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Nutritional deficiencies

Author of a 'New Way of Thinking' Shares on Nutritional and Enzymatic Deficiencies

Thursday, July 03, 2008 by: Kevin Gianni
Tags: nutritional deficiencies, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's The Healthiest Year
of Your Life, which can be found at http://www.thehealthiestyearofyourlife.com. In this excerpt, Richard DiCenso shares on nutritional and enzymatic deficiencies.

The Healthiest Year of Your Life with Richard DiCenso, a leading authority on whole person therapy and author of Exploring A New Way of Thinking.

Kevin: So you're talking about nutritional deficiencies and enzymatic deficiencies, as well. What are some of the most common ones that people encounter or you'll encounter?

Richard: One of the phenomenon that occurred that contributes to this and I want to preface this with what I call an acid burden on the body. So in other words, the human body is an acid producing machine biochemically. It produces acid in response to everything it comes in contact with. So when you eat a meal and let's say, you're digesting normally, the byproducts of that digestion to a large degree are metabolic acids that need to be metabolized, neutralized and eliminated on a 24-hour cycle. So if you create more acid as a result of excessive stresses or an abhorrent diet or just normal processes of overeating, for instance, or even too much exercise, for that matter, then if your body can't get rid of the acid it produces during the day it has to store it.

In order to store it, it has to be neutralized, because it's a very corrosive acid with the pH of about 2.5, which is very acidic. So this corrosive acid has to be put in storage and buffered with one of two substances, really. The first buffered attempt or a low-grade accumulation of acid is oxygen and obviously oxygen is important for a lot of other things in the body and so the supply is limited to what you can breathe in. Now, if the acid burden increases and the oxygen supplies diminish, then the body has to revert to minerals and those minerals come from the diet. So obviously, if the minerals aren't in the diet or aren't in the food or you're not able to access them or the demand for them is greater than the supply available, the body reverts to extracting calcium and phosphorus from bone, which then ultimately will lead to the diagnosis of a disease called osteoporosis, which is a symptom of what I just described.

Kevin: Wow.

Richard: So then what happens is this acid burden that is buffered... so in other words, something's either going to be acidic or alkaline and when the body starts buffering these huge acid stores, then it does that by elevating the pH, so it becomes very alkaline in order to neutralize this very harsh acid. So the more alkaline that the stored waste product becomes, the less efficient the digestive system becomes. It turns off the enzymes. It impairs the ability of the enzymes to function in that environment, because they require a very specific range of pH in order to have an optimal effect on the digestive system.

Now, the other thing that turns up with enzymes is there are two different classes of enzymes. One is digestive and one is metabolic and as the digestive enzymes are depleted, because of having funky diets or overeating or just not having genetically sufficient enzymes to perform the functions that they're designed to perform, which is break down food, digest and absorb it and take it to the metabolic enzymes, whose job it is to take those nutrients and restructure them into regenerated tissues and rejuvenation on a cellular level and repair and rehabilitation of the impaired systems of the body and the production and distribution of hormones, then these things can't happen efficiently.

So if you're not digesting these digestive enzymes efficiently, then the body has to draw from the metabolic stores of enzymes and the metabolic stores of enzymes then become depleted and they're finite. You can't create those anymore. So once they're gone, they're gone. So if those supplies are being diverted to digestion, then the job that they're designed to do, which is regeneration and rejuvenation and rehabilitation, is not going to happen and the body begins to age at an accelerated rate, which causes premature aging and early death, to be honest with you.

Kevin: So you can't regenerate those metabolic enzymes at all?

Richard: No.

Kevin: Okay. So what would be the solution to making sure those don't get depleted?

Richard: Take the burden off of them by identifying what the cause of the enzyme impairment is, the digestive enzyme impairment.

Kevin: Okay.

Richard: So in a high percentage of cases it's going to amount to taking digestive enzymes.

Kevin: Okay. So what are some of the other things that our bodies are doing that might not be optimal?

Richard: Well, to take the acid story a step further, since it's already in place and we have an understanding of that, once the acid burden becomes so huge, it's very similar to what happens in the adrenal glands when they're on the verge of shutting down. So you've got this acid accumulating in the body and the body is doing the best that it can to buffer it, but it's a question of balance for the body, because obviously if the acid burden is so huge that it can't be eliminated at some point, this acid is going to backwash into the system and it's going to be buffered to the degree that the minerals and the oxygen are available to buffer it. So it's not going to be optimally stored at a pH of seven or eight or nine. It's going to diminish in its alkalinity and become mildly acidic again and it's going to leak back into the system and depending on how much acid is created and stored, how long it's stored and where it's stored it's going to produce effects similar to what I'm about to describe. So the acid now is leaking back into the system or it's been there so long that it's corroding the storage facilities, because of the intensified pH.

Kevin: This acid is concentrated where?

Richard: It's stored in three specific places in the body. The first place the body stores it is in the interspatial fluid, which is the fluid that surrounds all the cells in the body.

Kevin: Okay.

Richard: That fluid is a transport mechanism for delivering nutrients and eliminating waste product in the body. So if acid is being stored in that fluid a couple of things happen. The body will retain fluid to dilute the acid, which means that the individual is going to probably gain weight and retain water and it's also going to become heavily congested. So it's going to become thick and really gunky and real murky and it's going to impair the delivery of nutrients and elimination of waste product from the body, because of the thickness in the fluid. So that's storage facility one. The next facility is in the tissues, organs and glands in the body. So it will actually store in the outer layer of tissues, which poses a substantially greater threat to those particular systems in the body and then the last place it's stored is the last place you want it to be stored, which is
inside the cell, because that's a recipe for cancer, to be honest with you.

Kevin: Okay.

Richard: So as this burden progress it leaks back into the system and if it's in the stage two storage, let's say, it's being stored in the tissues, organs and glands it begins to corrode away the walls of the arteries, for instance and as the arteries become hard and fragile and cracked, the liver then begins to produce excessive amounts of cholesterol and sends it to the insides of the arteries to form a plaque to prevent the walls from hardening and cracking and rupturing and as that plaque accumulates in the vessels it narrows the vessels, which increases the blood pressure and puts you at greater risk for cardiovascular disease and so you're treated for excess cholesterol.

Kevin: Wow. The cholesterol is actually what's keeping you alive?

Richard: Yes, exactly.

Kevin: Okay. I've never heard it put that way.

Richard: Yeah, well. That's why I have a job and that's not all. Well, very similar dynamics exist in every area in the body that produce the symptoms of these disorders and diseases that we gave names to. So cholesterol is really just the tip of the iceberg. The same thing happens with sugar in syndrome X and pre-diabetes and even in diabetes, where a system becomes impaired and it becomes imbalanced and there are deficiencies associated with the abnormal function of that system and when it progresses to the point where it can be identified in a conventional lab evaluation, it's given a diagnosis and treated with medications. The same thing happens with the osteoporosis I described. The same thing happens with virtually any number of things that we just assume are common diseases or disorders that we're predisposed to, because of our genetics, for instance. We know now
from the field of epigenetics that when we inherit the chromosome, the chromosome is really only 50% DNA and the other 50% is malleable protein, which means it is changeable. So you may have inherited a tendency to express something, but it will not express unless it's given a particular environment in which to express itself and that environment is the malleable protein that we have some influence over.

So in other words, in our early development we are taught what to think and what to believe and how to act, we're exposed to information and beliefs of everybody around us. We're taught these beliefs up until about the age of seven, eight or nine and then we start making choices, but we make them based on the belief that we've already learned. As we continue to age, what happens is we become less active, cerebrally.

We use our brains far less as we continue to age and at one point we actually stop using our brains. We stop making choices and we just accept what is or what has been. So it goes way beyond just not eating a good diet. There are a whole lot of elements, which is why I say that feeling is contextual, but so is disease.

Kevin: So it's no one cause?

Richard: There is none.

Kevin: That's kind of the ring of this whole call is that there's really no one thing that you can do, but there's a system to be able to figure out what it is. Just so everyone knows, the Matrix Assessment Test is something that you can do at home.

Richard: Yeah. We just made available this year as a mail order evaluation now, because software has progressed to the point where we can interpret the blood findings based on what we see in the urine and the saliva. So an individual can go on to our website and order the evaluation and have it sent to their home. There's some paperwork that needs to be filled out that gives me a rough sense of your medical history and some of your beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and habits and that's sent back in with urine and saliva. It's run through our lab and then we email the report to you that contains about a 12 or 15 page summary of the findings, in addition to recommendations for dietary changes and supplement changes, in addition to which they get a half-hour consult with me to discuss the results and to formulate a plan and a direction.

Kevin: Wow. It's a pretty neat system to think that you can do it from home.

To read the rest of this transcript as well as access more information on creating and living a healthy lifestyle and hear from other health experts just like Richard DiCenso please visit (http://thehealthiestyearofyourlife.com) .

About the author

Kevin Gianni is a health advocate, author and speaker. He has helped thousands of people in over 85 countries learn how to take control of their health--and keep it. To view his popular internet TV Show "The Renegade Health Show" (and get a free gift!) with commentary on natural health issues, vegan and raw food diets, holistic nutrition and more click here.

His book, "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution," is a step-by-step guide to optimum health for the time and energy-strapped. To find out more about abundance, optimum health and self motivation click here... or you're interested in the vegan and raw food diet and cutting edge holistic nutrition click here. For access to free interviews, downloads and a complete bodyweight exercise archive visit www.LiveAwesome.com.

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