Originally published June 27 2013
Man persecuted by California government over raw milk defies all odds to resurrect olive oil from thousand-year-old olive trees
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) Six months ago, California "raw milk man" James Stewart was sitting in a jail cell in Los Angeles county, shivering from hypothermia, his body wrapped in chains from hands to ankles. He had been raided at gunpoint by the LA County Sheriff's office under orders from the FDA, then labeled a "terrorist" and literally subjected to extreme torture in the L.A. jail system. His crime? He was distributing fresh, wholesome milk to moms and families who didn't want to buy pasteurized, homogenized, hormone-contaminated milk. And so James Stewart became an enemy of the state and had his entire business (and nearly his life) destroyed.
James spent nearly five months in jail, a prisoner of the State of California. Facing multiple felony charges by the District Attorneys of both Los Angeles and Ventura counties, James used to call me from jail, detailing the jaw-dropping criminality of the so-called "justice" system and how an innocent man like himself ended up having his livelihood absolutely gutted by a government gone mad.
Remarkably, through sheer willpower and determination, James Stewart began the arduous effort of reinventing his business and his livelihood, hoping to avoid being further victimized by a police state system of rogue government that considers the distribution of real food to be a heinous crime. Over the last year, he has risen from the dirt that the state tried to pound his face into and now commands what may soon become one of the most celebrated specialty olive oil suppliers in North America: Oliflix.
Living history: one thousand year-old olive trees
Oliflix isn't your run-of-the-mill olive oil company. In fact, the mill is where this story begins: it's a 350-year-old mill in the Catalonia region of Spain. The mill, built by hand by local stonemasons in the 17th century, had been shuttered for over a generation. But a passionate olive oil aficionado named Antonio Rey Sole, a former organic beekeeper, made it his mission to restore and resurrect the mill, and in doing so he brought long-lost authentic food artistry back to the present and unleashed a global olive oil phenomenon that's just now making its way to North America via James Stewart.
The mill, though, is only part of the story: This is also a story about the olive trees. These trees are all over 300 years old, and some of them are as old as one thousand years. They've been producing olive oil since before the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
If you know anything about olive trees, you also know that the older they get, the more mature, powerful and complex their olives become. Older trees means richer flavor... and increased health-enhancing phenolic compounds, it turns out (see below).
Consuming olive oil from these old-world trees, processed through the restored stone mill, is like being transported into an ancient time before glyphosate weed killers, before genetically modified pollution, before lead and arsenic was in all the water, and before all the food hoaxes and counterfeiting that seems all too common today.
Check out a picture of the huge stone rollers that process these olives in traditional, "artisan" fashion:

See a YouTube video of these trees, the mill, and the production methods here:
James Stewart is now the exclusive North American distributor for Oliflix
So here's where this story reaches North America. James Stewart, a lifelong advocate of real food, reached out to Oliflix to become their exclusive North American distributor. After many months of effort, investment and regulatory paperwork, Oliflix North America is now open for business and shipping this extraordinary olive oil directly to customers. Get your olive oil (and extra virgin olives, too!) at:
This is 100% first cold pressed extra virgin organic olive oil, made entirely from the Arbequina olives grown in Catalonia, Spain. The taste and phytonutrient density of this olive oil is nothing short of extraordinary. This is the food of Kings, valued throughout history by those wealthy enough to be able to afford it. And now it's available here in North America, to everyone!
You're probably aware of all the scams in the olive oil business, and you've probably read articles here on Natural News about how some olive oil companies cut their oil with cheap canola oil (or safflower oil) to rip off consumers. Rest assured that this Oliflix olive oil is 100% real, authentic, completely un-cut and derived solely from these old-world Arbequina trees. This is honest food, the way food used to be produced, before everything turned into homogenized, hydrolyzed, hydrogenated crap. And believe me, the olive oil you get at the grocery store doesn't even compare to this olive oil from Oliflix. They aren't even in the same universe when it comes to taste and nutrition.
You've NEVER tasted olive oil like this -- beyond the most gourmet oil you've ever experienced
Of course, you'll really only believe me when you try this yourself. James Stewart sent me a bottle as a sample, and I immediately opened the lid and took a small sip right from the bottle.
WOW! This oil is robust, rich, complex and almost breathtaking in its taste. In trying to describe it, I had to take another sip: first, there's a blast of the deep complexity of the olives, following by a small "kick" as another layer of the olive skin polyphenols kick in. These polyphenols, of course, have powerful antioxidant properties as the scientific literature shows:
This study concludes, "Hydroxytyrosol is the major olive polyphenol consumed and well absorbed in humans. It is considered to have the highest antioxidant potency compared to the other olive polyphenols. Review of the human intervention studies showed that olive polyphenols decreased the levels of oxidized-LDL in plasma and positively affected several biomarkers of oxidative damage. The antioxidant effects of olive polyphenols on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation are observed after a dietary intake of about 10 mg per day."
Did you catch that? Olive polyphenols impact LDL cholesterol!
But that's another story altogether. The real story here is that I've never tasted olive oil so strong in polyphenols. This is beyond the best of the best... it's the kind of oil your might find served at a $250-per-plate gourmet Italian restaurant in New York City. To hold this in your hand is like possessing an ancient gem that has since all but disappeared from modern society. To taste it is to
(I'm going to ask James to send a couple of bottles to Gerald Celente, because I know Celente is a fantastic chef and he would go crazy over this oil!)
You know I'm very picky and even highly critical about foods, superfoods and supplements, and all I can tell you on this Oliflix is that you'll be amazed and enlightened by this taste experience.
In fact, I want to go on the record right here to say that in the real Mediterranean Diet -- which has become hugely popular for all its health benefits -- olive oil is actually used at room temperature, drizzled right over the salads. It's not cooked at high heat (which actually can turn oils into carcinogens if they start smoking). So if you consume olive oil, I really want to encourage you to consume it at room temperature and not heat it.
Get some for yourself at:
Three reasons to get Oliflix now
There are three good reasons to get some Oliflix right now:
Reason #1) Experience an extraordinary, full-bodied taste from the 17th century - You've probably never tasted olive oil like this. It will add a new dimension to your meals, your salads and all your cuisine. This is the way food tasted before processed food factories came into existence in the 20th century.
Reason #2) Enjoy the astounding health benefits of high-polyphenol olive oil - The taste reveals just how powerful this olive oil really is in terms of phenolic compounds that have been scientifically shown to offer extraordinary health benefits, including benefits for your heart and cholesterol levels.
Reason #3) Help a victim of the California police state achieve success against political persecution. By supporting James Stewart's Oliflix endeavor, you'll be helping a passionate advocate of authentic food achieve the success he deserves -- success that was stolen from him at gunpoint by the outrageous criminal actions of California "officials" and district attorneys who tried to destroy this man because he wouldn't bow down to the FDA's "dead milk" doctrine.
Experience authentic food for a change! Get some Oliflix for yourself now at:
P.S. I have no financial involvement whatsoever with Oliflix and earn nothing from your purchase. This is truly an independent review of an astonishing product brought to North America by a remarkable human being named James Stewart.
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