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Originally published January 9 2004

One more reason to lose weight: obesity causes a variety of negative health consequences, research shows

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Here's more science that shows how obesity results in a domino effect of subsequent diseases. And it's not just heart disease or diabetes like most people think: obesity can also result in aggressive prostate cancer, according to this research. That's not unexpected, of course, but it is of value to us all that this link has been scientifically explored and confirmed.

For all the men reading this, if you need one more reason to stay fit and trim, this is it: save your prostate. Control your weight. But how to do it? Naturally, I recommend the weight loss guides at the Consumer Wellness Research Center, plus a heavy dose of superfoods (chlorella, Ultimate Meal, spirulina, etc.) and checking out hoodia gordonii as a natural appetite suppressant. Switch to stevia as your sweetener, and stay away from refined foods. Read, "The South Beach Diet." Learn about the Atkins diet, but don't eat a high dose of saturated fats and unhealthy animal products like a lot of Atkins followers mistakenly do. Stick to a low-carb diet and keep reading on this and other related sites to stay informed about what really works.


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