Sun news, articles and information:
 | 11/30/2016 - A new agricultural technique may have just solved the problem of growing food in some of the world's most inhospitable places – locations that don't currently support traditional agriculture.
In addition, the technique can save what are clearly finite resources from extinction, something all...
 | 10/13/2016 - Tens of millions of people are deficient in vitamin D largely because they don't get enough natural sunlight every day. But a new wearable device can help with that.
Researchers at the University of Southern California, in noting that the sun is vital for the production of vitamin D, which in turn...
 | 9/23/2016 - When humans are exposed to sunlight, their skin produces vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin that offers many health benefits. These benefits include helping maintain a healthy immune system, and the growth and development of bones and teeth.
The following excerpt from the book, Solar Power for Optimal...
 | 8/29/2016 - Although sunscreens are promoted as the best way to protect yourself against skin cancer, the FDA has admitted that it is "not aware of data demonstrating that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer." In fact, many of the toxic chemicals found in sunscreens have actually been shown to increase...
 | 8/1/2016 - The British medical establishment is finally acknowledging the importance of vitamin D and the fact that exposure to sunlight is actually good for you.
A new report from the Government's Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition recommends vitamin D supplements, a diet that includes foods rich in...
 | 7/6/2016 - Students attending St. George's Preparatory School in Jersey won't be going to the beach this year for their annual field trip, thanks to the pervasive spread of anti-sun propaganda, reports the UK's Telegraph. Fearful that the youngsters might develop skin cancer, teachers at the school reportedly...
 | 6/4/2016 - Using their long, hairy roots, trees absorb water and nutrients from the soil, feeling down into the Earth for what they need. Standing tall, soaking in the sun's rays, trees are an image of tremendous strength and beauty – icons of natural intelligence.
As they cast shadows and provide shade...
 | 5/29/2016 - Researchers have found that a myriad of ultraviolet (UV) filtering chemicals in common sunscreens disrupt the functioning of normal sperm cells and mirror the effects of the female hormone progesterone.
Head author of the study Niels Skakkebaek, MD, DMSc, a professor at the University of Copenhagen,...
 | 5/12/2016 - A substantial new study has found that women who received more "active sunlight exposure" were at far less risk for cardiovascular disease, meaning they are likely to liver longer, healthier lives.
The study, published in March in the Journal of Internal Medicine, found that the avoidance of direct...
 | 5/8/2016 - As sunlight shines through the sheets of rain, we stare in awe at the arcing rainbow of colors appearing across the sky. Perhaps this beautiful geometry and spectrum of colors is an indication of an eclectic palette of medicines existing in the sun's rays. For a moment, as the rainbow comes into view,...
 | 4/24/2016 - As the majority of Americans long for genetically modified foods to be labeled, some scientists must wonder if that label would need to include a skull and crossbones for GM foods sprayed with glyphosate. New science reveals that the vast majority of genetically modified crops (sprayed with glyphosate...
 | 3/18/2016 - There a many, many benefits to using nature as your dermatologist. As explained in a post at, the chemicals found in mass-produced skincare products can actually exacerbate, if not cause, skin problems. Your skin is very sensitive and can suffer adverse reactions to many...
 | 2/3/2016 - Scientists are beginning to uncover the mechanisms by which plants -- which depend upon sunlight to provide them with energy -- protect themselves from the damaging effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays. Most recently, in a study published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, researchers...
 | 12/3/2015 - The debate about whether sunlight is good or bad for us, and how much we actually need, continues. Like many considerations related to our health, the key is "moderation." Solar Power for Optimal Health, written by Marc Sorenson, says that not only is sunlight crucial to our existence, but it can cure...
 | 8/9/2015 - The sun is the source of life. It provides warmth, energy and vitamin D. Although the sun is the source of life, it is also a nuclear fire ball that showers the earth with ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause brown spots, sun burns, wrinkles and skin cancer — the...
 | 6/26/2015 - There's a lot of fear and misunderstanding when it comes to the sun. Afraid of being burned, consumers are quick to lather on sunscreen chemicals to block out the sun's rays. This is done without understanding what these chemicals are and what they do to the body's natural hormone levels. It's also...
 | 6/25/2015 - As the dog days of summer approach and the sun starts to beat down, it becomes vitally important to know how to use the sun effectively. Far too often people use it in ways that create negative consequences, and as a result, they become jaded, afraid, and end up blocking the healing benefits of the...
 | 5/22/2015 - A somewhat unusual and long-forgotten healing protocol that dates back thousands of years is making a major comeback in the modern day. Advocates say it can help dramatically improve sleep quality, boost energy levels, improve eyesight, enhance endocrine health and, perhaps most interestingly, "decalcify"...
 | 5/19/2015 - Recent studies of other stars have revealed that our sun is capable of blasting the Earth with a solar flare that is far more powerful than anything that has been seen since humans started tracking "solar weather" in the 1970s, warned Kyoto University astrophysicist Kazunari Shibata at the recent Space...
 | 4/1/2015 - A chemical extracted from licorice root may help protect the skin from the damage caused by the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation - without blocking that radiation and interfering with vitamin D synthesis - according to a study conducted by researchers from Beiersdorf AG in Germany and published in the...
 | 1/17/2015 - Although biologists have known for a couple of decades that plants create vitamin C in their chloroplasts to protect them from excess sunlight, the mechanics of that process were unknown until recently. Plant chloroplasts use chlorophyll to convert light energy of the sun into sugars that can be used...
 | 1/10/2015 - During the Cold War, Americans - and citizens of countries all over the globe - worried that the two superpowers at the time, the United States and the Soviet Union, could someday launch a nuclear war that would shroud the world in planet-killing radioactive fallout.
While that is not as much of...
 | 11/27/2014 - In recent years, health experts have emphasized the importance of increasing blood levels of vitamin D as a way to prevent not just bone and tooth disorders but also autoimmune disease, cancer and many other chronic health conditions. Yet, rather than recommending that people spend more time in the...
 | 9/12/2014 - With summer here, many of us are getting ready for beach vacations and the inherent sunburns that usually accompany these trips. Sunburn, which is caused by UV radiation, can lead to melanoma. Melanoma can cause metastases to form (malignant tumors spread from the original source) in our vital organs...
 | 9/11/2014 - Sunblock ingredients that wash off swimmers' skin and into the oceans form toxic chemicals that may be destructive to nearly all life in the oceans, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies in Spain and published in the journal Environmental...
 | 9/1/2014 - The sun is out for most of us, and exposure to sunlight typically brings with it fears of skin cancer. Many people avoid the sun totally to prevent this fate, but is that a wise choice? The research on how sun exposure, sunburn and skin cancer are linked could surprise many.
Let's examine some facts...
 | 8/9/2014 - A daily dose of sun exposure does the body good. Sunlight helps the body produce vitamin D and can play a role in the prevention of heart disease, depression, osteoporosis and insomnia. However, experts currently only recommend between 10 to 60 minutes of unprotected sun exposure each day depending...
 | 8/5/2014 - It's an absolute miracle, an alliance of divine life, how the Earth is positioned, so delicately in relation to the sun. Two stellar bodies communicating with such intricacy and harmony in space and time, one sphere rotating in seasonal rhythm, the other projecting flares of brilliant heat and light.
 | 7/28/2014 1:45:47 AM - "Those that have attempted to convince the world that the Sun, the Earth's primary source of energy and life causes cancer, have done so with malicious intent to deceive the masses into retreating from the one thing that can prevent disease." -- Dave Mihalovic, Naturopathic Doctor
and writer. [1]
 | 7/27/2014 - Many commercial sunscreens contain toxic ingredients that actually raise the risk of skin cancer. However, natural sunscreen can get very pricey, especially if you have a large family. Here is a sunscreen that you can make at home and is nontoxic and all natural. While you are blocking the harmful rays...
 | 7/2/2014 - It is one of the most pervasively destructive health myths circulating today -- if you don't use sunscreen, your skin will burn and you will get skin cancer! Besides the fallacious nature of this popular claim, the fact of the matter is that many sunscreen products on the market today are inherently...
 | 7/1/2014 6:17:40 PM - According to a June 2014 article featured in The Independent (UK), a major study conducted by researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that women who avoid sunbathing during the summer are twice as likely to die as those who sunbathe every day.
The epidemiological study followed 30,000...
 | 6/22/2014 - For starters, there's no real proof that sunscreens actually prevent most skin cancers. Yet your dermatologist is probably robotically advising you to slather on a toxic sunscreen as a proven skin cancer preventive.
Did your doctor mention studies showing that people who spend a greater percentage...
 | 6/20/2014 - The sun is quintessential in facilitating life on planet Earth, meeting the biological requirements of species in all forms. In addition to making our existence possible, sunlight makes us feel good, and according to a new study, keeps us alive longer.
While some places on Earth experience endless...
 | 6/4/2014 - As the weather gets warmer, the more likely there will be instances of sunburn. It may be enjoyable to stay outdoors for a get-together, but the resulting stings of a sunburn are not fun. While methods such as putting plain unsweetened full-fat yogurt or potato peels on the skin are very effective in...
 | 5/31/2014 - A satire science story from (1) has gone viral after warning readers that solar panels are draining the sun's energy. The most remarkable thing about the story is not its hilarity but rather the fact that so many readers took it seriously.
The article claimed to quote the Wyoming...
 | 5/15/2014 9:29:02 PM - It is common knowledge in alternative medical circles that the sun, far from being the enemy to health that Western medicine has made it out to be, is really our best friend when it comes to health, healing, immunity and even strengthening our eyesight. How can this be? Well, in this article we're going...
 | 5/12/2014 - The sun is a major healing force and is responsible for sustaining life on this planet. However, in recent years it is more recognized for its damaging effects than how it can positively affect someone's health. This is due to an improper relationship with the sun, however, with some slight adjustments...
 | 5/11/2014 - The merits of regular sun exposure for optimal health have been reiterated by one of the most comprehensive studies yet to look at the connection between vitamin D and early mortality. Researchers from Sweden, after compiling the results of a 20-year research project they started back in the early 1990s,...
 | 3/8/2014 - There is a lot to criticize about American public education -- and some things that are praiseworthy. But when one-quarter of us don't realize some basic facts about the universe in which we live, well then, "Houston, we've got a problem."
According to a report by the National Science Foundation...
 | 2/19/2014 - In spite of years of bad press about the harmful effects of the sun, with its powerful ultraviolet rays, such as UVAs and UVBs, researchers are now pointing to its many benefits instead. For both mental and physical benefits, exposure to the sun is necessary for good health. Even the benefits offered...
 | 1/5/2014 - The sun has "flipped upside down," NASA announced at the end of December. Although the star that defines our solar system has not physically flipped, its north and south poles have reversed in a natural process marking the midpoint of what is known as the solar cycle.
According to Todd Hoeksema,...
 | 12/29/2013 - A 13-year-old boy named Aidan Dwyer has an idea that can vastly improve solar energy technology. His idea is so revolutionary that it might make flat panel solar designs extinct.
Aidan discovered a spiral mathematical formula in trees based on the Fibonacci sequence. When he recognized this design...
 | 12/19/2013 - Regular sun exposure is one of the most basic human genetic requirements. Sunlight provides biophotons in the form of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. These biophotons help to energize our cells and stimulate vitamin D3 production. Biophoton absorption and rhythmic expression in our bodies enhances immunity...
 | 11/14/2013 - Staggering, but true, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer - in the United States - costing over $3 billion for the 3 million plus people diagnosed - every year. In fact, scientific papers reveal that, in the past three decades, more people have gotten skin cancer than any other form of cancer...
 | 11/14/2013 - Although researchers are becoming increasingly aware of just how important vitamin D is to human health, deficiency and insufficiency remain common, according to a global survey conducted by Dutch researchers and published in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 2010.
 | 10/31/2013 - The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) SunWise program aims to keep kids and families literally and figuratively "in the dark," while studies clearly show exposure to sunlight offers remarkable protection from cancer. A nation-wide study by William B. Grant, PhD, published in the American Cancer...
 | 9/14/2013 - The power of the sun for health and healing are far reaching. Optimal times to store up on the sun's health benefits are between 10am and 3pm. Overwhelming research shows that sunlight improves mood, athletic performance, blood pressure, immunity and bone health while helping to prevent cancers, heart...
 | 8/20/2013 - Major changes are about to take place with regards to the sun, and the effects of these changes will reportedly impact our entire solar system. It is known systematically as a solar magnetic flip, or a reversal of the sun's magnetic field, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)...
 | 8/14/2013 - Frequent exposure to sunshine has been linked to the prevention of several serious diseases, from Type II diabetes to between 15-20 types of cancer. According to a new study published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases journal, however, we have yet another reason to love the sun: Older women who...
 | 8/1/2013 - It seems the most studied and tested vitamin these days is vitamin D. Never mind that it is considered by many to not be a true vitamin. Some consider it more of a prohormone, which is an interglandular hormone precursor.
Others consider it a prehormone that can be converted into a hormone. A few...
 | 7/13/2013 - Since the time of Ramses in Egypt, the health benefits of the sun have been well known and accepted. Widespread sun therapy use decreased after the discovery of antibiotics. The current fear of sunlight began in the 1960s when individuals practicing unsafe sun practices developed sunburns, associated...
 | 7/7/2013 - With summer in full force, many are embracing commercial sunscreens in a misguided effort to minimize burning and reduce skin cancer risk. Unfortunately, most sun care creams, sprays and gels are filled with photocarcinogenic ingredients and other harmful chemicals that actually encourage DNA damage....
 | 7/7/2013 - Increased exposure to sunlight may help alleviate the depression and fatigue associated with multiple sclerosis (MS), and may even reduce the overall level of disability caused by the disease, research suggests.
Prior research has linked both vitamin D deficiency and lower levels of unprotected sun...
 | 6/26/2013 - Reserved for the elite priests and shamans of ancient sun worshiping civilizations, sungazing was considered a powerful tool for spiritual and physical transformation. Today, the practice has been revived and embraced once again - gaining popularity with those who seek heightened vibrancy and joyful...
 | 6/4/2013 - As the temperature outside rises, cubical dwellers start to dream of pristine, sandy beaches and begin carefully plotting how many vacation days they can afford this year. Many others plan a last ditch effort to lose some weight before they have to wear a bathing suit in front of friends and family....
 | 5/12/2013 - Kraft's famous juice drink, Capri Sun, is marketed to kids in squeezable, on-the-go pouches, equipped with a fun punch-in straw. Parents are often misled by marketing that praises the drink's healthy fruit juices. According to new findings from microbiologist Kathleen Dannelly from the Indiana State...
 | 3/26/2013 - Researchers believe that vitamin D3 acts to protect an aging brain and boost overall memory and cognitive function. This is thought to be done by increasing levels of protective antioxidants, increasing key hormones and suppressing a hyperactive immune system that can inflame the neurological circuitry....
 | 3/19/2013 - Though it may come as a surprise to some, many of the dietary and lifestyle "villains" that we have all been told to avoid for the sake of our health are actually good for us. However, a constant onslaught of misinformation from regulatory and health authorities on the subject has bred considerable...
 | 2/9/2013 - Though the mainstream sunscreen and skin care industries have a rather long way to go in correcting certain misinformation propaganda of decades gone by, the market may soon experience at least a slight shift in direction. Initial reports out of Australia indicate that researchers there say a new vitamin...
 | 1/18/2013 - An article in the Huffington Post blog a couple of years ago warned readers to avoid all sunlight all the time. The co-founder of the Melanoma Research Alliance and Broadway producer formed this alliance after her own experience with melanoma on the bottom of her foot.
Maybe she used to go into Central...
 | 11/13/2012 - A recent review on environmental risk factors for multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disorder, summed up a world of scientific evidence on the potential impact of latitude and vitamin D levels on the development of this life-changing illness. Researchers have long suspected a connection between...
 | 7/29/2012 - There's nothing more refreshing than standing in a cool, summertime rain shower. Or bathing in the warm sunlight on a crisp spring day. Or inhaling the cool autumn air, fresh with the scent of turning leaves and pine needles. These things -- rainwater, sunlight, air -- have long been assumed to be not...
 | 7/21/2012 - Most of us are now aware of the importance of Essential Fatty Acids to our overall health and well being. What isn't so commonly discussed; however, is the relationship between EFAs and the sun.
Don't be afraid of the sun
It seems many people are so concerned with covering themselves up from any...
 | 7/20/2012 - "All skin cancer is the result of damage to skin cells," says Lise Alschuler, ND, author of Five to Thrive: Your Cutting-Edge Cancer Prevention Plan.
Skin cell damage is caused by oxidative stress from free radicals, which manifests as sunburn. It's the same process that causes metals to rust and...
 | 7/17/2012 - A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that 70 percent of U.S. children have low levels of vitamin D. "We expected the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency would be high, but the magnitude of the problem nationwide was shocking" says Dr. Juhi Kumar of Children's Hospital at Montefiore Medical...
 | 7/14/2012 - Cooking with the sun is not only eco-friendly, it also contributes to better tasting, more nutritious food. Preparing food in this way encourages energy independence for both developing countries and industrialized nations alike. In areas of the world where disease is on the rise and fuel is in short...
 | 7/8/2012 - When the dog days of summer arrive, it's important to protect not only against sunburn, but heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Overexposure to the sun and excessive heat causes loss of fluids leading to dehydration, low electrolytes and an increase in body temperature. This is caused not only by high...
 | 7/7/2012 - Nietzsche said that we were all Hyperboreans. I'd say that if our culture were any more alienated from Nature, he'd have been better advised to call us all Extraterrestrials. We are, frankly, so removed from Nature that it's hard to take seriously our claim to be a vital part of the planet. More worrisome...
 | 6/30/2012 - Summer provides the opportunity for vitamin D3 and sunbathing and tanning for many who have been confined to the indoors for several months. It is also a time for more outdoor activities under the sun. But overdoing it, especially at first, leads to sunburn for most.
Knowing how to sooth and heal...
 | 6/21/2012 - The health benefits of vitamin D are almost becoming too numerous to count, with yet another new study presented at the recent American Association for Cancer Research Pancreatic Cancer Conference in Lake Tahoe, Nev., shedding light on the hormone's specific anti-cancer benefits. According to the groundbreaking...
 | 6/8/2012 - Many folks still don't know that sunlight is good for you, that it is a wonderful source of vitamin D. That said, you don't want to overexpose your skin to too much sunlight, lest you wind up with a painful sunburn. Then again, you could get a painful burn simply by using sunscreen, believe it or not,...
 | 5/16/2012 - A recent study has shown that a potent sunscreen ingredient, oxybenzone, may be a cause of endometriosis. This condition occurs when uterine tissue grows in abnormal sites in the abdomen and causes severe pain. Women are usually diagnosed because of severe cramping during their periods. In this study...
 | 5/13/2012 - A study that correlated exposure to sunlight with cancer risk found that people exposed to more sunlight had a significantly lower risk of many types of cancer (Lin, 2012). This study followed more than 450,000 white, non-Hispanic subjects aged 50-71 years from diverse geographic areas in the US. Researchers...
 | 1/16/2012 - Though I have spent the last 10 years writing about and defining Natural Allopathic Medicine twenty-five years ago I created Biogenic Medicine, which on a diagnostic level, combines many levels of perception into a holistic framework that amplifies medicine's ability to pinpoint the specific challenges,...
 | 12/27/2011 - There are three types of skin cancer - of which melanoma is the most dangerous and potentially lethal because it can metastasize into other body parts. The other two non-melanoma types, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma, are treatable and not as threatening or able to metastasize as melanoma.
 | 12/14/2011 - You don't need needles, surgery or expensive procedures to get younger looking skin. You can take years off of your appearance without surgical or chemical intervention by following a few guidelines. These practices will help you maintain smoothness, tone and integrity year after year.
The most popular...
 | 12/1/2011 - While the majority of the cancer establishment continues to seek a magic bullet pharmaceutical cure for cancer, another group of physicians has been taking a fresh look at the concept of a nutritional cure. It turns out that preventing, or even reversing, some forms of cancer may involve not the development...
 | 11/10/2011 - Exposing your unprotected skin to natural sunlight and even using a tanning bed are not necessarily the highly dangerous, cancer promoting activities that many in the government and media would have you believe they are.
A new study out of Oslo University Hospital (OUH) in Norway confirms what we...
 | 8/12/2011 - If you spend a lot of time in the sun, and are looking for a way to help naturally protect your skin from potential damage caused by sun exposure, new research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry just might have your answer. Scientists from the University of Barcelona (UB) and...
| 8/10/2011 - One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. According to reports, 65% of new cases of melanoma are related to exposure to UV rays, or the sun. This simple, yet profound fact has led to a mass media campaign advocating liberal use of sunscreen. Unfortunately, critical research on...
| 8/8/2011 - While it is true that we all need regular exposure to sunlight, there are also limits as to how much our skin can take. If you are fair skinned and burn easily, you don't have to apply sun block lotions that are full of chemicals, preservatives and artificial colors and scents. There are actually natural...
| 8/2/2011 - Overexposure to sunlight can have devastating effects on human skin. From minor sunburns to melanoma skin cancer, spending too much time in the sun can result in everything from discomfort to fatal disease. For this reason, preventing overexposure to sunlight has been at the forefront of peoples' minds...
 | 7/24/2011 - The scientific process, as any experienced researcher can attest, provides a kind of road map through the forest of the natural world. By developing hypotheses and designing methods by which to test them, we use the scientific process to make the abstract world more concrete.
Once we clarify our...
| 7/19/2011 - Before you lather up with sunscreen for a long day outside you should look at what is actually in the bottle. These lotions contain chemical mixtures that have been proven to block UVA & UVB radiation exposure and prevent sunburn. These chemical cocktails are now linked to serious health consequences...
 | 7/14/2011 - A new report issued by the consumer protection organization Environmental Working Group (EWG) reveals that many popular sunscreens contain ingredients known to spur the growth and spread of skin cancer cells, which defeats their stated purpose of preventing skin cancer.
Data indicates that the sun's...
| 7/6/2011 - This time of year, people are going to pools, water parks, and golfing, riding horses, and enjoying time at lakes and beaches. Many people are enjoying the sun for the vitamin D benefits. Enjoying the sun can also restore optimal levels of melatonin in the brain. Summer is a time in which to respect...
 | 6/26/2011 - The absurdity of many US government recommendations would be humorous if not for the millions of Americans that take them seriously. The latest pseudo-scientific nonsense being peddled by Big Brother is the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) ignorant claim that sunlight is dangerous, and that only...
 | 6/25/2011 - Ask somebody about sunscreen and you're likely to receive an earful of disinformation from a person who has been repeatedly misinformed by health authorities and the mainstream media. Almost nothing you hear about sunscreen from traditional media channels is accurate. So here's a quick guide to the...
 | 6/23/2011 - The FDA has the media and subsequently many Americans in a (perhaps unjustified) uproar about teens using tanning beds, and they are now pushing to ban tanning for people under 18. It is time to set some of this witch-hunting straight.
The ruckus comes in the wake of a report that was released last...
 | 5/27/2011 - Since the 1980s, physicians and cancer groups have regularly warned the public against the potential health dangers of direct sunlight on skin. As a result, many people have stayed out of the sunlight completely, covered their limbs even in warm weather or slathered themselves with UV protection products,...
| 5/26/2011 - Marketing is a powerful tool used to shape and influence beliefs. Often these beliefs fail to hold up under scrutiny. The ritualistic use of sunscreen lotion for the purpose of preventing skin cancer is one such belief. The fact that the American Cancer Society recommends every man, woman, and child...
 | 5/17/2011 - The debate about sunscreens rages on. Dermatologists advise slathering up every day. Nutritionists and holistic doctors advise sun exposure to get vitamin D. Some even say sunscreens cause cancer, and a disturbing study showed that people who used more commercial sunscreen had more melanoma.
 | 4/29/2011 1:55:39 PM - Is it true that those who suffer from Multiple sclerosis (MS) just need a little sun? Researchers at the University of Oxford seem to think so. In 2006, a study by the Journal of the American Medical Association suggested higher levels of vitamin D might decrease overall risk of developing MS. Now researchers...
| 3/23/2011 - The bone disease rickets, thought to be all but vanquished in the 1940s, is making a comeback in the United Kingdom, doctors have warned.
Rickets is a bone-softening disease caused by vitamin D deficiency. In severe cases, it can lead to deformities that can only be corrected with surgery, such as...
 | 3/13/2011 - Exposing skin to natural sunlight every day is the best way for the body to receive adequate levels of health-promoting and disease-preventing vitamin D. But in what can only be described as carrying on a legacy of pseudo-scientific stupidity, the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention (NCSCP) --...
 | 3/13/2011 - A 12-year-old girl living on the Isle of Wright in southern Britain developed a severe vitamin D deficiency verging on rickets because her mother never let her go outside without sunscreen on.
Rickets is a painful and potentially deformity-causing bone softening disease caused by vitamin D deficiency....
| 2/25/2011 - Both vitamin D and exposure to sunshine are known to provide protection against many forms of potentially deadly cancer lines. The combination of both supplemental vitamin D and moderate sunlight provide a synergistic effect that is shown to dramatically lower the risk of developing breast cancer. Many...
| 2/17/2011 - 'Remember 1999, the good old days, when the darkest cloud on the horizon was Y2K? Before the tech bubble bust and recession, 911, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and Katrina? Since the first decade of 2000 opened, it's been one mess after another with hardly a year off between calamities,' writes Eric...
| 2/16/2011 - It has been a brutal winter here in the Northeast, and I seem to have seen more patients this year suffering with a touch of the winter blues, also known as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Symptoms may include a tendency to oversleep, difficulty waking up in the morning, carbohydrate craving, getting...
| 2/8/2011 - For decades, scientists have noticed something odd about the condition known as multiple sclerosis (MS). This chronic disease of the brain and spinal cord is less likely to occur in people who live in warmer climates than those dwelling in colder places. Now a study published in the February 8, 2011,...
| 2/8/2011 - Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen recently made the bold move of publicly denouncing conventional sunscreens. According to a report in the New York Daily News Bundchen called the toxic lotions "poison," and said that she never puts any synthetic chemicals on her body.
"I cannot put this poison...
 | 1/18/2011 - As NaturalNews has covered for years, researchers have found a profound link between breast cancer and low levels of vitamin D ( Women with the lowest blood levels have the highest breast cancer risk and those dying of metastasized disease...
| 12/25/2010 - Seven U.K. health organizations, including Cancer Research U.K. and the National Osteoporosis Society, recently made a joint announcement that the population needs to get more sun. Reversing decades of warnings about the supposed dangers of sun exposure, the groups now cooperatively agree that humans...
 | 12/19/2010 - Seven leading health groups in the UK have announced a "definitive statement" that reverses decades of ignorant opposition to sunlight exposure. This statement admits what NaturalNews has been teaching for years: That sunlight exposure is good for you and that people should seek to expose themselves...
| 10/27/2010 - A major British cancer organization is preparing a new position statement on sun exposure that may acknowledge vitamin D deficiency as an effect of sun avoidance.
"Cancer Research UK's SunSmart campaign encourages people to enjoy the sun safely and avoid exposures that lead to sunburn," reads the...
| 9/26/2010 - Enemies of the sun continue to harp on the public about the alleged, but unsubstantiated, dangers of sunlight exposure. Earlier this year, it was tanning beds that were the boogeymen, but now the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is going after the sun directly, suggesting that people...
| 9/17/2010 - For years we have been told to avoid the sun due to the "damaging" effects of UV radiation. The newest research has shown that the sun's rays do much more good than harm. The sun's ability to charge our bodies with vitamin D makes it extremely powerful at minimizing free radical damage and maintaining...
 | 9/15/2010 - Gwyneth Paltrow has revealed to her online fans that she has a severe vitamin D deficiency. "My doctors tested my vitamin D levels which turned out to be the lowest thing they had never seen -- not a good thing," she said earlier this month. She then went on to reveal she is suffering from osteopenia,...
| 8/31/2010 - After a disappointing few weeks of overcast skies and inconvenient showers, Britons have been hoping for a sunnier end to August. However, recent newspapers headlines have poured scorn on the idea of even going outside for a lunchtime stroll; apparently, they claim a midday walk will cause cancer!
| 7/22/2010 - Exposure to sunlight, we are often told, is dangerous and can lead to melanoma, also known as skin cancer. But a group of U.K. researchers recently published a report in the British Journal of Dermatology decrying the scare campaigns put out by government and cancer societies that warn against the supposed...
| 7/10/2010 - "Barefoot sun walking" isn`t a term you`ll find on Wikipedia. But it is a way to simultaneously tap into two of nature`s most powerful healing forces. The term relates to the intersection of the sun and the earth and how they can combine to provide you with a wealth of health benefits. Quite simply,...
 | 7/6/2010 - We've all been told that sunlight causes skin cancer. This message has been drilled into our heads for so long that most people actually believe it. But what if this "truth" was actually a medical myth? What if dermatologists and health experts didn't know the whole story? What if their explanations...
| 7/1/2010 - Most experts agree people should use sunscreens to protect their skin from the sun, but there is wide disagreement on how well they actually work. In addition, other than sunburn prevention, little is known about their safety.
The Food and Drug Administration's 2007 sunscreen safety regulations draft...
| 6/27/2010 - Most people would identify sun exposure as the primary risk factor for getting skin cancer, but few would think of antibiotics as a contributing factor to this deadly disease. Yet there is an entire class of antibiotics that are known to cause a condition known as photocarcinogenesis that can multiply...
| 6/18/2010 - As springtime heads into summer, our thoughts often turn to fun in the sun. Sometimes though, we overdo it and end up with a painful sunburn. While some daily sunshine is extremely healthy, the best idea is to avoid too much sun exposure at one time. When you do get too much sun, promptly take steps...
| 6/10/2010 - A further attempt at suppressing the Vitamin D levels of the UK population was recently instigated by one of the country's largest cancer charities. The results of a recent Cancer Research epidemiological study, which looked into the rate of specific skin cancer in men, were pounced upon by the organisation...
| 5/13/2010 - Tomatoes have well-documented health benefits. The red pigment contained in tomatoes is called lycopene which acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that can damage cells in the body. Tomatoes also contain large amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium and iron. Growing tomatoes at home...
| 4/16/2010 - Canadian doctors and nutritionists are urging dark-skinned immigrants coming to Canada to supplement with vitamin D in order to stay healthy. Many Canadian immigrants have relocated from countries with warmer, sunnier climates, and are exposed to far less natural sunshine in Canada than in their native...
 | 4/8/2010 - It's not a new idea that multiple sclerosis (MS) is somehow tied to sunlight -- or, rather, the lack of adequate exposure to sunlight. For more than three decades, researchers have noted that MS is much more common in higher latitudes than in the tropics. So, because bright sunlight is more abundant...
 | 3/12/2010 - There is an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency sweeping across our modern world, and it's an epidemic of such depth and seriousness that it makes the H1N1 swine flu epidemic look like a case of the sniffles by comparison. Vitamin D deficiency is not only alarmingly widespread, it's also a root cause of...
| 3/9/2010 - A clinical review paper published in the British Medical Journal is warning the public that widespread vitamin D deficiency is resurrecting the once-obsolete disease called rickets. According to Professor Simon Pearce and Dr. Time Cheetham, authors of the paper, people are getting far too little sunlight...
| 2/4/2010 - Public health warnings about the skin cancer risks associated with sun exposure have led people to avoid sunlight to such an extent that vitamin D deficiencies have now become widespread, according to a study conducted by researchers from King's College London.
The body produces vitamin D upon exposure...
| 12/7/2009 - Vitamin D is best known for its anti-cancer effects, but suddenly, following a flurry of recent research, it's becoming increasingly recognized for its ability to prevent diseases like diabetes and depression. Now heart disease is also emerging as a chronic health condition that vitamin D can help prevent.
| 11/25/2009 - The fact that vitamin D prevents cancer is now so well known that even some conventional physicians are beginning to recommend it. Vitamin D prevents 77% of all cancers, after all. That's as close to a "cure" for cancer as you'll ever get (and it's free, too, since you can make it yourself!).
| 11/18/2009 - The first part of this article began a series of questions and answers aimed at introducing vitamin D and describing its importance to health. This part continues the series with a focus on sources of vitamin D, along with information on appropriate dosing.
Where do I get Vitamin D?
The body can...
| 10/28/2009 - In the wide world of supplements, vitamin D is the superstar. For the last few years, this humble nutrient has been featured prominently in allopathic and alternative circles alike. It has basked in the rays of media publicity, and has survived an onslaught of scientific scrutiny. And while such widespread...
| 10/13/2009 - You've heard the good news about vitamin D for years: It's a "miracle" medicine that reduces cancer rates by 77% according to previous research ( It also happens to be a powerful anti-cancer medicine that can both prevent and help...
| 10/9/2009 - You've heard the good news about vitamin D for years: It's a "miracle" medicine that reduces cancer rates by 77% according to previous research ( It also happens to be a powerful anti-cancer medicine that can both prevent and help...
| 8/26/2009 - Ignored for years, today vitamin D is a superstar. Here`s what you need to know about this vitally important nutrient, including how to make certain you`re getting enough vitamin D to protect your health.
According to conventional wisdom, we should be wary of anything that sounds too good to be true....
| 8/12/2009 - Now that much of the Northern Hemisphere is well into the summer and the sun is blazing relentlessly in the sky, the idea of sunscreen and sun consumption is on a lot of people's minds. But before lathering on that sunscreen, there are a few things that might be important about how this simple action...
| 6/21/2009 - How exciting it is as summer season approaches. The days are warm and flowers and trees are in full bloom. We venture outdoors for family outings and create great memories we may look upon during the cold winter months that lay ahead. If there is anything that can put a damper on a beautiful summer,...
| 5/15/2009 - A letter published in the April 30 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine states that almost half of critically ill patients in intensive care units (ICUs) are deficient in vitamin D, a common thread increasingly being linked to all sorts of adverse health conditions. Dr. Paul Lee, an endocrinologist...
| 4/30/2009 - Sunflowers are the earthly representation of the sun. They have such an affinity for the life giving force that they twist on their stems so their faces can bask in sunlight all through the day. Photons from the sun are stored in the DNA of the sunflower, making its seed resonate with the photons in...
| 4/8/2009 - Of all the hare-brained ideas about climate change I've heard in the last few years, this one takes the grand prize: John Holdren, the new science advisor to President Obama, is actively considering radical geoengineering ideas in order to halt global warming. One such idea now being discussed with...
| 4/8/2009 - Cancer statistics are mind boggling. Although the final numbers are not in yet, the American Cancer Society estimates the U.S. death toll from cancer in 2008 will be 565,650 people. About one third of these deaths are related to excessive weight or obesity, physical inactivity, and nutrition. About...
| 2/3/2009 - The weather really does affect our moods and health as dramatically as it can affect our roads. Everyone has noticed it to some degree throughout their lives. Folks living in hot climates with the sun looming viciously overhead notice an energy level entirely different from those living further north....
| 2/2/2009 - For the past 18 months, I've been working on building a new research library consisting of over 1200 books on natural health topics. Through some rather advanced technologies that took me far longer to build than I originally anticipated, I'm now able to locate and collect, within minutes, paragraphs...
 | 2/2/2009 - Botox is the fastest growing treatment for wrinkles. 3,181,592 people were injected with botox in the United States alone last year, and it is becoming incredibly popular in another 75 countries where it has been approved. Yet this is a toxic poison so dangerous that it could actually be used as a "weapon...
| 1/23/2009 - There are different types of skin cancers; however, the skin cancer to take steps to prevent is melanoma. Melanoma can be seemingly small (the size of a dime) and yet metastasize in the body and bring a death sentence quite quickly. The other types of skin cancer, basal cell and squamous cell, are typically...
| 1/21/2009 - As the days grow short in winter, your body may be missing invaluable Vitamin D needed for optimum health and disease prevention, according to Creighton University researcher Joan Lappe, Ph.D.
During the summer, the body can convert solar energy into ample amounts of vitamin D with just 10-15 minutes...
 | 12/13/2008 - This article is about how you can prevent and cure cancer with a bottle of flax oil and a carton of cottage cheese. As incredible as this may seem, it is a truth that has been well proven and documented. It is also a truth that has been vigorously suppressed because the cancer industry is big business...
 | 10/22/2008 - Over the last year, the evidence has been mounting that getting enough vitamin D is absolutely essential for our health and wellbeing. Without question, the best source of vitamin D comes from sunshine, the source of all life. This is contrary to the advice that has been given in the past, and is still...
 | 10/19/2008 - With Breast Cancer Awareness month fully upon us once again, retail stores have been invaded with everything pink, including "pink ribbon" candies and personal care products made with blatantly cancer-causing ingredients. Retail grocery stores like Safeway even hit up customers for donations at the...
 | 10/1/2008 - In the midst of this beautiful summer, make sure to take a small break from the daily grind to do a little sun worshipping -- for your health! The UVB rays from the sun are bursting with protective vitamin D, an important nutrient for your bones, your heart, your immune system and your happiness. So...
 | 9/29/2008 - Many parts of the country are starting to feel the chill bite of Autumn approaching. But there are many people in this country and around the globe who are still enjoying the outdoors in the hot sun. Particularly those who live near the Equator. For those still enjoying the sun, it's important to get...
 | 9/27/2008 - This article is about how you can prevent and cure cancer with a bottle of flax oil and a carton of cottage cheese. As incredible as this may seem, it is a truth that has been well proven and documented. It is also a truth that has been vigorously suppressed because the cancer industry is big business...
 | 9/19/2008 - Sun gazing has been made possible by Hira Ratan Manek. He was told by many different Gurus that his life's purpose was to bring the sun's energy down to earth. Eventually he discovered sun gazing, and has since made it increasingly popular.
Hira Ratan Manek is no ordinary man. The sun gazing has...
 | 9/12/2008 - Summer is the time to enjoy being outside and feeling revitalized after the winter. Many people find that they feel healthier and more vibrant during this season. There are many things that will ensure that we enjoy good health and wellbeing all summer long. Here are 5 fun ways to keep well.
 | 8/26/2008 - There is new evidence that recommends that daily Vitamin D intake should be ten times higher than the current U.S. RDA. When Vitamin D levels were studied in 1997 it was concluded that low levels were normal. There was speculation that this had an anti-cancer effect.
Numerous studies since that time...
 | 8/16/2008 - Summer is the time to enjoy being outside and feeling revitalized after the winter. Many people find that they feel healthier and more vibrant during this season. There are many things that will ensure that we enjoy good health and wellbeing all summer long. Here are 5 fun ways to keep well.
| See all 408 sun feature articles.Concept-related articles:Modern medicine:Technology:Western medicine:Cancer:Clinical depression:Bone density:Prescription drugs:Vitamin D:Prostate cancer:Natural sunlight:Phototherapy:Vibrational medicine:Evolution:Surgeons:Surgery:Breast cancer:
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