None of this is any surprise to readers of this website, of course. I went public with accusations about the suicide risk of of antidepressant drugs in 1999. At that time it was widely ridiculed and called a "conspiracy theory." Now, once again, it is emerging as scientific fact. There are so many murder/suicides linked to Prozac and other SSRI drugs that the public would be absolutely shocked to learn the true details of how many people have been killed by these drugs. Remember Phil Hartman, the comedian? He was killed by his wife who was also on these drugs. And let's not forget the Colombine massacre, in which both teenage boys who blew away their classmates were on antidepressants.
What amazes me the most about all this is how drug companies manage to cover up these facts and suppress negative evidence for so long. After all, these missing Prozac documents are from a trial in 1994! That's a good ten years of suppression during which billions of dollars worth of these drugs have been peddled to patients by drug-pushing doctors.
Of course, Eli Lilly denies everything. All their drugs are perfectly safe, they have nothing to hide, and their only mission is to serve the good of mankind... to hear it from them, anyway.
I wonder how the parents of the Colombine children feel about all this?