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Lead levels

CDC Lead Levels Cause Learning and Social Problems

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 by: Kim Evans
Tags: lead levels, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) British researchers recently found that children with levels of lead in their blood that the U.S. Center for Disease Control deems as safe were having problems in school and developing antisocial behavior. In fact, "acceptable" levels of lead were connected with 49 percent lower reading scores and 51 percent lower writing scores. One researcher also found that children with low levels of lead in their body were prone to having criminal activities as adults.

This is interesting for two reasons.

One, if a child isn't doing well in school or is behaving in an antisocial manner, what is often done? In more affluent areas, children might be sent to tutors or psychologists. In less affluent areas, their problems can be unattended and the children are left to sink in their problems. In both scenarios, children are often punished because it's assumed that poor performance in school is completely under their control. But, in neither case does the solution address the root problem, which would be to remove the poison.

It would be a rare individual in an educational, psychological or medical setting that would suggest the child's problems might be rooted in poisonous contaminants in the body. Yet, people suffer from these problems every day, while not understanding the underlying causes.

Children might end up thinking they're not smart, or that being antisocial is part of their personality and simply "who they are." Either way, such thoughts are destructive for a child's self confidence and self image and may well affect his/her entire life. The children might find external causes to blame their problems on, including their parents or other social factors. What do you think this does to families and communities down the road?

But these researchers are telling us something different. They tell us that the root of these problems can come down to the amount of a toxic substance that these children have in their bodies and not, therefore, the common things people blame their problems on.

And what criminals, or those with criminal tendencies, have their blood checked for lead? It's unheard of in our criminal "justice" system. But, apparently, it's a large part of the problem. Then, the justice for being contaminated with lead, which affects your thinking and behavior, can include being locked away for years at a time. People have yet to fully understand how closely our bodies and our emotions are connected, and how directly those emotions influence our behavior.

The other interesting part is the lead levels causing these problems are far under what the U.S. government says is safe. The government says that 10 micrograms per deciliter are acceptable in the human body, but these problems were being detected between 5 and 10 micrograms per deciliter. And if the government says they're safe, your doctor will probably agree.

Besides, how many conventional doctors would even consider that lead in your body or your child's body would be the root of the problem? Pretty close to zero. In some case, they may think anti-depressant drugs, the most widely prescribed drugs in the U.S., are a better idea. With profit margins up to 500,000 percent with popular anti-depressant drugs, do you think that drug companies, who volunteer enormous sums to your mainstream doctor's educational institution (thereby influencing what is taught), will let it be told any differently?

The researchers also found that children with lead levels of more than 10 micrograms per deciliter were prone to hyperactivity and the World Health Organization estimates that half of all children under 5 who live in cities and towns have more than 10 micrograms per deciliter of lead in their blood. Perhaps those who study ADD and ADHD might want to take a closer look at this connection? So might families that are dealing with hyperactivity and attention-based problems.

The first truth is: Toxic substances aren't safe in your body, even if they're in small amounts.

The second truth is: We're all living with them inside of us, and we're often unaware of the problems they're causing.

Just like children who've decided that they are not smart because a toxic heavy metal inhibits their ability to learn, we've all likely come to some erroneous conclusions about ourselves due to how poisons in our bodies affect us. Those conclusions can be on any number of levels, including emotional, personality, spiritual, health, relationship, self confidence, weight, our potential, how we handle problems, and more.

It's the case because it's incredibly rare for a human to be alive today without an abundance of toxic substances in his/her blood. They've tested the umbilical cord blood of newborns and found hundreds of toxic chemicals, and they only tested for small numbers of known toxins, which leads one to believe that the true number is likely in the several thousands. Remember, these are newborns.

But this isn't new, and it hasn't become new in yours or my lifetime.

The testing and knowledge of it are new, and the condition is far worse than in any previous time in history, but the use of chemical contaminants and toxic heavy metals in our environment and food isn't anywhere close to new.

Yet, as long as individuals, governments and companies keep using them, they'll keep ending up inside of us.

Lead is commonly found in cigarettes, cigarette smoke, older paints, batteries, radiators, PVC plastics, some inks, and some mini-blinds. Lead used to be used in gasoline, and when the gas burned, lead escaped from exhaust systems, mixed with the air, and eventually landed in the soil. Areas near busy streets still have high levels of lead in the soil, and areas around homes that once had lead paint can still be contaminated.

Older plumbing may still use lead and contaminate your drinking water. Lead pipes are actually credited with a large part of the decline of the Roman Empire. Lead can also be found in imported candy, candy wrappers, and as has been recently publicized, in children's toys.

One of the problems with lead is that it doesn't break down in the environment, so once contamination has taken place, it can be there for quite a while and until some major clean up efforts are undertaken. And as we see all too frequently, our society is much better at making messes than consistently cleaning them up.


About the author

Kim Evans is a natural health writer and author of Cleaning Up! The Ultimate Body Cleanse. Cleaning Up! offers deep cleansing and using methods in this book, people have gotten rid of dozens of different types of health problems, as well as just losing excess weight, thinking more clearly, and feeling better.

Kim's next book chronicles events in her life that happen to match patterns in the Bible. She's also found three places in the Bible that tell us its about these patterns and even asking you to match them.
Here's a little from the upcoming book...
In Isaiah 22:20, it says, "And it must occur in that day that I will call my servant, namely Eliakim." But, because these prophecies are cryptic and they aren't meant to be understood until they are understood, it's only the last three letters.
A few lines later, it says, "From the land of Kittim it has been revealed to them."
Here, you just take out any three middle letters, and again, it's the name of the person bringing you this message, or the sacred secret of the prophecy. Actually, if you take those two passages, Kim is about the only name you can get from both of them.
In Numbers 1:1 – 1:18, it's talking about "the family" and mentions Pagiel. It also twice mentions February 1st, (Kim's birthday) and then says that the youngest is 20 years old. Kim's little sister Paige is currently 20 years old.
In Chronicles 1 11:20 it mentions the brother of Joab and then in the same sentence uses the word brandishing. Kim's middle name is Jo and her older sister's name is Brandi. There are other patterns to her sisters too but these sort of mention them by name.
Of course, it helps if you know that there is a magical spiritual reality available that comes deep cleansing and often major dietary upgrades. It's also why Jesus was teaching the same thing, if you find his teachings in the Essene Gospel of Peace. In this text, he even says things like, "You'll never see the father unless you clean your colon." But, this is paraphrased...
In the Bible Jesus says things more like, happy are those who wash their robes, as they can enter the tree of life. The tree of life is elsewhere explained as God's paradise. He also said, first clean the inside of the cup and then the outside will also be clean.
Kim's book Cleaning Up! is here http://www.cleaningupcleanse.com. You can also preorder The Sacred Prophecies Have Been Fulfilled
here. It shouldn't be long.

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