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Originally published June 4 2004

Maker of antidepressant drugs faces $250m lawsuit from New York Attorney General: the drugs cause adolescents to commit suicide, says claim

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Antidepressant drug maker GlaxoSmithKline is facing legal charges that its drug (Seroxat) is dangerous and causes adolescents to commit suicide. The charges come from New York state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer who also claims the company hid the results of drug trials that proved the drugs were dangerous. Similar charges may be filed soon in the UK, where a patient support group for users of the GSK drug says that the drug causes people to become aggressive or suicidal. All this is being reported in The Independent from the UK.

Without question, the heat is on for the pharmaceutical industry. After years of pushing dangerous drugs onto the public, burying unfavorable study results, and resisting efforts to protect the public health, drug companies are now starting to face the music. With hundreds of millions of people now suffering the ravages of dangerous prescription drug side effects, class action lawsuits are inevitable.

In a sense, the pharmaceutical industry's own marketing success has created an unprecedented liability: the inevitable wave of backlash lawsuits. As more evidence surfaces that drug companies falsified and distorted study results, causing great harm to the public health, we will no doubt see more of these lawsuits appear. In the United States, there's hardly a person alive who hasn't been harmed in some way by prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications. This widespread harm will come back to haunt the pharmaceutical industry and will, eventually, lead to its downfall.


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