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Learn about the Important Link between Enzymes and Weight Loss

Thursday, September 03, 2009 by: Elizabeth Walling
Tags: enzymes, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) True weight loss can only come through an approach aimed at healing the whole body. The body stores fat when it lacks nourishment and is under stress, so it is vital to address these issues when seeking permanent, healthy weight loss. An important element of this approach is natural enzymes. When there is a lack of enzymes, the body cannot utilize the nutrients it needs. This triggers fat storage and stimulates the appetite, causing weight gain and food cravings.

Although enzymes are often associated with digestion, this is not their only function. Enzymes are complex proteins that facilitate hundreds of activities throughout the body. They are responsible for the use of vitamins and minerals, the regulation of hormones, and the health of the immune system. Enzymes also play an important role in detoxification, a vital component of weight loss. Even basic activities like breathing and talking rely on the presence of metabolic enzymes.

It's important to understand that most of society no longer functions in a way that's conducive to proper enzyme and digestive function. We eat mostly cooked food, many times processed under high heat. Heat destroys enzymes - dry heat at 150 degrees Fahrenheit and wet heat at 118 degrees Fahrenheit. We are also subject to extreme amounts of environmental and emotional stress, which further depletes our bodies of the nutrients we need.

Frequent digestive problems such as indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux and irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) are all signs that your digestive system is under too much stress. Enzymes can help relieve all of these issues, as well as problems with fatigue, insomnia, joint pain and much more. The longer you have spent consuming food void of enzymes, the more it will take for your body to recover from this depletion, but with time and dedication it is possible.

It helps to eat some kind of raw food with each meal to provide the body with natural enzymes needed for digestion. Foods that are particularly rich in live enzymes are pineapple, avocado, grapes, papaya, and soaked or sprouted nuts and seeds. The quality of your food directly influences the quality and quantity of enzymes you consume. Commercially-grown produce is a poor sources of enzymes. Maximize your enzyme intake with organic, locally-grown fresh foods.

While digestive enzyme supplements are far from magic weight loss pills, they are a very useful tool that will help you achieve total body health over a period of time. A high-quality general digestive supplement is beneficial to almost everyone. Additional supplementation with enzymes like lipase and protease (typically found in pancreatin combinations) may further encourage fat loss through the break down of fat stores. Lipase specifically helps break down and utilize fats, while protease is used to break down proteins and eliminate toxins.

As you incorporate raw foods rich in enzymes and quality enzyme supplements into your diet, it may take several weeks for your body to adjust. During this time it's not unusual to experience varying appetite and energy levels. This happens because your body is adjusting to finally being nourished with food and cleansed from the build up of toxins. It's important to be patient and let your body heal. This will pave the way for permanent, healthy weight loss.

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About the author

Elizabeth Walling is a freelance writer specializing in health and family nutrition. She is a strong believer in natural living as a way to improve health and prevent modern disease. She enjoys thinking outside of the box and challenging common myths about health and wellness. You can visit her blog to learn more:

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