printable article

Originally published January 21 2004

The U.S. is the world's largest manufacturer and exporter of disease

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

The U.S. is the world's largest manufacturer and exporter of disease. We manufacture the foods, the drinks, and even the government policies that keep people fat, diseased, and ridden with cancer and diabetes all around the globe. It's good business, of course, especially when your home country can sell people both the products that cause disease (soft drinks, junk foods, and the like) and the prescription drugs used to treat symptoms caused by those foods (diabetes, heart disease, cancer, depression and more). In fact, you might call it a brilliant racket of sorts. Except there's one small problem: this racket is causing the undue suffering and deaths of tens of millions of people around the world each year.

World governments and the World Health Organization (WHO) have grown weary of subjecting their populations to the U.S. diet, and they're trying to do something about it: they want to teach their populations to reduce their consumption of sugar and junk foods. Sounds reasonable, right?

But of course not: the U.S. insists that there's absolutely no link between diet and health -- a position so absurd that it could only come from Washington. Sugars don't make people fat, they claim, people make people fat. And thus, the United States continues to embarrass itself in the global political forum by insidiously and obviously defending a home-grown industry (the ultra-rich Big Sugar families) for no purpose other than to protect the profits of big wigs who manufacture a product (refined white sugar) that serious harms people who regularly eat it.

This is evil in action, folks. You're watching it happen right before your eyes. When the profits of one small group are given higher priority than the health of a billion people, that's pure evil. You can thank President Bush for this one: Big Sugar apparently has the President in their right pocket.


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