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Originally published December 10 2015

Massive, multi-city ISIS attack wave to target large crowds... New Year's Eve celebrations at heightened risk

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) I'd much rather be reporting on superfoods and medicinal herbs, but the urgency of what seems likely to happen demands that I warn all Natural News readers right now.

I have reason to believe that a massive, multi-city ISIS attack will be unleashed across America in the near future.

Why do I believe this? Because the evidence points to the likelihood that the San Bernardino ISIS terrorists disobeyed orders and prematurely initiated their attack on a relatively small group. The twelve pipe bombs and thousands of rounds of ammunition found in their apartment point to the realization that they were preparing for something much larger.

If you're a terrorist, you don't build twelve pipe bombs and then leave them behind during your attack. You use them in large crowds, of course, to maximize the bloodshed and terror factor. The very existence of these pipe bombs -- if indeed they weren't planted by the feds -- means that another, larger attack was in the planning stages and approaching activation.

UPDATE: Dave Hodges has also posted an article touting a similar conclusion. I had not yet seen this article when I recorded my podcast, but see ISIS Is Planning Major Offensive Against Multiple Targets Inside the United States.

New Year's Eve crowds the next likely target

I'm on the record publicly predicting the Paris attacks two days before they happened.

I also predicted that ISIS attacks would occur in gun-free zones like Los Angeles weeks before they actually took place.

Now, I am predicting -- and warning -- that Christmas or New Year's Eve celebrations are the next most likely targets for ISIS soldiers intending to commit mass murder in the name of radical Islam.

For this reason, I am publicly warning Natural News readers to avoid large, public crowds during these celebrations. Based on the laws of physics, pipe bombs are obviously most effective when detonated in large, high density crowds with concrete underneath their feet and heavy concrete or stone buildings beside them. This means the most likely targets would be crowds of people on streets or sidewalks or people gathered near the walls of concrete buildings or stone structures.

Obviously, avoiding large crowds on New Year's Eve makes a lot of sense when the traitor-in-chief Obama has encouraged the enemy occupation of America while simultaneously calling for all American citizens to be utterly disarmed and defenseless. If you're planning on partying in the streets on New Year's Eve, you may want to rethink your plans and stay home instead (or have a private party indoors).

I explain more about the coming multi-city ISIS attack in my podcast from

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