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Originally published August 22 2015

Friday's 530-point market crash proves why you need to watch my 'Systemic Market Crash' video, published weeks ago, that perfectly explains the financial carnage you just witnessed

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Nearly all Natural News readers already understand that global stock markets are headed for a massive systemic collapse, but this simple economic fact remains denied by most consumers of the brain-dead mainstream media.

For weeks, months and even years, the leaders of the new media (independent media) have been warning about the coming implosion of the global debt pyramid. I'm just one of many, and the larger group includes people like Gregory Mannarino, Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Dave Hodges, Susan Duclos, the Silver Doctors, the Liberty Brothers, Steve Quayle, Mac Slavo from and many others.

All of us have taken the unique step of putting our reputations on the line by publicly warning you about the coming stock market crash, often in the face of ridiculous denials and delusional thinking by the hypnotized masses (who are all being led to the slaughter).

Several weeks ago, I released a hugely important mini-documentary called Systemic Market Crash.

This documentary was released entirely as a public service, to warn people about what's coming. There's nothing being pitched in the video, it's simply a powerful economics lesson that every person desperately needs to learn right now, BEFORE the S really HTF.

Now that the U.S. stock market has suddenly crashed more than 530 points in one day, suddenly a lot more people are watching this video and realizing things like "Holy crap, he's right!" If you don't want to get absolutely slaughtered by the systemic market crash that's coming, you need to watch this video and understand what I'm teaching here.

Click here to watch the video on or view it in the YouTube video below:

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