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Originally published October 18 2013

Obama administration caught in blatant software piracy; script powering ripped off from UK company

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) The Obama administration has been caught red-handed engaged in software piracy. Computer code used on was stolen (and then modified in an effort to conceal the theft) from a UK company called Spry Media.

To my best knowledge, this story was broken by in a blog authored by Jeryl Bier.

The computer code that was stolen is called DataTables, and it is exclusively provided under a GPL v2 license which requires anyone who uses the software code to keep the copyright notice visible in the code itself. This allows the original author of the code to receive attribution for creating it.

An analysis of the code running reveals that the Obamacare development team maliciously removed the copyright notice and credit attributions from the code while copying and using the rest of the code. In the field of journalism, this would be called "plagiarism." In the field of computer software, it's called "piracy" according to the U.S. government.

Here's an image capture of the copyright notice which is supposed to remain in the code:

On, however, the copyright attribution is removed, leaving only the functional code of the script (which is a piracy violation):

Nearly all of the remainder of the script is identical to the Spry Media code, proving beyond any doubt that the Obama administration pirated this code in its construction of the failed website

The Weekly Standard says they contacted SpryMedia for a comment: "A representative for the company said that they were 'extremely disappointed' to see the copyright information missing and will be pursuing it further with the Department of Health and Human Services, the agency that runs the site."

Will DHS now seize

The Department of Homeland Security has seized hundreds of other websites that it says were engaged in piracy.

These website seizures are conducted completely outside of law and utterly without due process. When sites are seized by DHS, the following notice is placed on the website home page:

This notice reads, in part:

Willful copyright infringement is a federal crime that carries penalties for first time offenders of up to five years in federal prison, a $250,000 fine, forfeiture and restitution.

Will the developers of who pirated the DataTables software from SpryMedia now be sentenced to federal prison?

Don't hold your breath on that one. Prisons aren't used to lock up actual criminals anymore. They are "work camps" with the sole purpose of locking up black Americans so they can be exploited as a "human resource" of ultra-cheap labor. Yes, the prison labor industry needs more output, and that's why the entire "war on drugs" is allowed to continue even though it is a complete failure.

Sounds like Obamacare, come to think of it: A disastrous program that wastes billions of dollars while enslaving innocent Americans in a system where they will be financially raped for life.

Am I the only one who thinks we might be better off if we forced all politicians to trade places with all prison inmates?

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