Pharmaceutical Drug Guys" Let's Give Big Pharma The Boot!

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