Sugars news, articles and information:
 | 3/20/2015 - Around 20 years ago, food labels were introduced to help Americans consume a healthier and more nutritious diet. Recently, the FDA looked at these labels and came up with a list of possible changes, which they felt were necessary to meet the needs of the American public and create more transparency...
 | 6/22/2014 - Over the past 25 years, the prevalence of diabetes has risen substantially in the U.S. (1) Today, nearly 26 million Americans have diabetes, including 7 million people who have not been diagnosed. Almost 2 million men and women are diagnosed with diabetes each year -- that's more than 5,200 each day....
 | 4/20/2014 - When Eve O. Schaub could hardly get through one day before running out of energy, she chalked it up as normal, nodding her head in agreement over all the television commercials that constantly sell energy-boosting products. But after looking beyond the so-called promises of energy drinks, Schaub discovered...
 | 2/12/2014 - Many Americans were already aware that excessive sugar in their diets could cause a number of health problems, but a new study has found that too much of the sweet stuff can actually lead to premature death.
According to researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), too much...
 | 8/21/2013 - The results of research findings over the past 20 years have scientists urging governments to tax sugar in the same way as other harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol are. These addictive substances have high abuse potential, and any amount of their consumption is associated with an increase in...
 | 3/12/2012 - A coalition of consumer advocacy groups, health organizations, and food and nutrition groups has officially called on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to enact new labeling requirements for foods that contain added sugars. The Environmental Working Group (EWG), the American Heart Association,...
| 2/14/2011 - Although most people still believe that eating saturated fats and cholesterol is the greatest risk factor in developing heart disease, the real threat comes from refined sugars in the diet. A new study finds that even teenagers who consume too many added sugars in soft drinks and foods develop high...
| 3/1/2010 - Sugar may give you a temporary energy boost, but too much sugar exacts a toll on your health. This is not breaking news. So why did the American Heart Association issue a new scientific statement on "Dietary Sugars Intake and Cardiovascular Health?" Linda Van Horn is professor of preventive medicine...
| 9/23/2009 - The word is out about the dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup. This sticky sweet substance shows up in nearly all processed foods and headlines in soft drinks. Studies have linked HFCS to obesity. Caution should be practiced though as sugar in general has gotten a bad rep in the past years. Diets like...
| 6/17/2009 - According to the Corn Refiners Association, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is no worse for you than any other dietary carbohydrate. Many health experts, however, disagree, warning consumers that HFCS is strongly correlated with diabetes and obesity.
Today, we bring you selected quotes about HFCS...
 | 11/20/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at In this excerpt, Dr. Doug Graham shares on fats, sugars and the body.
Renegade Roundtable with Dr. Doug Graham is a lifetime athlete and 27-year raw fooder. He's been an...
 | 4/23/2008 - By far the chief wreckers of our health today are sugars and bad fats. So which are the good ones and which ones are bad? My aim is to enable you to make better food choices for you and your family.
Sugars are more than just the white grains you put in your coffee or tea. Sugars are also...
 | 2/7/2008 - I often get asked to write down some basic rules of what to eat and what not to eat. There's a lot of information out there but it's often fragmented and, even worse, contradictory. All I can do is give you my vision on fatal and vital foods. I base this on nothing but common sense. Here goes.
 | 11/14/2007 - The incidence of people with bowel troubles is on the rise in the western world. Though the afflictions bear several names, it is my belief that all of them are fungus based. Various species of candida, most notably candida albicans, are at the root of these problems. How do they enter into your system?...
 | 6/1/2005 - The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recently announced a three-year, multi-million dollar alliance with Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages (CSAB) to help combat obesity and diabetes in America by stressing the importance of making smart nutritional choices.
According to an ADA press release...
| 8/6/2004 - A new study carried out by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health reveals a strong correlation between the consumption of refined carbohydrates -- especially refined white sugar -- and increased risk of breast cancer. This is apparently a major "eureka" for these scientists, who are just...
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