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Originally published August 6 2010

Add a Little Olive Oil and Help Fight Breast Cancer Naturally

by Anthony Gucciardi, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) Spanish scientists from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona have recently found that adding a little olive oil to your meal can help ward off breast cancer. The olive oil wards against breast cancer by attacking breast tumors in a number of different ways. The olive oil actually inhibits the growth of the tumor, and eventually causes the destruction of the tumor itself.

The scientists were aware of previous links between olive oil and anti-cancer properties, but they wanted to discover the scientific reasoning behind the matter. They found that one reason is that olive oil switches off the proteins that tumors need to survive.

The Spanish scientists were able to sum up the effects of olive oil on the tumor. Based off of their findings, it "thwarts the gene that drives the growth of breast cancer tumours, it switches off proteins that the cancer cells rely on in order to grow and multiply and it protects the DNA from damage that can lead to cancer."

In 2006, 40,820 women died from breast cancer. Many women are starting to look to the mediterranean diet for its preventative properties. The mediterranean diet, which is rich in olive oil, has been cited for many different forms of cancer. It has also been found to protect against heart disease, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's. While the make-up of the diet changes from region to region, the pro-dominant inclusion of olive oil is one of the common themes.

Many who have previously suffered from breast cancer or breast tumors have decided to switch to the mediterranean diet. While it is highly debated whether or not this diet is truly effective, simply adding some more olive oil to your meal may provide a host of benefits.

Luckily adding olive oil to any meal is exceptionally simple. Olive oil can be used as a substitute to butter or water when lubricating a pot or pan before cooking, or olive oil can be sprinkled on food as a flavor enhancer. As with all foods, be sure to purchase a high quality organic brand of olive oil. The last thing you want is the olive oil doing more harm than good, which can be done if it contains toxic pesticides.

A recent study found that produce such as celery, peaches, and strawberries contained 47 to 67 pesticides per serving. Olives are susceptible to the absorption of pesticides, and these pesticides act as neurotoxins. Neurotoxins attack the nerves, leading towards neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Ensuring that the olives are free of pesticides can be as simple as purchasing them from a local source that grows them organically.

Olive oil is a natural means of preventing and fighting breast tumors. It is also a healthy fat that should be incorporated into both male and female diets. Expensive surgeries and pharmaceuticals lead to degrading side-effects and death, but olive oil is a natural substance that can aid the body on an organic level.


About the author

Anthony Gucciardi is a health activist and wellness researcher, whose goal is centered around educating the general public as to how they may obtain optimum health. He has authored countless articles highlighting the benefits of natural health, as well as exposing the pharmaceutical industry. Anthony is the creator of Shatter Limits (, a natural health website. Anthony has been accurately interpreting national and international events for years within his numerous political articles. Anthony's articles have been seen by millions around the world, and hosted on multiple top news websites.

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