Website news, articles and information:
 | 11/27/2016 - If the Washington Post hopes to retain any semblance of journalistic credibility, it must now retract and apologize for its baseless, deliberately falsified story that accuses dozens of independent media websites of working in conspiracy with the Russian government to undermine U.S. democracy.
 | 11/26/2016 - The Washington Post has just committed journalistic suicide.
The once-esteemed publication ran with a highly publicized but journalistically shoddy hit piece, sourced from a secretive and shady group of shadowy people who refuse to identify themselves, with the intention of blacklisting news sites...
 | 11/18/2016 - During the election, Americans who were simply looking for information got screwed by the media. The propaganda was so thick and the fake polls were so numerous that people were reeling in shock when Hillary Clinton actually ended up losing the election. Heck, I was stunned myself, and I had even written...
 | 11/18/2016 - Having trouble makes sense of what news is real and what news is fake? Worry no more, The Duran has compiled a list of news sources you should avoid at all costs.
(Article republished from
Disclaimer 1: All of the contents in this document reflect the opinion of the author and...
 | 11/16/2016 - The crybully left is going bonkers, and it's almost an overdose of joy to watch them melt down in real time. Now, they're trying to silence the only remaining free press in America -- the independent media -- by targeting (or silencing) news websites that don't indoctrinate their readers with leftist...
 | 8/20/2016 - A political website is offering a $1 million dollar bounty for a whistleblower to leak Hillary Clinton's medical records.
Article by Paul Joseph Watson, republished from
After promising a $50,000 dollar reward for Clinton's health history, has now upped its offer...
 | 5/12/2016 - The website of Dr. William Falconer, a homeopathic veterinarian based in the Texas Hill Country, has come under attack since he exposed the harmful (and sometimes deadly) side-effects of a widely prescribed drug used to control allergic and atopic dermatitis in dogs, a condition characterized by chronic...
 | 3/17/2016 12:09:44 PM - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is currently assessing the toxicity of the widely used herbicide, glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup. The agency reviews each registered pesticide every 15 years to determine its safety and whether or not it's still in compliance with the...
 | 1/12/2016 - If you've ever wondered just how many people are killed every day with prescription drugs, chemotherapy and medical mistakes, our new website provides shocking numerical data based on cited sources. gives you a real-time count of all these deaths, aggregated from January 1, 2000.
 | 11/6/2015 - According to a 2015 Consumer Reports survey, 80 percent of Americans like to buy products that are made in the USA before they consider products made cheaply in other countries.
Walmart's Investing in American Jobs Program promised to spend $250 billion sourcing American-made products by 2013. Not...
 | 8/14/2015 - In the days following revelations that Planned Parenthood officials were caught on video making deals to traffic body parts of aborted babies for profit, alleged anti-abortion hackers launched a DDOS - Direct Denial of Service - attack on the organization's website.
As reported by
 | 7/16/2015 - The world's first anti-propaganda search engine is now open for a 24-hour public test drive., dubbed "the search engine for truth seekers," filters out mainstream media propaganda and government disinformation, favoring independent media websites, blogs and reference sites.
Good Gopher...
 | 7/5/2015 - The non-profit organization responsible for managing domain names online is proposing new privacy guidelines that suggest an imminent resurrection of the ill-reputed "Stop Online Privacy Act," or SOPA. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is pushing for sweeping changes to...
 | 5/28/2015 - The official beta launch announcement is here! The world's first privacy-protecting search engine that bans corporate propaganda and government disinformation is now ready for webmasters to submit their sites for indexing. The name of the new search engine? Good Gopher! (
 | 4/14/2015 - A U.S.-based web site critical of interventionist conflict has alleged that Google has censored some of its content, calling the action "authoritarian" and accusing the media giant of acting like "an arm of the U.S. State Department.
The complaint from the founders of, a news portal which...
 | 4/1/2015 11:20:14 AM - President Barack Obama is perhaps the greatest revolutionary ever to set foot in the White House, and that's not a compliment. The man who promised you could keep your doctor and your health care plan, and that your rates and deductibles would fall as well, once also promised the most transparent administration...
 | 2/12/2015 - A new truth resource has hit the web that promises to shake up the food industry and spur more positive change toward improving the quality of the foods that we eat. Melissa Melton of Ready Nutrition and Truthstream Media recently launched, a news website that focuses on exposing...
 | 2/8/2015 - After throwing away hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars building what amounted to be a completely non-functional Obamacare website, Montreal, Canada-based CGI Federal has now been awarded a contract with the Internal Revenue Service to build a platform for processing its new Obamacare tax program,...
 | 1/12/2015 - As the Executive Director of the Consumer Wellness Center (, I'm thrilled to announce the 2014 grant recipients who received grant funding from the CWC to promote food self-reliance and nutrition programs all around the world.
As Natural News readers know, the CWC is a non-profit...
 | 12/16/2014 - This Friday I'll be announcing the new website and a 3-minute teaser video for the upcoming open-source, non-profit 3D-printable project I'm launching in early 2015.
The video will describe more details about what this project achieves, and the website will feature an email signup for people who...
 | 11/10/2014 - online banking has been taken offline by a sustained cyber attack since last Friday, with its online banking website either completely unavailable or loading with extremely long wait times. UPDATE: Shortly after this story went live, began responding in a timely manner. We will continue...
 | 7/26/2014 - Former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas has launched a new website that he says aims to promote more whistleblowing by government employees and serve as a sounding board that grabs the attention of politicians and policymakers.
"I tell you what has helped us a whole lot and that is something that we can...
 | 7/21/2014 - After watching the bizarre and irrational reaction to the original story I published here, I've decided to replace it with a meta analysis of what the reaction to this story really says about today's corrupt media and irresponsible "corporate science" operators.
For the record, the story which originally...
 | 5/28/2014 - According to new reports, billions of taxpayer dollars have been thrown at the Obamacare portal known as, as well as the many individual state exchanges that link up to it since the insurance takeover was first announced. A whopping $5 billion, which is more than 33 times the amount spent...
 | 4/20/2014 - An Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) analysis published recently in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that medical researchers very often presented the findings of their clinical trials in a different way on a federal government website then they did in the medical journals where their studies...
 | 1/18/2014 - It's not just glitch-prone and vague about important components of health insurance coverage, like how much it will cost. But the federal online Obamacare exchange,, is also a wet dream for hackers, despite the millions spent to "fix" it.
That's the diagnosis of a number of Web security...
 | 12/31/2013 - The world's most well-known fast food corporation is in damage control mode after an internal resource that the company created for its employees embarrassingly advised them to stop eating its own food offerings. CNN reports that the McDonald's corporation officially shut down its so-called "McResource...
 | 12/7/2013 - Under normal circumstances, companies set to launch a major new interactive website that will offer a product or service to tens of millions of people test that site repeatedly to ensure that it functions properly.
But the federal government is not a company, so that's not what happened with
 | 12/3/2013 - Regular readers of Natural News know that we have been frequent critics of Obamacare, because the law represents the kind of top-down, one-size-fits-all, abusive, tyrannical government that strips away freedom, damages liberty and further restricts choice - all things that we despise about our post-constitutional...
 | 12/2/2013 - In the mid-1980s, at the Cold War's climax, President Ronald Reagan, in a speech, implored Soviet Premier Gorbachev to "tear down this wall." He was talking about the Berlin Wall, which divided Germany into the communist East and democratic West, and he was appealing to Gorbechev to give his people...
 | 11/26/2013 - Despite the fact that the government spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the federal Obamacare online exchange, is not only glitch- and crash-prone, it's ripe for identity theft by hackers.
A panel of IT experts testified recently before a House committee to inform Americans that...
 | 11/20/2013 - In addition to its plethora of other problems, Obamacare is also creating a new breed of con artists.
Never before in the history of the country have Americans been so confused - and bewildered and angry - by such a major, life-altering piece of legislation. In particular, the chaos over the glitch-prone...
 | 11/12/2013 - The primary strategy being employed by the Obama administration in a bid to cover up the disastrous roll-out of the worst website ever is to claim that you're not really seeing what you're seeing.
This tactic has been employed regularly by a number of Obama operatives since the massive and very publicized...
 | 10/31/2013 - When you are an embattled Washington bureaucrat, it seems like the whole world is against you.
That's very likely how Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius felt this morning.
Hauled up to Capitol Hill to answer a myriad of questions about why, after spending years in development...
 | 10/25/2013 - In mid-October, Forbes' Avik Roy, who has been writing regularly about the pitfalls and expected pitfalls of Obamacare, made a rather startling claim.
"A growing consensus of IT experts, outside and inside the government, have figured out a principal reason why the website for Obamacare's federally-sponsored...
 | 10/18/2013 - The Obama administration has been caught red-handed engaged in software piracy. Computer code used on was stolen (and then modified in an effort to conceal the theft) from a UK company called Spry Media.
To my best knowledge, this story was broken by in a blog authored...
 | 10/11/2013 - It is no longer a secret that the Obama administration has been actively engaged in a massive domestic terrorism operation against the American people, turning the recent federal government shutdown into a flagrant display of tyranny and abuse. And the latest scam to be exposed in this ridiculous political...
 | 10/1/2013 - The old axioms "nothing in life is free" and "there is no such thing as a free lunch" have been true throughout the ages, no matter how hard the Obama administration has tried to make certain demographics of American voters believe just the opposite.
Nowhere is that truer than when it comes to promises...
 | 7/31/2013 - Before and after his first campaign for the White House, Barack Obama promised the American people that his administration would be the most open and transparent in the nation's history.
"My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government," says a memo Obama...
 | 7/13/2013 - If you use mainstream health websites to search for information about personal health conditions from which you suffer or treatments in which you are interested, your private information could be getting peddled off to third party marketing companies without your consent, according to a new study. As...
 | 7/12/2013 - The McAfee anti-virus and security company is currently engaged in a malicious, slanderous defamation campaign against Natural News. Although the Natural News website contains no malicious code whatsoever (and has passed numerous security scans with a clean bill of health), it is being flagged by McAfee...
 | 1/26/2013 - Mere weeks after the death of internet revolutionary Aaron Swartz who was threatened with 50 years of prison time by the U.S. government, the group Anonymous has struck back with a takeover of the U.S. Sentencing Commission website. (IP address of
That attack took control of the website...
 | 11/28/2012 - Federal tyranny has begun to spread to the Internet, where authorities apparently believe that there are no such things as constitutional rights in cyberspace.
Without due process and without giving the owners of the websites any opportunity to defend themselves whatsoever, U.S. Immigration and Customs...
 | 9/14/2012 - Websites like NaturalNews which actually report the truth about issues like vaccines, chemotherapy dangers, nutritional cures and fluoride are under constant assault. Not only are we routinely subjected to coordinated hacking attacks from Russian hacker gangs hired by U.S. pharmaceutical giants (which...
 | 8/14/2012 - A U.K. group devoted to helping parents customize appropriate vaccination schedules for their children has been targeted by British authorities for posting scientifically-backed warnings about the dangers of the combination measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, also known as MMR. BBC News reports that...
 | 6/5/2012 - I am very saddened to bring you this report today. Following the publication of our investigative story about Sharon Palmer (Healthy Family Farms), James Stewart (Rawesome Foods), Aajonus Vonderplanitz (vocal critic of Sharon Palmer) and Larry Otting (title owner of the land on which the farm operates),...
 | 6/4/2012 - Following our coverage of Sharon Palmer, owner of Healthy Family Farms, and James Stewart, the "raw milk man" and founder of Rawesome Foods in California, I received a tip from an anonymous source. The tip said that I was defending the wrong parties. The source stated that Sharon Palmer was a fraud...
 | 1/26/2012 3:29:04 PM - It is becoming increasingly obvious, and highly embarrassing, that many members of the US Congress have absolutely no idea what the Constitution says, or how the justice system works. Rep. John Mizuno (D-Hawaii) recently introduced a bill that intends to keep a log of every website visited by every...
| 7/26/2011 - Freedom of speech is under attack once again as the bloated US federal government continues its quest to destroy the last bastion of free and open communication -- the internet.
Sen. Patrick Leahy's (D-Vt.) "Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property"...
 | 4/20/2011 - Thanks to the Fukushima catastrophe, we've all been learning a lot about the laws of physics lately -- especially about radiation. To help explain it all, the folks over at have created a radiation explanation chart that shows the relative levels of harm from various doses...
 | 2/28/2011 - was recently named the fourth largest alternative news website in the world by the DBKP Report ( NaturalNews delivers daily news, commentary and satire on natural health, alternative...
 | 2/10/2011 - Over the last several months, the LA Times website and other mainstream media outlets have been running ads featuring text with messages like, "1 Trick of a Tiny Belly: Cut down a bit of your belly every day using this 1 weird old tip."
A Consumer Wellness Center investigation (
| 12/29/2010 - Officials from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) seem to now be going on the offensive against those who oppose its new invasive and unconstitutional airport security protocols being carried out by agents of the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA). According to George Donnelly,...
 | 11/27/2010 - As part of a new expansion of government power over information, the Department of Homeland Security has begun seizing and shutting down internet websites (web domains) without due process or a proper trial. DHS simply seizes web domains that it wants to and posts an ominous "Department of Justice"...
| 8/26/2010 - Merck & Co., Inc., manufacturer of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil, continues to get away with pushing the dangerous drug on both young girls -- and now boys -- as a supposed prevention method for avoiding cervical cancer. But concerned mothers of daughters who have been seriously injured...
 | 10/30/2009 - The US government has issued a new report that recommends blocking access to popular websites during a pandemic outbreak in order to preserve internet bandwidth for investors, day traders and securities clearing house operations. The concern is that a pandemic would cause too many people to stay at...
| 8/28/2009 - This is part four of an article series by Evelyn Pringle. Find previous parts here: Part One (, Part Two (, Part Three (
| 8/27/2009 - This is part four of an article series by Evelyn Pringle. Find previous parts here: Part One (, Part Two ( and Part Three (
| 7/31/2009 - This is part three of a four-part investigative article series by award-winning journalist Evelyn Pringle. Read part one ( or part two here (
In an article titled, "Disorders...
| 7/27/2009 - This is part two of an investigative series on The Mothers Act by Evelyn Pringle. Read part one here:
The Mothers Act legislation specifically defines the term "postpartum conditions" as "postpartum depression" or "postpartum psychosis." Use...
 | 10/21/2008 - NaturalNews has learned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is running a criminal extortion racket designed to drain cash from health supplement companies and shift it into the pockets of top FDA contractors. This organized crime operation has been running for years, and it has operated with impunity...
 | 4/9/2008 - Last week, we posted a survey asking our readers to rate the "trustworthiness" of various health news websites, as well as the personality traits of some of the more notable invididuals in the industry, including Dr. Gary Null, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Stephen Barrett (the Quackwatch doc) and several...
 | 3/4/2008 - The following is part one of an interview with Dr. Wayne Coates, who is perhaps the world's foremost educator on chia seeds. Dr. Coates was among the first to grow chia seeds experimentally and later for commercial purposes. An expert in the field of new crops such as chia and jojoba, his career as...
 | 2/28/2008 - The BBC, Britain's venerable TV station known and respected worldwide for its impartiality and integrity, has suddenly closed down the Complementary Medicine section on its Health website ( .
This is believed to be in response to a curious and abnormal amount of letters and e-mails...
 | 8/17/2007 - Today NaturalNews is announcing the beta launch of its WebSeed Citizen Journalism project that allows individuals to earn an ongoing revenue stream by writing news articles that will be published on the NaturalNews Network. (A "Citizen Journalist" is a news writer or reporter who is not necessarily...
 | 11/3/2006 - Christopher Soghoian recently created a fake boarding pass generating website that allowed anyone with Internet access to create fake boarding passes for Northwest Airlines. The passes could be generated using any name, any airport and for any date or flight.
Soghoian was then visited by the FBI,...
| 8/24/2006 - Today, Commercial Alert launched the website (, devoted to ending direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising in the United States. The purpose of the website is to educate the public about the dangers of prescription drug advertising, and to mobilize...
 | 8/23/2006 - Mike: Welcome everyone. Today we are speaking with Jim Sterne, one of the most authoritative and well-received authors, speakers and thinkers on web marketing and email marketing. Welcome, Jim.
Sterne: Thank you very much.
Mike: It's a pleasure to have you with us today. For those who aren't familiar...
 | 8/4/2006 - Welcome to the NaturalNews Network. I'm Mike Adams, the editor. Although this network of websites has experienced remarkable growth in the last year, it isn't for everyone.
Only about five percent of the general population is ready to see, hear and learn the information being offered here.
 | 7/10/2006 - Steve Diaz: We're talking with Michael DeSimone, CEO of E4X, which is a provider for e-commerce solutions. I'm going to let Mike explain it.
Michael DeSimone: It's not an easy one, is it? What we do is provide local currency pricing solutions for e-commerce merchants who are selling internationally.
 | 5/29/2005 - All over the country, public schoolteachers are becoming increasingly concerned about students' use of recording devices in classrooms. We've recently seen some interesting cases where outraged teachers were recorded on cell phone video cameras and audio recording devices, and then those videos or audio...
 | 3/26/2005 - Truth Publishing can now reveal the details of an exhaustive investigation into what may be the largest Hoodia Gordonii supplement scam operating in North America: the Pure Hoodia, Inc. company. (This article has recently been updated with even more evidence, see below for details.) In this exclusive...
 | 12/5/2004 - The following is part six of an interview with Robert Cohen, author of "Milk, the Deadly Poison," and
Mike Adams: What kinds of additional information can people find at your website,
Robert Cohen: Well, you can have a little bit of fun, and you can read,...
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