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Originally published March 6 2016

How to naturally detox from mandatory vaccine injections forced upon you by the medical police state

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) If you're being forced to take a vaccine against your will (by a totalitarian medical regime like California), are there things you can do to protect yourself from vaccine toxins?

You bet there are!

Vaccines contain mercury, aluminum, MSG, formaldehyde and other adjuvants such as squalene. These are all neurotoxic substances that can cause permanent brain damage, autism, seizures, comas and even death. This is precisely why vaccines cause autism and Asperger's in some children as was openly admitted by a top CDC scientist named Dr. William Thompson.

The key to surviving this assault on your body is to eliminate these chemicals quickly. In this video filmed at our Consumer Wellness Center Laboratories, I reveal nutritional strategies for accelerating your body's natural detox so that you can safely survive a vaccine assault that's forced upon you by a coercive, fascist medical regime.

The fact that we now live in a medical totalitarian regime that can force toxic, deadly substances to be injected into you and your children is shocking all by itself. It just demonstrates the utter abandonment of medical ethics by the vaccine industry (and its mafia of child murderers and poison pushers).

Learn more about mercury in vaccines at Truthwiki.

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