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Originally published December 4 2015

Flashback: Health Ranger predicted ISIS would target 'gun-free zones' near LA after Paris attacks, warned Americans to arm themselves in self-defense

by Julie Wilson staff writer

(NaturalNews) Just two days after the horrific terror attacks in Paris claimed the lives of 130 people, Mike Adams, editor of Natural News, predicted that ISIS-inspired rampages would erupt on American soil next, namely in "gun-free zones."

Less than three weeks later, that prediction came true when a married couple with Islamic beliefs opened fire at a work-related Christmas party being held inside a mental health center in San Bernardino, Calif., killing 14 people and wounding 21 others. The couple was decked out in tactical gear and armed with explosives, say reports.

As explained in a special edition of the Health Ranger Report, Mike Adams predicted that ISIS is likely "planning to carry out a coordinated, multi-layered attack on America to accomplish two things:

"1) To psychologically terrorize the nation with a high body count and gruesome deaths.

"2) To cripple key U.S. infrastructure such as oil refineries, nuclear power plants, water distribution plants and railways."

Health Ranger predicted ISIS would target "gun-free zones" near LA

"Presently, the FBI is tracking nearly 1,000 ISIS groups operating in the United States," said Adams.

"There is no question that ISIS operatives hate western culture (almost as much as Obama himself) and everything America stands for. To them, every casualty is a victory. Every act of destruction is divine redemption. They are willing, determined and armed with explosive vests, and there is nothing that can stop them once they are inside our borders. (Hence the total lunacy of open borders.)"

Adams wrote that "if you are currently living in a gun restriction zone (Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, etc.), your political leaders have taken away your right to defend yourself against the very same kind of ISIS executions that just took place in Paris."

As predicted, the attacks occurred in a state infamous for its draconian gun laws and just one hour away from Los Angeles.

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The Inland Regional Center employs 700 people across facilities in two counties, providing mental health services for more than 30,000 individuals of various ages. The attackers who targeted the facility were initially reported to be three white males; however, reports later stated their identities as Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and his Saudi wife of two years, Tashfeen Malik, 27. The couple has a six-month-old baby.

Farook was an environmental health specialist for the San Bernardino County Health Department, which had rented out the health center's auditorium for its Christmas party. His wife is thought to have been a pharmacist.

Though the shooters' motive remains unclear, it was revealed late Thursday afternoon that Farook had "communicated with individuals who were under FBI scrutiny in connection with a terrorism investigation," reported The Associated Press.

Shooters were communicating with individuals under FBI surveillance

Authorities say Farook communicated with "four people from the Los Angeles area who were previously under investigation by U.S. counterterrorism officials," reports The Washington Times. "The law enforcement source said the last contact any of the four had with Farook was in June, and asserted that nothing fruitful came from the interviews about Wednesday's attack."

Farook and Malik were in possession of at least 12 pipe bombs, IEDs, 5,000 bullets and "three crudely made bombs packed with black powder and rigged to a remote-controlled toy car," according to the Daily Mail.

"The remote for the car was later recovered from Farook and Malik's SUV, a law enforcement official said, adding that its presence indicated that the couple planned to detonate the explosives from a distance but something must have stopped them."

Authorities believe the couple may have been radicalized by Islamist extremists either in the U.S. or during trips to the Middle East, including America's close ally, Saudi Arabia, which the suspects had recently traveled to, reported The Washington Times.

One day prior to the attacks, the suspects "began erasing their digital footprint a day in advance of the deadly attack, deleting email accounts, disposing of hard drives and smashing their cellphones, according to law enforcement investigators who are treating the probe as a counterterrorism case."


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