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Originally published January 11 2012

25 Amazing and Weird Facts about How Food is Made - new report now downloadable from NaturalNews

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) The veil is lifted on the world of food processing and manufacturing in an eye-opening new report published by nutritional advocacy media group They've just released a free, downloadable (PDF) report entitled, "25 Amazing (and Weird) Facts about How Food is Made and Where it Comes From." The report is freely downloadable at:

It reveals some very surprising facts about food processing and manufacturing, including:

• The chemical flame retardant chemical you'll find lurking in most citrus-flavored sodas.

• How factory-farmed egg-laying chickens are deliberately fed brightly-colored objects (such as yellow flower petals) to result in a more appealing color of their egg yolks.

• How a high-tech company reverse-engineered the human genome to develop chemically-targeted taste blockers and enhancers that are secretly added to snack foods.

• What hot dog casings are really made out of.

• Why high-fructose corn syrup, in addition to being linked to diabetes and obesity, is almost always extracted from genetically modified corn (GM corn).

• How Textured Vegetable Protein is often processed using a highly explosive chemical solvent.

• Why french fries create an internal cancer-causing chemical when they're fried in hot oil.

All these facts, plus over a dozen more, are documented in the new report: "25 Amazing (and Weird) Facts about How Food is Made and Where it Comes From."

This report is the latest in a series of educational documentaries and downloadable guides created by NaturalNews and Mike Adams, a consumer health advocate and industry whistleblower. His hugely popular "Food Investigations" video documentary on fake blueberries in breakfast cereals has received over two million views:

Adams is the executive director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center ( and the editor of, one of the top 1,000 highest-trafficked websites in America and now read by nearly four million people each month.

Learn more at:

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