Yoga news, articles and information:
 | 11/4/2016 - Do you have trouble sleeping, or do you sleep poorly? You might go a long way to fixing these problems simply by implementing a daily yoga and meditation practice.
Trouble sleeping or poor sleep can be caused by many lifestyle factors, which are the first thing that should be addressed. For example,...
 | 10/14/2016 - Anyone who has ever suffered from any type of anxiety can attest to the fact that the feeling can be so distressing that you are willing to do just about anything to make it stop. It's almost understandable that people are so willing to turn to prescription medications out of a desire to turn off those...
 | 9/25/2016 - Since ancient times yoga has been practiced throughout India. It combines breathing techniques, exercise, and meditation to clear the mind and boost overall health. Nowadays this 5,000-year-old practice has become extremely popular among health conscious people in the West. It provides a retreat from...
 | 8/25/2016 - Like many women her age, 85-year-old New Yorker Anna Pesce suffered from back pain. Hers was particularly severe, sometimes even preventing her from climbing up stairs. She recalls having to spend a trip to visit her children in South Carolina confined to a wheelchair because getting around was simply...
 | 8/12/2016 - Many people who practice yoga report that it reduces stress and helps them gain a sense of inner calm. The ancient practice, which combines movement with breath, is being explored by researchers as a way to help cancer patients alleviate symptoms and boost their outlook and quality of life.
A number...
 | 6/30/2016 - As we turn to any number of external sources to deal with what ails us both physically and mentally, it is easy to overlook some of the simpler solutions that are literally right under our noses. One powerful method of healing is something we do all the time, without giving it a second thought. In fact,...
 | 5/16/2016 - The overwhelming number of health benefits associated with the practice of yoga is widely documented and has been proven by a great many studies. Not only is yoga one of the most popular forms of exercise today, but it is also recommended by doctors and scientists across the world for its range of health...
 | 5/4/2016 - Yoga has been around for thousands of years – but many people practicing it today seem to have lost their way entirely. According to Swami J, "The deep and eternal essence of yoga has been misrepresented and packaged for personal profit by clever people." The art of yoga goes far beyond exercise...
 | 3/26/2016 - No one wants to look in the mirror and see wrinkles. That's why the cosmetic industry creates hundreds of "anti-aging" beauty products every year, capitalizing on our obsession with looking young – and making billions of dollars out of false promises. Most of the products on offer don't actually...
 | 3/12/2016 - Yoga is much more than just the latest health trend and was actually developed between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago, according to Yoga Basics. There are several reasons for its long history and increasing popularity – which range from its ability to encourage a better night's sleep to tackling anxiety....
 | 2/18/2016 - It seems that people suffering with minor aches and pains have recently started to opt for Yoga Emergency Therapy over a visit to the urgent care clinic or hospital emergency room. Yoga Therapy Clinics specialize in problems relating to pain or anxiety, and have become increasingly popular as an alternative...
 | 12/8/2015 - Once upon a time it was believed, as the saying went, that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Someone ought to relay that to liberals who are insane with political correctness, which is infecting every aspect of a hyper-spoiled, hyper-sensitive Western civilization whose people have long...
 | 10/9/2015 9:55:34 AM - The ugly, hypocritical face of liberalism is once again making a mockery of the Constitution and traditional American values, this time in Seattle, where progressive thought dominates local politics and has for years.
As reported by, local KIRO talk radio host Dori Monson wants to...
 | 5/17/2015 - In a world obsessed with body image with many willing to do anything to lose weight, publications with a large reach need to be careful about the tips they provide. Unfortunately, a recent issue of Yoga Magazine decided to push the boundaries of that notion, drawing the ire of yoga teachers and many...
 | 5/6/2015 - The successor to Father Gabriele Amorth, the Vatican's former chief exorcist for 25 years, has come out in condemnation of fantasy novels and yoga, declaring both to cause demonic possession. Speaking to The Independent (UK), Father Cesare Truqui explained how the Roman Catholic Church has seen a steady...
 | 3/14/2015 - There are many physical reasons to begin practicing yoga. Yoga will increase your flexibility, strengthen and condition your muscles, and give you better balance and posture. That's the good news but the good news gets even better for those just starting this artful discipline: yoga does not begin and...
 | 1/27/2015 - Not long ago, I thought yoga was for girls. Striking an awkward pose on a mat looked geeky -- something a big 6'6" competitive guy like me would have nothing in common with. When my wife bought a yoga mat and an instructional DVD and tried following along at home, it all looked even more boring. Was...
 | 10/20/2014 - Yoga provides people with a multitude of benefits to their overall health, improving everything from mood and circulation to energy levels and aches. While most people are aware of this, they may not be privy to the fact that it's also been shown to help those suffering from dementia, such as Alzheimer's...
 | 10/9/2014 - Hatha yoga, the physical yoga with which most Westerners are familiar, has increased in popularity since coming to the USA in a big way during the 1960s.
It is not as strenuous as running or pumping iron, yet several studies have confirmed life-changing health benefits, which are not only physical...
 | 6/13/2014 - As the price of medical care and health insurance skyrockets, and with mandated health insurance taxes looming, many people are looking to implement healthy lifestyles to prevent sickness and disease. Yoga is growing in popularity, providing positive health benefits that instill good breathing patterns,...
 | 6/12/2014 - According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the U.S., 69 percent of men and women over 20 years of age are overweight, and half of those are so overweight that they're considered clinically obese. (1) Much of the fat that we deal with is centered around our bellies,...
 | 2/19/2014 - As our editor-in-chief, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reported recently, consumer advocate Vani Hari -- better known to many Americans as the "Food Babe," won yet another victory in her fight on your behalf for clean, fresh food.
In an announcement on her website, Hari said she had managed to convince...
 | 2/8/2014 - Companies that portray a healthy image, like Subway, must be held accountable to their "eat fresh" claims. When a company like Subway cooks a carcinogenic chemical directly into their bread for many years, they really aren't being honest about their healthy image and mission.
For over a year and...
 | 2/7/2014 - Tao Porchon-Lynch can balance all of her weight on her forearms, lifting her entire body up and parallel to the floor without the need for support from her legs. She also engages in competitive dancing, cutting a rug with dancing partners half her age.
The big deal?
She's 95.
Clearly, Porchon-Lynch...
 | 2/5/2014 - Mind-body therapies can help cancer patients, and yoga has been shown in numerous studies to help improve the physical and emotional well being of cancer sufferers, raising quality of life both during and after treatment.
Improved quality of life, overall health and physical functioning; reduced...
 | 2/3/2014 - A recent study conducted by researchers at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center has found that practicing yoga helped to alleviate inflammation and fatigue among breast cancer survivors.
Published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the study was a randomized, controlled clinical...
 | 1/12/2014 - As children, we seem to spend as much time as possible with our heads down and feet up. Whether it's hanging upside down on furniture, in trees or on monkey bars, or doing cartwheels, handstands or headstands, children just seem to love to be upside down. But as we age and become "mature" adults, most...
 | 11/17/2013 - It used to be that "yoga" and "veterans" were two words you never heard in the same sentence. But in 2013, yoga for veterans has become a necessary practice for those suffering with PTSD, with classes springing up around the country. In fact, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' National Center...
 | 11/7/2013 - Modern-day yoga practice has been relegated to an exercise form for feeling good and boosting energy levels while losing weight. This simplistic approach, while offering a partial truth, negates the vast and deep implications of an ancient mind-body science on the health of the practitioner. Modern...
 | 10/8/2013 - A natural season of transition, autumn is an excellent time for a gentle cleanse. According to the ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda, the fall is when we need to slow down, restore and discard the excess heat of summer. Unlike spring, which begs for an intense fast and detoxification program...
 | 9/29/2013 - The corpse pose, or savasana, is the last posture, or asana, in any Hatha Yoga routine. It's apparently the easiest, because one lies flat on one's back without moving. But it's actually the most difficult to master, because it's so internal.
It's powerful enough that anyone can benefit from it without...
 | 9/9/2013 - There actually is a Fountain of Youth. We do not, however, have to trek into some deep Amazonian forest to find it. The living spring of bodily rejuvenation is located in the human body itself.
Contemporary hatha yoga practice is intended to serve the balance and flexibility of the body. The regular...
 | 8/13/2013 - There are arguments against athletes' practicing yoga. The notion of developing flexibility seems contrary to developing the hard, strong muscles that some sports demand. But Rich Roll wishes he would have started earlier in his athletic career.
He has finished high in two ultra-man Hawaiian triathlons...
 | 7/17/2013 - Fitness groups that hold classes at public parks, green spaces, and other multi-use public areas in Colorado's capital city of Denver could soon have to pay user fees to the city in order to continue using them, according to new proposals. Paid exercise programs like CrossFit and yoga that involve large...
 | 7/10/2013 - Are you bored with your favorite jogging route and tired of the treadmill? Why not liven up your exercise routine with one of these one-of-a-kind fitness classes? Most are offered near large cities, so if you live in an urban area, you're in luck! A simple internet search should help you find a studio...
 | 7/2/2013 - Stress management techniques like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can enhance the body's ability to handle and recover from stressors like chronic disease, work stress, or relationship stress. These practices bring the body in to a state of relaxation, dominated by the parasympathetic nervous system....
 | 6/14/2013 - Westerners are inclined to accept the dogma of resistance and aerobic exercising as the only route to fitness. Many physical fitness advocates dismiss hatha yoga as too wimpy. Nevertheless, even seasoned triathlon athlete Rich Roll wishes he would have started practicing hatha yoga sooner. (1)
 | 6/12/2013 - Not only is yoga exceptional for reducing stress, relaxing the body and taming disease, but it's also a fabulous method for shedding unwanted pounds. By increasing oxygen intake, unblocking energy and strengthening the endocrine system, this ancient practice can greatly improve weight control. Paired...
 | 3/27/2013 - Have a serious heart rhythm problem and trying alternative and complementary approaches to help? If so, the odds are you might well be told by your mainstream doctor and even family and friends that those therapies are "quackery" and you need to totally rely on Big Pharma drugs or surgery. However,...
 | 12/14/2012 - Many children live a fast paced lifestyle between school, busy parents, sports and activities. It may not seem like it, but they are inundated with stresses such as peer pressure, competition, finding balance and over stimulation. Teaching yoga to children at a young age has tremendous health benefits...
 | 11/15/2012 - Originally, yoga was created to help bring together the body and mind. Through a series of natural movements and meditation - we develop greater inner strength and flexibility. So why are so many people suffering with yoga-related injuries?
Is there a dark side to all these "power yoga" classes?...
 | 8/23/2012 - Hatha yoga, the yoga of physical postures and poses known as asanas, has caught on so much in the U.S. that it's difficult to find a town that doesn't have a yoga training studio.
In case your town is behind the times and you're interested in pursuing yoga for health and mental/emotional equanimity,...
 | 3/5/2012 - When you think of yoga flexibility, relaxation and maybe meditation come to mind. The application of yoga as a system of healing rarely enters the Western mind. Despite today's widespread reliance on Western medicine (drugs), yoga has been used for thousands of years for concerns like high blood pressure...
 | 2/18/2012 - Many people miss out on the benefits of yoga because they think these benefits are only accessible to a few lucky people. If you think yoga is only for people who are younger than you, or to those lucky enough to have loads of free time, or only for individuals with naturally slender and flexible bodies,...
 | 12/13/2011 - The dark clouds of health tyranny are moving in. Yet, it's important to not stress. Stress is acknowledged as a major source of all disease. Prepare now by looking into energetic options that reduce stress and heal if supplements and herbs become scarce.
The type of energy that governs our bodies...
| 11/26/2011 - It is not vain to want cleaner, fresher breath. Surely, most of us desire a minty mouth every morning without much effort. In our quick-fix world, the natural method is often perceived as a time-consuming ritual of diet, exercise and discipline. Who wants to do all of that just for fresh breath? Isn't...
| 6/14/2011 - Increasing police brutality and government corruption in India has prompted popular television yoga guru Swami Ramdev to both go on a hunger strike, and call for 11,000 men and women to rise up and join his new "army," which he plans to train in combat skills to defend against police or other government...
 | 5/13/2011 - A new study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that complementary and alternative medicine treatments, also known as CAM, are becoming much more mainstream than they used to be. Physicians are increasingly referring their patients to get mind-body therapies like yoga, tai...
| 3/17/2011 - As it turns out, yoga is no longer just a gentle stretching for aging hippies. Ongoing research shows that this ancient ritual improves mood, helps breast cancer survivors, reduces inflammation and counteracts fibromyalgia.
It's common knowledge that yoga improves mood and shrugs off stress, but...
 | 3/4/2011 - The latest video contest on NaturalNews.TV -- the Personal Health Transformation Video Contest -- just wrapped up earlier this week. The contest invited participants to post their true video stories of how they've used natural healing therapies to overcome serious health challenges.
The contest was...
| 1/20/2011 - Yoga is no longer just for New Age gurus. Practicing yoga offers so many positive benefits for the young and old, that it has become mainstream. Some might even say that the benefits (physical, emotional and spiritual) are so far-reaching, it should be part of physical education in schools and a more...
| 1/8/2011 - Barry Holman, interim deputy director of the Washington, D.C., Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS), has come up with a new approach to overcome the agency's current flailing system: yoga. According to a recent report in the Washington Examiner, Holman has petitioned his staff members...
| 10/2/2010 - Just like their parents, kids today are learning to relax with yoga.
Stress is not the province of adults only. Children today encounter many stressful life events at earlier ages from homework, competition with other children, tight schedules, and extra-curricular activities.
Yoga combines several...
| 9/23/2010 - A study performed at the Ohio State University has found that a nightly dose of practicing yoga has had a positive impact on the health of 50 women around the age of 41. This study and many others of its kind continue to prove the health benefits of taking the time to do daily mind-body techniques which...
| 7/29/2010 - Yoga is a combination of a series of postures and controlled breathing exercises. It is considered a mind-body type of alternative medicine. It brings together both the physical and the mental aspects of the body to realize peacefulness and help your body relax.
Research has shown that yoga helps...
| 4/19/2010 - Some people may not think of yoga as a true "exercise" because it is often viewed as more of a relaxation and stretching technique. That is, until they feel the incredible empowerment, flexibility and spiritual peace they experience after a few challenging sessions.
Yoga is an extremely adaptable...
| 2/1/2010 - Many people choose to practice yoga for the relaxation and flexibility benefits it brings. Yoga is a low impact form of exercise that strengthens muscles, increases balance, improves flexibility, and reduces stress with various poses and breathing exercises. Recent studies show that there are actual...
 | 1/22/2010 - As a natural health journalist, I've tried hundreds of different raw food products and food bars. No raw food bar has impressed me more than the Yoga Bar from EverythingRaw, a company founded by Paul Mamakos, a dedicated raw foodie (and an all-around cool guy, too). EverythingRaw has now merged with...
| 1/4/2010 - Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women and almost 4,000 cases were fatal just last year. Conventional treatments for cervical cancer such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, hysterectomy, or the removal of lymph nodes and ovaries can often leave the woman infertile. However, alternatives...
| 10/24/2009 - From a sitting position, how far can you reach past your toes? Especially if you are middle-aged or older, the answer could indicate how flexible you are -- and also how flexible your arteries are. However, if you are stiff and can't reach too far, don't despair. New research suggests stretching exercises...
| 9/16/2009 - Yoga is a 5,000-year-old practice that has many health benefits. There are many different schools that teach different disciplines and styles of yoga. Most yoga practice includes postures and breathing exercises, but there is even yoga for sleep and restoration. Yoga Month is being celebrated worldwide:...
| 9/8/2009 - According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), low back pain is an enormous health and economic problem in the U.S. In fact, Americans spend at least $50 billion annually on the condition. It's the most common cause of job-related disability and a leading contributor...
| 8/19/2009 - The origin of the word "yoga" is the Sanskrit word yuj, meaning "yoke or union." And practitioners of this ancient discipline, which combines physical postures, meditation, breathing exercises and a philosophy of mindfulness, aim for a union between the mind and the body. Now western science is backing...
| 8/11/2009 - Binge eating is said to have its origins in psychological disturbances. Binge eaters seek comfort in food when all else seems hopeless. Yoga could offer tremendous therapeutic comfort for victims of this disorder. The connection lies in the fact that yoga could help heal the mind by directing awareness...
| 8/1/2009 - Elysabeth Williamson has been a teacher and innovator in the world of yoga for over twenty years. Her heart-centered teaching style comes from over thirty years of training and practice in a variety of yogic traditions. She has spent the past twelve years developing Principle-Based Partner Yoga.
| 7/20/2009 - Seasonal changes affect your mood. This is a simple fact. What goes on in our brains to create this seasonal change of mood and how it can be treated is a matter of science. Yoga can offer palliative therapy for this little understood but well-known affliction.
Seasonal Affective Disorder, otherwise...
| 7/18/2009 - Yoga has long been associated with stress reduction and increased flexibility, but not everyone realizes that yoga can also help them lose weight, lower their cholesterol, and eliminate harmful toxins. Yoga practitioners can even learn how to control their cravings for unhealthy foods.
Yoga is one...
| 7/3/2009 - Traditional yoga wisdom teaches us that twisting poses play a vital role in maintaining the health of our bodies and minds. The twisting motion is important because it incorporates so many central points of the body. Yoga twists require the work of the abdominal muscles, oblique muscles, spine, neck,...
| 5/5/2009 - Yoga has long been known for having healing powers. Recently Yoga has begun to be used as a treatment to aid in healing those with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Practitioners of Yoga claim that it aids them in feeling grounded and in the present, gaining awareness of their bodies and the...
| 4/28/2009 - When the mind is bogged down by depression, it makes it difficult to muster the energy to accomplish even simple tasks. Many are in search of alternative remedies for treating depression, since medications are rarely a permanent solution - and can even make symptoms worse over time. Yoga provides a...
| 4/23/2009 - Go ahead and trade in all your scented candles, lacy red nighties and silk sheets for the latest gadget that will ramp up your sex life: a yoga mat. The exercise we often connect to meditation and inner enlightenment is also linked to improved bedtime fun. A study published in the December 2008 edition...
| 3/10/2009 - Yoga is a great way to relax your body and mind. It provides many benefits and is a cost-effective exercise that can be practiced anywhere. Through different stretches and Yoga poses you can find greater control over your spirit, body, and mind. Yoga is quite effective in relieving stress and with proper...
| 2/27/2009 - In a study just published in the journal Psycho-Oncology, researchers conclude they've found a treatment that resulted in a 50% reduction in depression and a 12% increase in feelings of peace and meaning in women with breast cancer. The successful treatment isn't a new type of anti-depressant or anti-anxiety...
| 2/9/2009 - Recently a study (conducted at the University of California, Irvine) suggesting that postpartum depression is the result of hormonal imbalances has made news. Postpartum depression is a common condition affecting women in the days after childbirth. It has also been suggested that Yoga potentially holds...
| 2/8/2009 - Yoga is an effective way to enhance both physical and mental well-being. While yoga is becoming more popular in recent years, it is actually an ancient activity that focuses on connecting the mind, the body, and the spirit by performing specific poses, breathing, and meditation. The practice of yoga...
| 1/28/2009 - Back pain is one of the top reasons that people take off work, and it keeps people from completely enjoying their life and doing many of their favorite activities. Fortunately, research shows that regular yoga sessions may be an effective way to combat back pain.
101 adults with back pain were studied...
 | 11/17/2008 - Those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis know the joint pain and stiffness can interfere with many of their favorite activities. Often, the pain of arthritis will make exercise less enjoyable, so those with this condition may be tempted to give up being active. However, doctors suggest that one of...
 | 11/4/2008 - Diabetes is an increasingly common problem in society associated with insulin problems. Insulin causes the body's cells to take up glucose from the blood. Because of the standard Western diet that is high in sugar and dead carbohydrates that turn to sugar, the pancreas becomes exhausted and the cells...
 | 10/22/2008 - Most of us know that yoga is beneficial to our overall health and wellbeing. It puts the body into balance and can improve everything from blood sugar levels to depression and anxiety. But one of the other incredible benefits of yoga is its power to transform your sex life! Yoga allows people to get...
 | 8/28/2008 - People have been proclaiming the many benefits of yoga for centuries. Some of the praises for this ancient discipline include greater flexibility and strength, improved energy levels and sleep, and a calmer, more contented mind. People love it because it is not only a powerful way to get into shape...
 | 7/30/2008 - Yoga can improve blood pressure and other symptoms associated with the condition known as metabolic syndrome, according to a pair of new studies.
Metabolic syndrome refers to a cluster of symptoms that are associated with an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. The symptoms of metabolic...
 | 7/10/2008 - Feeling depressed or down? Don't automatically reach for an anti-depressant. Do some yoga. These days, the typical treatment for depression comes in the form of a pill, which can often lead to serious side effects and dependency. Prior to modern drug companies, however, sages from the East discovered...
 | 6/10/2008 - "Ho ho, ha ha ha," students in a fitness class at the University of Michigan Health System chant repeatedly while clapping their hands and walking around the room. They're just getting warmed up; in the next half-hour, they will stretch their muscles and work on breathing exercises. They'll also laugh...
 | 6/9/2008 - The benefits of yoga are increasingly well known. Deep relaxation and a strong body are continually proven results of a regular yoga practice.
Now a recent study in Channai, India has shown that a yoga practice is fantastic for treating metabolic syndrome x. It can actually reverse the clinical and...
 | 4/23/2008 - In the past twenty years, thanks to modern technology, researchers have been able to scientifically prove that we have definite and distinct, physical responses to our emotions. There are currently thousands of books relating to stress and the toll it takes on the human body and psyche. The following...
 | 4/18/2008 - Yoga has overtaken Aussie rules football (1) – more people are doing yoga – making it the 13th most popular physical activity in Australia. Even football players are doing yoga as part of their physical training every week.
A survey conducted by the Complementary Medicine team at RMIT University...
 | 10/10/2007 - Specifically tailored yoga programs may help women with late-stage breast cancer by reducing pain and fatigue and raising their spirits, according to a pilot study published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.
"The benefits could include less pain and fatigue, and more vigor, relaxation,...
 | 1/29/2007 - Yoga, as seen by both its Hindi and secular adherents, is a path to spiritual and psychological mastery. To skeptics, it is seen as multi-billion dollar industry. Either way, yoga is rapidly taking root as an alternative form of physical education and stress relief throughout U.S. schools.
The movement...
| 8/4/2006 - One U.S. West Coast marketing agency encourages employees to stop work and duck out for massages, while at one New York hedge fund, workers break during the day for yoga classes.
More companies are offering employees the on-site pleasures of massage and yoga, not just to make their staff happy but...
| 7/21/2006 - In an ongoing effort to scientifically validate the age-old belief that mind-body interventions have a beneficial impact on the health of cancer patients, researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center have shown that breast cancer patients who participate in a yoga program during...
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