Kudos to Eliot Spitzer -- a hard-nosed prosecutor if there ever was one -- for hammering the pharmaceutical industry with the kind of lawsuit that just might force the industry to stop committing widespread fraud. The drug industry, it seems, is based on fraudulent studies, gross distortions of data, the hiding of negative study results and the not-so-covert assistance of the FDA in covering its tracks.
As Spitzer is alleging, these antidepressant drugs are being fraudulently approved and marketed to children where they cause untold numbers of suicides and violent acts, such as the Colombine killings (both students who did the killing were on antidepressants).
What else is interesting about all this is just how widespread the fraud is in the pharmaceutical industry. As this article reports, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a review of 102 clinical trials and found that trial outcomes are frequently misreported by burying the unsuccessful trials and reporting only the successful ones. In other words: clinical trials of prescription drugs are a sham. And that's even according to JAMA, a publication that caters to organized medicine and runs ads for pharmaceutical companies. Imagine what a neutral party might find if they investigated! Sadly, our system of modern medicine -- based largely on prescription drugs -- is turning out to be a grand hoax perpetrated on the American people by a clever lineup of profit-minded criminals.