Originally published November 7 2012
Marijuana decriminalized in Washington and Colorado as voters reject police state 'War on Drugs'
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) Here's some good news in the election results: Voters in Washington and Colorado have decriminalized small quantities of marijuana for recreational use. This is an attempt to end the insane waste of law enforcement resources on small-time pot users who pose no threat to society.
Although I'm personally not a pot user and I don't advocate the smoking of pot for recreational use, this is nonetheless a victory for freedom in a nation that's increasingly crushing freedom on most fronts. It does, however, set the stage for state versus federal conflicts over the enforcement of federal drug laws.
Federal government mistakenly thinks it rules over states
According to President Obama, the federal government rules the nation and can bypass state laws to make arrests of pot users or growers, even when marijuana possession been deemed perfectly legal by the states! This is, of course, government arrogance and a gross overstepping of the limits of federal government as outlined in the United States Constitution.
But Washington D.C. does not seem to care about any constitutional limits of power. And the DEA, as always, is far more interested in expanding its own power than abiding by state laws. So watch for the DEA to specifically target marijuana users in Washington and Colorado in the near future in order to demonstrate some tyranny in the face of these new laws.
Government as gangs
The federal government is, after all, a lawless, tyrannical collection of three-lettered gangs: DEA, ATF, FDA, CDC and so on. Each of them has a "territory" of power and control, and when voters decriminalize marijuana, they threaten the territory of the DEA.
DEA agents don't like that. And as they are all half-cocked crazy sons of bitches, they will lock and load wherever it takes to prove they're still in charge.
Trust me on that point. I know some ex-DEA guys, and they're insane to the core. To them, it's not about law, it's about street power. It's about the rush of conducting an armed raid on a pot grower's house, and the thrill of being written up in the newspaper for a "marijuana bust." It's also about those shiny new AR-15 toys and the IR non-visible laser sights that only government agents can buy.
To these guys, being a DEA agent is like being paid to act like a modern-day cowboy and play with government guns being directed against the People. These guys won't give up their power (and their pensions) easily.
My prediction? Battleground Colorado!
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